2017년 3월 9일 목요일

Leopold ルジチカ

Leopold ルジチカ

Nobel Prize winnerThe Nobel Prize
The receiving a prize year: 1939
A receiving a prize section: Nobel Prize in Chemistry
A receiving a prize reason: Study of polymethylene and terpene

The organic chemist that レーオポルト ルジチカ (I may be transcribed into Ruzicka, ルチッカ) or ラヴォスラフ スチェパン ルジチカ (Leopold Stephan Ružička, Lavoslav Stjepan Ružička, from September 13, 1887 to September 26, 1976) is from (Slavonia Szlavónia of the Austria-Hungary two folds empire) Vucovar of Croatia. I am naturalized in Switzerland later.

I studied in Basel University and Karlsruhe University and acquired a degree with Hellman Staudinger of the Karlsruhe University.

I become Utrecht university professor in 1956 and become Zurich college of engineering professor in 1929. I am known for a terpenoid, a steroid, a study of cyclic ketone. I won Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1939.

Particularly famous for a proposal of the isoprene rule about terpenoid [1]. I in this way bought a role for elucidation of the structure of terpenoid. I succeeded in androgenic composition about the steroid in 1934 and succeeded in synthesis of testosterone in 1935 in the next year. I succeeded in structure elucidation of muscone [2] [3] and civetone [4] [5] and composition about cyclic ketone [6] and stated [7], the existence of the huge cyclic compound clearly.


  1. ^ Ružička, L. (1953), "The isoprene rule and the biogenesis of terpenic compounds," it is Journal Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 9 (10): 357–367, doi: 10.1007/BF02167631 
  2. ^ Ruzicka, L. (1926), "Zur Kenntnis des Kohlenstoffringes VII.Über die Konstitution des Muscons," it is Helv. Chim. Acta 9 (1): 715-719, doi: 10.1002/hlca.19260090197 
  3. ^ Ruzicka, L. (1926). "Zur Kenntnis des Kohlenstoffringes VIII. Weitere Beiträge zur Konstitution des Muscons." Helv. Chim. Acta 9 (1): 1008-1017. doi: 10.1002/hlca.192600901136. 
  4. ^ Ruzicka, L. (1926), "Zur Kenntnis des Kohlenstoffringes I.Über die Konstitution des Zibetons," it is Helv. Chim. Acta 9 (1): 230-248, doi: 10.1002/hlca.19260090129 
  5. ^ Ruzicka, L.; Schinz, H.; Ceidel, C. F. (1927), "Zur Kenntnis des Kohlenstoffringes IX.Über den Abbau von Zibeton, Zibetol und Zibetan," it is Helv. Chim. Acta 10 (1): 695-706, doi: 10.1002/hlca.19270100188 
  6. ^ Ruzicka, L.; Stoll, M.; Schinz, H. (1), "Zur Kenntnis des Kohlenstoffringes II. Synthese der carbocyclischen Ketone vom Zehner- bis zum Achtzehnerring," it is 249–264, doi: Helvetica Chimica Acta 9 10.1002/hlca.19260090130 
  7. ^ Ziegler, K.; Weber, K. (1934),Über vielgliedrige Ringsysteme: IV. Die Synthese des rac. Muskons, 512, pp. 164–171, doi: 10.1002/jlac.19345120114 

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