2017년 3월 7일 화요일

The House of Taiko (Nagoya-shi)

The House of Taiko (Nagoya-shi)

The House of Taiko
Daikoin (Nagoya). jpg
The location 2-7-25, Osu, Naka-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi
Position 35°09'N 39.40 seconds
A 136°54'E 04.20 seconds
coordinate: 35°09'N 39.40 seconds 136°54'E 04.20 seconds
Mountain Mt. interest country
Religion Soto sect
Principal idol Wooden statue Sakyamuni Buddha sedentary image
The foundation year Keicho era eight years (1603)
Founder 明嶺理察
The open basis Chukichi Matsudaira
The official name The House of interest country Yamadai light
Another name Red gate King Akira, みょうおんさん [1]
Label places The Nagoya Shikoku fifth
Position (the Aichi prefecture) of the House of Taiko (Nagoya-shi)
The House of Taiko (Nagoya-shi)
I display a template

The temple of the Soto sect in House of Taiko Osu, Naka-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi. The mountain Mt. interest country (is so dark, and come).

Table of contents


I was founded as 清善寺 (せいぜんじ) in (1603), Owari country Kasugai county Kiyosu for Keicho era eight years [2]. When Chukichi Matsudaira moved to Kiyosu Castle in the 清善寺 sixth of 武蔵国埼玉郡忍 (existing Gyoda-shi, Saitama) in 明嶺理察 of the founder, I invited 明嶺 on reviving an abandoned temple and the bean-jam cake temple where it was in Shiroshita, and, as for [3], this temple, it was in a title of Buddhist temple in a subordinate temple of 忍清善寺 as 清善寺.

I take Buddhist name, the Taiko House of Chukichi whom 明嶺 granted it to when Chukichi dies in (1607) for Keicho era 12 years and check a title of Buddhist temple [3] and I did move [3] [4], a mountain with 日置山 in 清洲越 し愛知郡日置村 (existing 2, Osu) of (1610) for Keicho era 15 years, but return it to the interest country mountain for (from 1688 to 1704) in the Genroku era year [5]. It was for Yasunaga eight years that destruction by fire [5] [6], temples were rebuilt by a fire (1734) including the main gate of a Buddhist temple in June for Kyoho 19 years (1779) [5]. King Akira was erected as an annex palace of 烏瑟沙摩明王 in (1808) for culture five years [4], and there was much worship of the woman, and [5], the state were described in "Owari pictorial descriptions of noted places" saying that the illness of hips had a miracle.

When it was (from 1854 to 1860) in the Ansei year, the hotel for strolling players was made in popular name "Kitano Chinatown Area" among graveyards of west, Osukannon and 清安寺 of the House of Taiko, but a harlot came to be put here before long, and it was in a virtual red light district [7]. Because I permitted the worship to the House of Taiko as whereabouts of the harlots, a lot of harlots visited the fair and did well [4].


I rebuild (1872), temples in 1872 [5]. There was a founder's shrine, a mortuary chapel, a meditation hall, a local deity temple, a bell tower other than the main hall of a Buddhist temple and King Akira temple, the main gate of a Buddhist temple, Buddhist priests' living quarters in the Taisho era [5], but a road would be made in the precincts place by the land readjustment in the Showa early days, and guardian god of Buddhism was moved to the north conventionally, and this just what inaugurated in (1934) in 1934 was named "a red gate street" by [8], the main gate of a Buddhist temple painted in red of the Taiko House [2]. In addition, I am transferred to 日泰寺 about the meditation hall in (1939) in 1939 [9].

Osu receives Nagoya University air raid of (1945) in 1945, and the House of Taiko is destroyed by fire, too. The graveyard is transferred with postwar war damage reconstruction contracts by Peace Park, and the main hall of a Buddhist temple destroyed by fire rebuilds (1957), the main gate of a Buddhist temple in (1966) in 1966 in 1957 [4]. Main hall of a Buddhist temple, King Akira was rebuilt later in 鉄筋造, and I put it together, and the precincts became the stone pavement [4]. A fair is performed every month in the precincts on 28th [2], and many street performers show the art every year on Osu avenue merchant feast day of October.

Subordinate temple

House of Taiko graveyard

The graveyard of the House of Taiko was moved to Peace Park like the said article, but 津金胤臣 of Takeru Narita parent against flooding of 忍城 and the Owari clansman, the cemetery of the well-known person including Yosai Hosono were put.


King Akira (2014) 
Main gate of a Buddhist temple and 寺標 (2014) 
Large camel warship (2012) by the Osu avenue merchant festival 



Explanatory note


  1. ^ "red gate King Akira." なごや trip 12 episodes (March 30, 2013). March 26, 2014 reading.
  2. ^ a b c "Red gate King Akira (in every アカモンミョウオウデン 28 days a month fair)". Osu mall formula homepage "at Osu." March 26, 2014 reading.
  3. ^ a b c Japan famous temple with a venerable history Dictionary, P.545
  4. ^ a b c d e "The ex-Emperor Taiko has the ancestors of the familiar "red gate" in Osu". なごやの history, culture and NAMO. to come across uniquely (February 26, 2014). March 30, 2014 reading.
  5. ^ a b c d e f Japan temple conspectus second volume, P.1373
  6. ^ "Teramachi Osu." Osu mall formula homepage "at Osu" (September 17, 2013). March 30, 2014 reading.
  7. "The bamboo alley full of ^ "town second schemes of Nagoya to trace with a secular name" of Sawai bell one Hell Valley fourth "former Chinatown Area." Network2010 (April 9, 2010). March 30, 2014 reading.
  8. ^ "early Nagoya "Osu red gate market" of the Showa era. Network2010 (March 16, 2012). March 26, 2014 reading.
  9. ^ "日泰寺専門僧堂." 覺王山日泰寺 (April 11, 2013). March 30, 2014 reading.


  • "Japan temple conspectus" second volume famous book publication meeting, 1966 (original book temple conspectus editing station, 1916)
  • "Japanese famous temple with a venerable history Dictionary" Yuzankaku publication, 1992. ISBN 4-639-01115-6

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