2017년 3월 30일 목요일

Narumi Suzuki

Narumi Suzuki

Narumi Suzuki
Basic information
Nationality Japanese flag Japan
Hometown Shizuoka
The date of birth (1986-10-15) 1986October 15(30 years old)
Height 151cm
The weight 43 kg
Blood type Type AB
Motorboat race player information
Position Shizuoka Branch
Registration number 4244
The registration period 92 quarters
Class B1 grade
Characteristic Free
The player results
Debut day 2003May 8
Main acquisition title
I display a template

The motorboat race player that Narumi Suzuki (sea bass Narumi, October 15, 1986 -) is from Shizuoka. Registration number 4244. 150cm tall. Blood type type AB. 92 quarters. Shizuoka Branch position. There are 大峯豊, Toshi Matsumura, Ayumu Nishimura and others in the same period.

Table of contents


Person, episode

  • A start excels others among the female athletes and decides a start in an early timing of the A1 grade player regular. By the way, father, Tatsumi is the start master who competes for one or two in the automatic racing world.


Allied item

Outside link

This article is taken from the Japanese Wikipedia Narumi Suzuki

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