2017년 3월 6일 월요일

Yoshio Doi

Yoshio Doi

Yoshio Doi (どひよしお, from 1924 to December, 1989) is a scholar of Japanese history of art. Professor emeritus at Kyoto University.

Table of contents


Kyoto birth. I am a graduate from a Kyoto University department of literature philosophy department for 1,949 years. An assistant professor at Doshisha University department of commercial science, a professor at Kyoto University college of general education, 1988 retirement age retirement, a honorary professor, a professor at Kyoto University of Foreign Studies. I die during holding the post.


  • Birth (Hakusuisha July, 1984) of the abstract picture
  • The way "history of ideas of a trip and the topoi" to trip Alps building of the タウト art (Iwanami Shoten December, 1986)
  • Art (Iwanami Shoten June, 1991) of the German expressionism
  • Trace poetry and novel (Katsura bookshop September, 1992) of the trip
  • Abstract art search (bookshop January, 1996 to swell)

Co-edited book

  • Rough sketch (Iwasaki art company [library print and rough sketch] September, 1978) of the clay
  • The end of the century Vol. 5 "crossroads of the Zurich - omen" of Germany (February, 1987)
  • Development (Toshiharu Omuka co-edited book Japanese book publication society August, 1991) of the Russia avant-garde 4 コンストルクツィア constructionism
  • Northern European art (Iwanami Shoten May, 1994)


  • A life and work (in Felix Klee Isaku Yanaihara coreason Misuzu Publishing 1962 new publication 1978 .2008 years others) of the painter with the document of a Paul Klee posthumous works, having not yet occurred list letter, the photograph
  • Father (Gustav Janouch Misuzu Publishing 1970) of life "good soldier Schweik" of Hasek
  • A question and cross question art essays (in Wilhelm Worringer law and politics university press (library ウニベルシタス) 1971 reprint 1987)
  • A certain back side fantastic story (Alfred Kubin Hirotsugu Yoshimura coreason river appearance Publishing new company 1971 / Shiromizu u books, 2015)
  • Picture (Max Huggler Kii country shop bookstore 1974) of the clay
  • Diary (Hugo Ball Koichi Kondo coreason Misuzu Publishing 1975) of the escape Dadaism founder from the times
  • Simmel collected writings 11 fragmentary thoughts (Teruaki Hotta coreason Hakusuisha 1976). Reissue 1994 .2004 years
  • Kandinski and I (Nina Kandinsky Yoshiko Tabe coreason Misuzu Publishing August, 1980)
  • From Bruno Taut and modern "Alps building" to "Katsura Rikyu Imperial Villa" (Keizo Ikimatsu coreason work Iwanami Shoten March, 1981)
  • Encounter letter, photograph, picture, record Schoenberg, Kandinski (Misuzu Publishing September, 1985)
  • German expressionists ブリュッケ (Horst Jahner edition Michio Naito coreason Iwanami Shoten March, 1994)

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