2017년 3월 7일 화요일

Robert Sinclair Dietz

Robert Sinclair Dietz

Robert Sinclair Dietz
The birth (1914-09-14) 1914September 14
Flag of the United States of America United States of America nu jersey state Westfield (English version)
Death (1995-05-19) May 19, 1995 (80 years old death)
Nationality Flag of the United States of America The United States of America
Research field Geophysics, oceanography
Research organization Arizona State University
Alma mater University of Illinois
Main achievements Proposal of the sea-floor spreading
Main receiving a prize career Penrose Medal (1988)
A project: Person biography

Robert Sinclair Dietz (Robert Sinclair Dietz, from September 14, 1914 to May 19, 1995) is a geophysicist, an oceanographer of the United States of America. With Harry Hammond Hess, I am known as one of the prophets of the sea-floor spreading. It is famous as an author of the Emperor Umiyama group.

I acquired a degree in University of Illinois in 1941 and studied under marine geologist Francis parka shepherd. In 1953, I studied in Tokyo University as Fulbright researcher and studied it in the Coast Guard Hydrographic Department. At this time, to Umiyama of the Emperor Umiyama group of the each generation Emperor name.

In 1960 through 1961, I propose sea-floor spreading. I acted as a geology professor of Arizona State University from 1977. I study the crater of the meteorite in the later years, and achievements include the shutter corn discovery of the Sudbury meteorite hole.

I it in a receiving a prize career

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