2017년 3월 8일 수요일



Character of the Space Blazer series
Appearance (first) Soldiers of the さらば Space Blazer love
Voice actor Ichiro Murakoshi
Sex Man
Kind Gath lunches person (other than "2202")
Gath orchid Thijs person ("2202")
Nationality White comet empire (other than "2202")
Emperor star Gath orchid Thijs(『2202』)
Title Idling fleet commander in chief

ゲーニッツ is a character of animated movie "soldiers of the Space Blazer 2202 love" game "soldiers for TV animated cartoon "Space Blazer 2" and the PS which assumed them the original of the さらば Space Blazer love" with animated movie "soldiers of the さらば Space Blazer love". A voice actor Ichiro Murakoshi (other than "2202").

Table of contents


One of the top business executives of the white comet empire. As an idling fleet commander in chief, I hold military real power. Oneself does not proceed to the battlefield and I always wait near great emperor ズォーダー and act as a strategic plan, the conduct of the aggressive war in the central war room of the city empire with サーベラー and ラーゼラー.

When "farewell," it is different in "2", and the subdued passing middle age, latter that the former wore a mustache are bald heads, and, as for the figure and the character, it is the character like the master hand with the big stubbornness that wore a mustache.

Activity during the drama

Soldiers of the さらば Space Blazer love
It was an important duty to be accompanied by both admirals of バルゼー and the go land to subordinates as an idling fleet commander in chief, but サーベラー is only a scene reporting that scene and デスラー just before it scolding ラーゼラー were defeated by Yamato to ズォーダー, and, as for there having been lines, there is not the scene playing an active part as a fleet commander.
Space Blazer 2
It is come up by Episode 1. I summarize military duties, and there are many a question and explanation requests from ズォーダー, too. サーベラー is a relation to quarrel over power, but feels deep indebtedness. I fret in confusion occurring in the strategy of the empire because デスラー burns in revenge for Yamato in Episode 12 - Episode 14 and take part in an arrest confining デスラー on a crafty design of サーベラー which should be originally a political adversary, but a thing is found out, and I am scolded in ズォーダー by escape of デスラー in Episode 18. I was left to the empire which collapsed without the crime that permitted a runaway of サーベラー being asked at the time of the empire collapse of Episode 25 by ズォーダー, and boarding a super huge battleship with her. In addition, a post becomes the total chief of staff only in twelfth, 13 episodes.
It is for PS game
It is come up by story 10 "Aldebaran sky level". Without authority to move a fleet without the permission of the rule agency although I summarize all fleets of the empire, I am called by name without any honorific title in サーベラー of Secretary rule agency and the total chief of staff and receive coercion even in ラーゼラー of the rule agency advertising military affairs total chairperson, and the weakness of the situation is outstanding. I finally escape from the city empire in 潜宙戦艦 with サーベラー by "2" routes, but I receive an attack from デスラー and die [1].
Soldiers of the Space Blazer 2202 love
"Farewell" With this product which is a remake of "Yamato 2", it is one of the prime staff officers of emperor star Gath orchid Thijs. That if "farewell," the figure is near, but the position among Gath orchid Thijs is high for a long time next to サーベラー, and the homage with ズォーダー keeps etiquette to her; is set.


  1. For ^ "collection of soldiers setting documents studio DNA of the さらば Space Blazer love", 2,001 years, it is P093.

Outside link

  • ゲーニッツ - Space Blazer dispatch! (for Internet archive December 20, 2007 cash)
  • Soldiers character of the ゲーニッツ - Space Blazer 2202 love

This article is taken from the Japanese Wikipedia ゲーニッツ

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