2017년 3월 9일 목요일

Harutomo Kitabatake

Harutomo Kitabatake

Harutomo Kitabatake
The times The age of civil strife
The birth Bunki era three years (1503 [1])
Death Eiroku era September 17, 6 (October 4, 1563)
Changing name An ingredient country [1] (tool for first excellent )→ fine weather
Another name Parent flat (alias) Tennyuu (Buddhist name)
Office and rank 従四位下, Lieutenant General left Imperial Guardsman, Councilor [1]
IseProvincial governorFeudal tenureMaster)
Family The Kitahatas
Parents Father: Kichika Kitabatake
Brothers Tool for fine weather, Tomomori Kanbe
Wife A reception room: Daughter of Takakuni Hosokawa
Child Ingredient religion木造具政Ingredient parent
I display a template

Harutomo Kitabatake (きたばたけはるとも) is a daimyo of the age of civil strife. The seventh present head of a household [1] of the Ise country provincial governor Kitahatas. It is an ingredient religion, 木造具政, an ingredient parent for a child.

Table of contents


I am born as (1503), 嫡男 of the sixth present head of a household, Kichika Kitabatake [1] (ingredient) for Bunki era three years. Birthright is left to Eisho era 8 by (1511), father and succeeds. I received one character from the twelfth general, Yoshiharu Ashikaga in (1518) for Eisho era 15 years and introduced myself as a tool for fine weather [1].

The tool for fine weather was a famous admiral of the Fumitake literary and military arts and made a 31-syllable Japanese poem better in masters of the archery and horsemanship and was a calligraphist. The 31-syllable Japanese poem in particular carries out a tanka game with Takakuni Hosokawa and others at the Taki Imperial Palace of the stronghold in (1521) in the Taiei era first year and invites the sect head of the linked-verse poet to the Taki Imperial Palace in (1522) for Taiei era two years and I let you stay and perform the performance of the linked poem. In addition, call the garden which a high country made in the Taki Imperial Palace now with a Kitahata building trace garden, and it is in a natural beauty spot of the country designation.

I was defeated by Motonaga Miyoshi, Kenji Yanamoto, and Yoshiharu Ashikaga escaped to the Oomi Kutsugi Valley (1529), a high country for Kyoroku two years. Because the high country calls for reinforcements to a tool for fine weather of the son-in-law; for bottoms to Ise; did it, and the high country which received the support of the tool for fine weather in (1531) for Kyoroku four years planned a comeback, and invaded and attacked to Settsu, and was defeated though fought in Harumoto Hosokawa and Motonaga Miyoshi and Settsu Tennoji, and did 討死 in 大物浦.

I strike the Toba Castle of Shima in the astronomy year and pay it to a follower. And I held Kohama and others local people and almost gained control of the Shima country. I go into the Yamato and gain control of Yoshino and pay it to a follower afterwards. However, by this Yamato invasion, the opposition with the person from Yamato countries occurs and amounts to a battle with Mr. Tsutsui, Ochi, ten, Kuze and others. I went into Kii and made Owase, the Shingu area possession from the Kumano district and enlarged the rule domain to Totsukawa. The tool for fine weather was Ise, but, at odds with Nagano, opposition with 長野藤定 intensified over Ise possession in southern country in (1543) for astronomy 12 years. Taking the field, 藤定 went to the front of Sagiyama, Tarumizu, too, and the tool for fine weather became the battle. Without intercepting a tool for fine weather, and, in the Nagano forces, the main force being accompanied by the end after an intense battle in Mr. Hosono, share part; both; will retreat. It is charges of the next ingredient religion that Nagano surrenders.

I became a priest in (1536) for astronomy five years and claimed Tennyuu. I went into retirement in (1553) for astronomy 22 years and left birthright to an ingredient religion of 嫡男.

Age at death 61 to die in (1563) for Eiroku era six years [1] [1].


There was 2 man one girl to a child of second son, 具政 of the tool for fine weather, but only the school of the daughter (Nobuo Oda room) stays and is connected to the current Imperial Family.


Explanatory note

Origin of quotation

  1. ^ a b c d e f g h Abe "war-torn country person's name encyclopedia compact version," it is P278


This article is taken from the Japanese Wikipedia Harutomo Kitabatake

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