2017년 3월 9일 목요일

Tadashi Hatakeyama existence

Tadashi Hatakeyama existence

The Tadashi Hatakeyama existence (spend it and I quit it and am a mountain in age unknown - Eikyo 12 years (1440)?) is a daimyo of the middle of Muromachi era. 嫡男 of the second present head of a household, Yoshitada Hatakeyama of Noto Hatakeyama. It is 義統, Masakuni for a child.


I am born as 嫡男 of father, Yoshitada. I give 治部少輔. It is 阿波守 later. The wife is Takeuchi. I dedicated 100 kinds of 31-syllable Japanese poems to Iwashimizu Hachiman shrine for celebrity as a writer daimyo. In addition, not only I held a poem competition at an own residence, but also performed a poem competition in Kitano Corporation, and the song name built the cultural maturational foundation of the のちの Noto Hatakeyamas highly [1].

In about 1440, a camp is rejected on a road toward the riot suppression. Because it was the death that I led father, the birthright was inherited afterwards in 義統 which was the eldest son of the justice existence by Yoshitada.


  1. It is page 66 ^ "Kokugakuin magazine" (1965)

This article is taken from the Japanese Wikipedia Tadashi Hatakeyama existence

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