2017년 3월 8일 수요일

Narimichi Nijo

Narimichi Nijo

Narimichi Nijo (にじょうなりみち, Tenmei era first year May 9 (May 31, 1781) - generous politics May 21, 10 (July 4, 1798)) is a court noble of the Edo era. Father is Harutaka Nijo. Mother is 徳川宗翰女, a princess praising it. 従二位。 号 is 恭徳院. The character of "斉" is 偏諱 from general Ienari Tokugawa.

Brief career history

I am born in Kyoto as a child of Harutaka Nijo in (1781) in the Tenmei era first year. It is 叙従三位 (1791) on February 22 for generous politics three years. I successively hold Home Secretaries (from 1797 to 1798). I die (1798) for generous politics ten years. 斉信 of the true younger brother succeeded you.

This article is taken from the Japanese Wikipedia Narimichi Nijo

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