List of New Zealand wild birds
With the list of New Zealand wild birds, I show the check list of the wild bird observed in New Zealand.
The New Zealand is located in the Australian region (creature geography ward). Because was separated from other continents early as well as the Australian Continent; (67) with many original endemic species.
There were not originally mammals for ecosystem of New Zealand except few bats at all. Therefore, in form to get into the niche which there was in the section, adaptation evolves as a ground breath thing, and there are a lot of kinds that have thrown away ability to fly. As an example more (extinct species), a kiwi, an owl parrot (カカポ), タカヘ, a New Zealand water rail. In addition, a lot of of the these "bird which cannot fly" is driven into the extinction or the endangered situation as a cause by the competition with predation, a deer and the mouse due to the human being and a lot of carnivorous animal since a human being (Maori) makes Kurushima in the ninth century and brings in various mammals.
Table of contents
Ostrich eyes
Kiwi department
- Apteryx australis, w:Brown Kiwi, kiwi, endemic species
- Apteryx owenii, w:Little Spotted Kiwi, co-cod kiwi, endemic species Vulnerable
- Apteryx haastii, w:Great Spotted Kiwi, オオマダラキーウィ, endemic species Vulnerable
- Apteryx mantelli, w:North Island Brown Kiwi, endemic species
- Alectoris chukar, w:Chukar, chukar partridge, introduced species
- Alectoris rufa, w:Red-legged Partridge, redleg, introduced species
- Perdix perdix, w:Grey Partridge, European partridge, introduced species
- Coturnix novaezelandiae, w:New Zealand Quail, New Zealand quail, endemic species Extinct
- Coturnix ypsilophora, w:Swamp Quail, ヌマウズラ, introduced species
- Phasianus colchicus, w:Common Pheasant, pheasant, introduced species
- Pavo cristatus, w:Indian Peafowl, India peacock, introduced species
- Meleagris gallopavo, w:Wild Turkey, turkey, introduced species
Guinea hen department
- Numida meleagris, w:Helmeted Guineafowl, Guinea hen, introduced species
Naan bay quail department
- Callipepla californica, w:California Quail, California quail, introduced species
- Colinus virginianus, w:Northern Bobwhite, bobwhite, introduced species
Duck eyes
Tree duck department
- Dendrocygna eytoni, w:Plumed Whistling-Duck, カザリリュウキュウガモ, stray bird
Duck department
- Cygnus olor, w:Mute Swan, mute swan, introduced species
- Cygnus atratus, w:Black Swan, black swan, introduced species
- Branta canadensis, w:Canada Goose, kana Dagan, introduced species
- Cereopsis novaehollandiae, w:Cape Barren Goose, ロウバシガン, stray bird
- Tadorna tadornoides, w:Australian Shelduck, クビワアカツクシガモ, stray bird
- Tadorna variegata, w:Paradise Shelduck, black dirt shelduck, endemic species
- Malacorhynchus membranaceus, w:Pink-eared Duck, サザナミオオハシガモ, stray bird
- Hymenolaimus malacorhynchos, w:Blue Duck, アオヤマガモ, endemic species Endangered
- Chenonetta jubata, w:Maned Duck, wood duck, stray bird
- Anas platyrhynchos, w:Mallard, mallard, introduced species
- Anas superciliosa, w:Pacific Black Duck, Siberian thrush spotbill duck
- Anas rhynchotis, w:Australian Shoveler, ミカヅキハシビロガモ
- Anas clypeata, w:Northern Shoveler, shoveler, stray bird
- Anas gracilis, w:Grey Teal, ハイイロコガモ
- Anas chlorotis, w:Brown Teal, チャイロコガモ, Vulnerable
- Anas aucklandica, w:Auckland Teal, クリイロコガモ, endemic species
- Aythya australis, w:Hardhead, オーストラリアメジロガモ, stray bird
- Aythya novaeseelandiae, w:New Zealand Scaup, New Zealand bluebill, endemic species
- Mergus australis, w:Auckland Islands Merganser, Oakland Industry Standard Architecture, endemic species Extinct
Broad-billed roller eyes
Broad-billed roller department
- Eurystomus orientalis, w:Dollarbird, broad-billed roller, stray bird
Show bottle department
- Dacelo novaeguineae, w:Laughing Kookaburra, laughing kookaburra, introduced species
- Todiramphus sanctus, w:Sacred Kingfisher, elbow re-show bottle
Cuckoo eyes
Cuckoo department
- Cuculus saturatus, w:Oriental Cuckoo, Himalayan cuckoo, stray bird
- Cuculus pallidus, w:Pallid Cuckoo, ハイイロカッコウ, stray bird
- Cacomantis flabelliformis, w:Fan-tailed Cuckoo, ウチワヒメカッコウ, stray bird
- Chrysococcyx lucidus, w:Shining Bronze-Cuckoo, ヨコジマテリカッコウ
- Eudynamys taitensis, w:Long-tailed Koel, pheasant cuckoo, chisel breeding in the level
- Scythrops novaehollandiae, w:Channel-billed Cuckoo, オオオニカッコウ, stray bird
Parrot eyes
Parrot department
- Cacatua roseicapilla, w:Galah, galah, introduced species
- The Cacatua galerita, w:Sulphur-crested Cockatoo, tusk tongue, introduced species
- Nestor notabilis, w:Kea, Miyama parrot, endemic species Vulnerable
- Nestor meridionalis, w:New Zealand Kaka, Kaka, endemic species Vulnerable
- Platycercus elegans, w:Crimson Rosella, アカクサインコ, introduced species
- Platycercus eximius, w:Eastern Rosella, rosella, introduced species
- Cyanoramphus unicolor, w:Antipodes Parakeet, ムジアオハシインコ, endemic species Vulnerable
- Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae, w:Red-fronted Parakeet, アオハシインコ
- Cyanoramphus auriceps, w:Yellow-fronted Parakeet, キガシラアオハシインコ, endemic species
- Strigops habroptilus, w:Kakapo, owl parrot, endemic species Critically endangered
White-rumped swift eyes
White-rumped swift department
- Hirundapus caudacutus, w:White-throated Needletail, spinetail, stray bird
- Apus pacificus, w:Fork-tailed Swift, white-rumped swift, stray bird
Owl eyes
Barn owl department
- Tyto alba, w:Barn Owl, barn owl, stray bird
Owl department
- Athene noctua, w:Little Owl, コキンメフクロウ, introduced species
- Ninox novaeseelandiae, w:Morepork, boobook owl
- Sceloglaux albifacies, w:Laughing Owl, laughter owl, endemic species Extinct
Dove department
- Columba livia, w:Rock Pigeon, rock dove, introduced species
- Streptopelia chinensis, w:Spotted Dove, カノコバト, introduced species
- Streptopelia roseogrisea, w:African Collared-Dove, バライロシラコバト, introduced species
- Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae, w:New Zealand Pigeon, new Zelan domestic pigeon, endemic species Near threatened
Crane eyes
Crane department
Water rail department
- Gallirallus australis, w:Weka, New Zealand water rail, endemic species Vulnerable
- Gallirallus philippensis, w:Buff-banded Rail, naan Yaw water rail
- Gallirallus dieffenbachii, w:Dieffenbach's Rail, チャタムオビクイナ, endemic species Extinct
- Gallirallus modestus, w:Chatham Islands Rail, チャタムクイナ, endemic species Extinct
- Lewinia pectoralis, w:Lewin's Rail, Australia water rail
- Lewinia muelleri, w:Auckland Islands Rail, Oakland water rail, endemic species Vulnerable
- Porzana pusilla, w:Baillon's Crake, ヒメクイナ
- Porzana tabuensis, w:Spotless Crake, Minami black water rail
- Porphyrio porphyrio, w:Purple Swamphen, purple gallinule
- Porphyrio mantelli, w:Takahē, タカヘ, endemic species Endangered
- Gallinula tenebrosa, w:Dusky Moorhen, ネッタイバン, stray bird
- Gallinula ventralis, w:Black-tailed Native-hen, Oguro van, stray bird
- Fulica atra, w:Common Coot, coot
Stork eyes
Snipe department
- Gallinago hardwickii, w:Latham's Snipe, Latham's snipe, stray bird
- Coenocorypha pusilla, w:Chatham Islands Snipe, チャタムジシギ, endemic species Vulnerable
- Coenocorypha aucklandica, w:Subantarctic Snipe, old days disnipe, endemic species Near threatened
- Limosa limosa, w:Black-tailed Godwit, black-tailed godwit
- Limosa haemastica, w:Hudsonian Godwit, United States black-tailed godwit
- Limosa lapponica, w:Bar-tailed Godwit, オオソリハシシギ
- Numenius minutus, w:Little Curlew, co-curlew, stray bird
- Numenius phaeopus, w:Whimbrel, whimbrel
- Numenius hudsonicus, w:Hudsonian Curlew, Hudson whimbrel
- Numenius tahitiensis, w:Bristle-thighed Curlew, tension peach whimbrel, stray bird Vulnerable
- Numenius madagascariensis, w:Far Eastern Curlew, ホウロクシギ, Near threatened
- Bartramia longicauda, w:Upland Sandpiper, uplander, stray bird
- Tringa stagnatilis, w:Marsh Sandpiper, co-greenshank, stray bird
- Tringa nebularia, w:Common Greenshank, greenshank, stray bird
- Tringa flavipes, w:Lesser Yellowlegs, lesser yellowlegs, stray bird
- Tringa cinerea, w:Terek Sandpiper, ソリハシシギ, stray bird
- Tringa hypoleucos, w:Common Sandpiper, common sandpiper, stray bird
- Tringa brevipes, w:Grey-tailed Tattler, yellowlegs
- Tringa incana, w:Wandering Tattler, tattler, stray bird
- Arenaria interpres, w:Ruddy Turnstone, ruddy turnstone
- Limnodromus semipalmatus, w:Asian Dowitcher, Siberia dowitcher, stray bird Near threatened
- Calidris tenuirostris, w:Great Knot, aunt snipe, stray bird
- Calidris canutus, w:Red Knot, co-aunt snipe
- Calidris alba, w:Sanderling, sandling
- Calidris mauri, w:Western Sandpiper, western sandpiper, stray bird
- Calidris minuta, w:Little Stint, ヨーロッパトウネン, stray bird
- Calidris ruficollis, w:Red-necked Stint, トウネン
- Calidris minutilla, w:Least Sandpiper, United States least sandpiper, stray bird
- Calidris fuscicollis, w:White-rumped Sandpiper, white-rumped sandpiper, stray bird
- Calidris bairdii, w:Baird's Sandpiper, ヒメウズラシギ, stray bird
- Calidris melanotos, w:Pectoral Sandpiper, grass snipe, stray bird
- Calidris acuminata, w:Sharp-tailed Sandpiper, quail snipe
- Calidris alpina, w:Dunlin, dunlin, stray bird
- Calidris ferruginea, w:Curlew Sandpiper, monkey dunlin
- Limicola falcinellus, w:Broad-billed Sandpiper, drill eye, stray bird
- Philomachus pugnax, w:Ruff, ruff, stray bird
- Phalaropus tricolor, w:Wilson's Phalarope, United States finfoot snipe, stray bird
- Phalaropus lobatus, w:Red-necked Phalarope, dirt Eri finfoot snipe, stray bird
- Phalaropus fulicaria, w:Red Phalarope, red phalarope, stray bird
Painted snipe department
- Rostratula benghalensis, w:Greater Painted-snipe, painted snipe, stray bird
Plover department
- Haematopus finschi, w:South Island Oystercatcher, Minami oysterbird, endemic species
- Haematopus unicolor, w:Variable Oystercatcher, New Zealand oysterbird, endemic species
- Haematopus chathamensis, w:Chatham Oystercatcher, チャタムミヤコドリ, endemic species Endangered
- Himantopus leucocephalus, w:White-headed Stilt, Australia longshanks
- Himantopus novaezelandiae, w:Black Stilt, black longshanks, endemic species Critically endangered
- Recurvirostra novaehollandiae, w:Red-necked Avocet, アカガシラソリハシセイタカシギ, stray bird
- Pluvialis fulva, w:Pacific Golden-Plover, American golden plover
- Pluvialis dominica, w:American Golden-Plover, United States American golden plover, stray bird
- Pluvialis squatarola, w:Grey Plover, black-bellied plover
- Charadrius obscurus, w:Red-breasted Plover, New Zealand plover, endemic species Vulnerable
- Charadrius hiaticula, w:Common Ringed Plover, ring plover, stray bird
- Charadrius ruficapillus, w:Red-capped Plover, dirt Eri snowy plover, stray bird
- Charadrius bicinctus, w:Double-banded Plover, tea Ob plover
- Charadrius mongolus, w:Mongolian Plover, Ocycrius japonicus plover
- Charadrius leschenaultii, w:Greater Sand Plover, オオメダイチドリ
- Charadrius veredus, w:Oriental Plover, オオチドリ, stray bird
- Thinornis novaeseelandiae, w:Shore Plover, throat bizarrerie plover, endemic species Endangered
- Erythrogonys cinctus, w:Red-kneed Dotterel, side dirt plover, stray bird
- Anarhynchus frontalis, w:Wrybill, ハシマガリチドリ, endemic species Vulnerable
- Elseyornis melanops, w:Black-fronted Dotterel, カタアカチドリ
- Vanellus miles, w:Masked Lapwing, ズグロトサカゲリ
Pratincole department
- Glareola maldivarum, w:Oriental Pratincole, pratincole, stray bird
Gull department
- Stercorarius longicaudus, w:Long-tailed Jaeger, long-tailed jaeger, stray bird
- Stercorarius parasiticus, w:Parasitic Jaeger, arctic skua
- Stercorarius pomarinus, w:Pomarine Jaeger, jaeger
- Stercorarius maccormicki, w:South Polar Skua, ナンキョクオオトウゾクカモメ, stray bird
- Stercorarius lonnbergi, w:Brown Skua, チャイロオオトウゾクカモメ
- Larus dominicanus, w:Kelp Gull, Mina Mio Ose bizarrerie gull
- Larus novaehollandiae, w:Silver Gull, Gin gull
- Larus scopulinus, w:Red-billed Gull, アカハシギンカモメ, endemic species
- Larus bulleri, w:Black-billed Gull, ハシグロカモメ, endemic species Vulnerable
- Sterna nilotica, w:Gull-billed Tern, gull-billed tern, stray bird
- Sterna caspia, w:Caspian Tern, Caspian tern
- Sterna bergii, w:Great Crested-Tern, オオアジサシ, stray bird
- Sterna striata, w:White-fronted Tern, シロビタイアジサシ, chisel breeding in the level
- Sterna hirundo, w:Common Tern, tern, stray bird
- Sterna paradisaea, w:Arctic Tern, arctic tern, stray bird
- Sterna vittata, w:Antarctic Tern, naan arctic tern
- Sterna albifrons, w:Little Tern, fairy bird
- Sterna nereis, w:Fairy Tern, ヒメアジサシ
- Sterna anaethetus, w:Bridled Tern, Siberian thrush tern, stray bird
- Sterna fuscata, w:Sooty Tern, wideawake, stray bird
- Chlidonias albostriatus, w:Black-fronted Tern, black biThailand tern, endemic species Endangered
- Chlidonias hybridus, w:Whiskered Tern, black stomach tern, stray bird
- Chlidonias leucopterus, w:White-winged Tern, barwing black stomach tern, stray bird
- Anous stolidus, w:Brown Noddy, noddy, stray bird
- Anous minutus, w:Black Noddy, ヒメクロアジサシ, stray bird
- Procelsterna cerulea, w:Blue Noddy, ハイイロアジサシ
- Gygis alba, w:Common White-Tern, fairy tern
Hawk department
- Circus approximans, w:Swamp Harrier, Minami marsh harrier
- Falco cenchroides, w:Australian Kestrel, Australia kestrel, stray bird
- Falco novaeseelandiae, w:New Zealand Falcon, New Zealand falcon, endemic species Near threatened
- Falco subniger, w:Black Falcon, black falcon, stray bird
Little grebe department
- Tachybaptus novaehollandiae, w:Australasian Grebe, throat bizarrerie little grebe
- Poliocephalus poliocephalus, w:Hoary-headed Grebe, シラガカイツブリ, stray bird
- Poliocephalus rufopectus, w:New Zealand Grebe, New Zealand little grebe, endemic species Vulnerable
- Podiceps cristatus, w:Great Crested Grebe, great crested grebe
ネッタイチョウ department
- Phaethon rubricauda, w:Red-tailed Tropicbird, アカオネッタイチョウ, stray bird
- Phaethon lepturus, w:White-tailed Tropicbird, シラオネッタイチョウ, stray bird
Brown booby department
- Morus serrator, w:Australian Gannet, Australia gannet
- Sula dactylatra, w:Masked Booby, アオツラカツオドリ, stray bird
- Sula leucogaster, w:Brown Booby, brown booby
Water turkey genus
- Anhinga novaehollandiae, w:Australian Darter, Australia water turkey, stray bird
ウ 科
- Phalacrocorax melanoleucos, w:Little Pied Cormorant, pale thrush flatters it; a cane
- Phalacrocorax varius, w:Pied Cormorant, Mami Jiro
- Phalacrocorax sulcirostris, w:Little Black Cormorant, ミナミクロヒメウ
- Phalacrocorax carbo, w:Great Cormorant, common cormorant
- Phalacrocorax campbelli, w:Campbell Island Shag, ノドオビムナジロウ, endemic species Vulnerable
- Phalacrocorax carunculatus, w:Rough-faced Shag, throat diROM Nao bicormorant, endemic species Vulnerable
- Phalacrocorax chalconotus, w:Bronzed Shag, スチュワートウ, endemic species Vulnerable
- Phalacrocorax onslowi, w:Chatham Island Shag, チャータムウ, endemic species Endangered
- Phalacrocorax colensoi, w:Auckland Island Shag, oak orchid doe, endemic species Vulnerable
- Phalacrocorax ranfurlyi, w:Bounty Island Shag, バウンティヒメウ, endemic species Vulnerable
- Phalacrocorax punctatus, w:Spotted Shag, ゴマダラウ, endemic species
- Phalacrocorax featherstoni, w:Pitt Island Shag, ピットウ, endemic species Vulnerable
Heron department
- Ixobrychus minutus, w:Little Bittern, ヒメヨシゴイ, stray bird
- Ixobrychus novaezelandiae, w:Black-backed Bittern, Australia little bittern, endemic species Extinct
- Botaurus poiciloptilus, w:Australasian Bittern, Australia bittern, Vulnerable
- Nycticorax caledonicus, w:Rufous Night-Heron, ハシブトゴイ
- Egretta novaehollandiae, w:White-faced Heron, カオジロサギ
- Egretta garzetta, w:Little Egret, little egret
- Egretta sacra, w:Pacific Reef-Egret, mojarra
- Ardea pacifica, w:Pacific Heron, シロガシラサギ, stray bird
- Ardea alba, w:Great Egret, large egret
- Ardea intermedia, w:Intermediate Egret, plumed egret, stray bird
- Bubulcus ibis, w:Cattle Egret, amateur heron
Toki department
- Plegadis falcinellus, w:Glossy Ibis, glossy ibis, stray bird
- Threskiornis molucca, w:Australian Ibis, Australia black Toki, stray bird
- Platalea regia, w:Royal Spoonbill, Australia spoonbill
- Platalea flavipes, w:Yellow-billed Spoonbill, キバシヘラサギ, stray bird
Pelican department
- Pelecanus conspicillatus, w:Australian Pelican, waist bizarrerie pelican, stray bird
Frigate bird department
- Fregata minor, w:Great Frigatebird, オオグンカンドリ, stray bird
- Fregata ariel, w:Lesser Frigatebird, lesser frigate bird, stray bird
Penguin department
- Aptenodytes patagonicus, w:King Penguin, オウサマペンギン, stray bird
- Aptenodytes forsteri, w:Emperor Penguin, コウテイペンギン, stray bird
- Pygoscelis papua, w:Gentoo Penguin, gentoo, stray bird Near threatened
- Pygoscelis adeliae, w:Adelie Penguin, Adelie penguin, stray bird
- Pygoscelis antarctica, w:Chinstrap Penguin, mustache penguin, stray bird
- Eudyptes chrysocome, w:Rockhopper Penguin, Iwato bipenguin, stray bird Vulnerable
- Eudyptes pachyrhynchus, w:Fiordland Penguin, キマユペンギン, chisel breeding Vulnerable in the level
- Eudyptes robustus, w:Snares Penguin, ハシブトペンギン, stray bird Vulnerable
- Eudyptes sclateri, w:Erect-crested Penguin, eyebrows arsehole penguin, Endangered
- Eudyptes chrysolophus, w:Macaroni Penguin, macaroni penguin, stray bird Vulnerable
- Eudyptes schlegeli, w:Royal Penguin, royal penguin, stray bird Vulnerable
- Megadyptes antipodes, w:Yellow-eyed Penguin, キンメペンギン, endemic species Endangered
- Eudyptula minor, w:Little Penguin, コビトペンギン
- Spheniscus magellanicus, w:Magellanic Penguin, Magellan penguin, stray bird Near threatened
- Macronectes giganteus, w:Antarctic Giant-Petrel, nelly, Vulnerable
- Macronectes halli, w:Hall's Giant-Petrel, Kita nelly, Near threatened
- Fulmarus glacialoides, w:Southern Fulmar, Gin fulmar
- Thalassoica antarctica, w:Antarctic Petrel, ナンキョクフルマカモメ, stray bird
- Daption capense, w:Cape Petrel, pintado
- Lugensa brevirostris, w:Kerguelen Petrel, Kerguelen shearwater
- Pterodroma rostrata, w:Tahiti Petrel, セグロシロハラミズナギドリ, stray bird
- Pterodroma axillaris, w:Chatham Island Petrel, チャタムミズナギドリ, chisel breeding Critically endangered in the level
- Pterodroma nigripennis, w:Black-winged Petrel, ハグロシロハラミズナギドリ
- Pterodroma cervicalis, w:White-necked Petrel, クビワオオシロハラミズナギドリ, stray bird Vulnerable
- Pterodroma inexpectata, w:Mottled Petrel, cod pale thrush shearwater, Near threatened
- Pterodroma leucoptera, w:Gould's Petrel, Minami pale thrush shearwater, stray bird
- Pterodroma cookii, w:Cook's Petrel, barwing pale thrush shearwater, chisel breeding Endangered in the level
- Pterodroma pycrofti, w:Pycroft's Petrel, ウスヒメシロハラミズナギドリ, chisel breeding Vulnerable in the level
- Pterodroma longirostris, w:Stejneger's Petrel, ヒメシロハラミズナギドリ, stray bird Vulnerable
- Pterodroma alba, w:Phoenix Petrel, ムナオビシロハラミズナギドリ, stray bird Vulnerable
- Pterodroma neglecta, w:Kermadec Petrel, kava re-pale thrush shearwater, stray bird
- Pterodroma externa, w:Juan Fernandez Petrel, Oshiro stomach shearwater, stray bird Vulnerable
- Pterodroma solandri, w:Providence Petrel, barwing shearwater, stray bird Vulnerable
- Pterodroma macroptera, w:Great-winged Petrel, ハネナガミズナギドリ
- Pterodroma magentae, w:Magenta Petrel, Magenta shearwater, chisel breeding Critically endangered in the level
- Pterodroma lessonii, w:White-headed Petrel, bulbul pale thrush shearwater
- Pterodroma mollis, w:Soft-plumaged Petrel, カオジロミズナギドリ
- Halobaena caerulea, w:Blue Petrel, アオミズナギドリ
- Pachyptila vittata, w:Broad-billed Prion, Hirohashi prion
- Pachyptila salvini, w:Medium-billed Prion, チュウヒロハシクジラドリ
- Pachyptila desolata, w:Antarctic Prion, ナンキョククジラドリ
- Pachyptila belcheri, w:Slender-billed Prion, ハシボソクジラドリ
- Pachyptila turtur, w:Fairy Prion, ヒメクジラドリ
- Pachyptila crassirostris, w:Fulmar Prion, ハシブトクジラドリ
- Procellaria aequinoctialis, w:White-chinned Petrel, throat dipotter's wheel shearwater
- Procellaria parkinsoni, w:Black Petrel, black shearwater, chisel breeding Vulnerable in the level
- Procellaria westlandica, w:Westland Petrel, waist land black shearwater, chisel breeding Vulnerable in the level
- Procellaria cinerea, w:Grey Petrel, オオハイイロミズナギドリ, Near threatened
- Calonectris diomedea, w:Cory's Shearwater, オニミズナギドリ, stray bird
- Puffinus pacificus, w:Wedge-tailed Shearwater, blue magpie shearwater, stray bird
- Puffinus bulleri, w:Buller's Shearwater, Minami blue magpie shearwater, chisel breeding Vulnerable in the level
- Puffinus carneipes, w:Flesh-footed Shearwater, dirt reed shearwater
- Puffinus creatopus, w:Pink-footed Shearwater, pale thrush dirt reed shearwater, stray bird Vulnerable
- Puffinus griseus, w:Sooty Shearwater, sooty shearwater
- Puffinus tenuirostris, w:Short-tailed Shearwater, ハシボソミズナギドリ
- Puffinus nativitatis, w:Christmas Island Shearwater, Christmas Island shearwater, stray bird
- Puffinus puffinus, w:Manx Shearwater, Manx shearwater, stray bird
- Puffinus gavia, w:Fluttering Shearwater, Minami shearwater
- Puffinus huttoni, w:Hutton's Shearwater, New Zealand shearwater, chisel breeding Endangered in the level
- Puffinus assimilis, w:Little Shearwater, ヒメミズナギドリ
- Pelecanoides georgicus, w:South Georgia Diving-Petrel, Minami diving petrel
- Pelecanoides urinatrix, w:Common Diving-Petrel, diving petrel
- Diomedea exulans, w:Wandering Albatross, wandering albatross
- Diomedea epomophora, w:Royal Albatross, シロアホウドリ
- Diomedea melanophris, w:Black-browed Albatross, eyebrows bizarrerie albatross
- Diomedea cauta, w:Shy Albatross, barwing albatross, Near threatened
- Diomedea chrysostoma, w:Grey-headed Albatross, high moth silaalbatross, Vulnerable
- Diomedea chlororhynchos, w:Yellow-nosed Albatross, キバナアホウドリ
- Diomedea bulleri, w:Buller's Albatross, New Zealand albatross, Vulnerable
- Phoebetria fusca, w:Sooty Albatross, ススイロアホウドリ, stray bird Vulnerable
- Phoebetria palpebrata, w:Light-mantled Albatross, nelly, Near threatened
- Oceanites oceanicus, w:Wilson's Storm-Petrel, Wilson's petrel
- Garrodia nereis, w:Grey-backed Storm-Petrel, ヒメアシナガウミツバメ
- Pelagodroma marina, w:White-faced Storm-Petrel, カオジロウミツバメ
- Fregetta tropica, w:Black-bellied Storm-Petrel, black stomach Mother Carey's chick
- Fregetta grallaria, w:White-bellied Storm-Petrel, pale thrush Mother Carey's chick, stray bird
- Oceanodroma leucorhoa, w:Leach's Storm-Petrel, コシジロウミツバメ, stray bird
Sparrow eyes
イワサザイ department
- Acanthisitta chloris, w:Rifleman, ミドリイワサザイ, endemic species
- Xenicus longipes, w:Bush Wren, ヤブサザイ, endemic species Extinct
- Xenicus gilviventris, w:South Island Wren, イワサザイ, endemic species Near threatened
- Xenicus lyalli, w:Stephens Island Wren, スチーフンイワサザイ, endemic species Extinct
キミミミツスイ department
- Notiomystis cincta, w:Stitchbird, シロツノミツスイ, endemic species Vulnerable
- Anthornis melanura, w:New Zealand Bellbird, New Zealand friarbird, endemic species
- Anthochaera carunculata, w:Red Wattlebird, dirt wattlebird, stray bird
- Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae, w:Tui, parson bird, endemic species
ホウセキドリ department
- Gerygone igata, w:Grey Gerygone, ニュージーランドセンニョムシクイ, endemic species
- Gerygone albofrontata, w:Chatham Islands Gerygone, チャタムセンニョムシクイ, endemic species
Australian flycatcher department
- Petroica macrocephala, w:Tomtit, New Zealand flycatcher, endemic species
- Petroica australis, w:New Zealand Robin, New Zealand top flycatcher, endemic species
- Petroica traversi, w:Chatham Islands Robin, チャタムヒタキ, endemic species Endangered
- Mohoua albicilla, w:Whitehead, シロモフアムシクイ, endemic species
- Mohoua ochrocephala, w:Yellowhead, キイロモフアムシクイ, endemic species Vulnerable
- Mohoua novaeseelandiae, w:Pipipi, New Zealand willow warbler, endemic species
- Corvus frugilegus, w:Rook, rook, introduced species
- Gymnorhina tibicen, w:Australian Magpie, piping crow, introduced species
- Artamus personatus, w:Masked Woodswallow, ホオグロモリツバメ, stray bird
- Artamus superciliosus, w:White-browed Woodswallow, Siberian thrush harpoon swallow, stray bird
- Coracina novaehollandiae, w:Black-faced Cuckooshrike, オーストラリアオニサンショウクイ, stray bird
- Lalage tricolor, w:White-winged Triller, ミイロサンショウクイ, stray bird
- Rhipidura fuliginosa, w:Grey Fantail, ハイイロオウギビタキ
- Myiagra cyanoleuca, w:Satin Flycatcher, ビロードヒラハシ, stray bird
- Turnagra capensis, w:Piopio, New Zealand dusky thrush, endemic species Extinct
Huia department
- Callaeas cinerea, w:Kokako, ハシブトホオダレムクドリ, endemic species Endangered
- Philesturnus carunculatus, w:Saddleback, セアカホオダレムクドリ, endemic species Near threatened
- Heteralocha acutirostris, w:Huia, huia, endemic species Extinct
Flycatcher department
- Turdus merula, w:Eurasian Blackbird, ousel, introduced species
- Turdus philomelos, w:Song Thrush, throstle, introduced species
Gray starling department
- Sturnus vulgaris, w:Common Starling, starling, introduced species
- Acridotheres tristis, w:Common Myna, India peppermint, introduced species
Swallow department
- Hirundo neoxena, w:Welcome Swallow, Australia swallow
- Hirundo nigricans, w:Tree Martin, millet Thailand swallow, stray bird
- Hirundo ariel, w:Fairy Martin, dirt cliff swallow, stray bird
シロガシラ department
- Pycnonotus cafer, w:Red-vented Bulbul, buttocks dirt brown-eared bulbul, introduced species
Japanese white-eye department
- Zosterops lateralis, w:Silvereye, high chest Japanese white-eye
Bush warbler department
- Megalurus punctatus, w:New Zealand Fernbird, fernbird, endemic species
- Megalurus rufescens, w:Chatham Islands Fernbird, チャタムシダセッカ, endemic species Extinct
Skylark department
- Alauda arvensis, w:Sky Lark, snail skylark, introduced species
Sparrow department
- Passer domesticus, w:House Sparrow, house sparrow, introduced species
- Anthus novaeseelandiae, w:Australasian Pipit, Australia Siberian thrush tree-pipit
- Prunella modularis, w:Hedge Accentor, dunnock, introduced species
- Fringilla coelebs, w:Chaffinch, chaffinch, introduced species
- Carduelis chloris, w:European Greenfinch, greenfinch, introduced species
- Carduelis carduelis, w:European Goldfinch, goldfinch, introduced species
- Carduelis flammea, w:Common Redpoll, redpoll, introduced species
- Emberiza citrinella, w:Yellowhammer, yoldring, introduced species
- Emberiza cirlus, w:Cirl Bunting, throat bizarrerie Japanese bunting, introduced species
Allied item
List of wild birds according to the area
A list of local wild birds in eight creature geography ward (Ecozone) and ward.
Other birds-related item
- シブリー アールキスト birds classification
- Clements birds classification
- Birds Red List of Ministry of the Environment
- Birds term
- Category: Birds classic classification (English version List of birds)
- Category: List of wild birds according to the area (English version List of regional bird lists)
- Category: Birdman (English version List of ornithologists)
- Wild Bird Society of Japan (official page)
- Federation of birds protection in Japan (official page)
- Yamashina birds research institute (official page)
- Japanese ornithology meeting (official page)
This article is taken from the Japanese Wikipedia List of New Zealand wild birds
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