2017년 3월 11일 토요일

Takaha Hiroaki

Takaha Hiroaki

Takaha Hiroaki (たかはひろあき, February 21, 1979 -) is Japanese composer, pianist, leader.


I am born in Tokyo. I am resident in Chiba. Toho Gakuen School of Music composition theory subject is a graduate for 桐朋女子高等学校音楽科 (coeducation) composition specialty, 2,001 years. NTT DOCOMO scholarship receiving a prize. I study under Hiroshi Koizumi, Kazuyoshi Akiyama by Loran テシュネ, conduct with Atsuhiko Gondai, a piano by Kazuo Mise, composition with composition and a piano.

In 1998, I am in charge of music of 藤原大巌脚本, direction "月魂沈海" (I arrive and set in a margin, the sea) in Sumida River left bank Theater ベニサン pit. For 1,999 years, it is the 68th Japanese music contest composition department Kadonyuu choice at "the circuit" for string music six duets. I am engaged in the arrangement of "50 selections of Japanese songs which NHK Tokyo child chorus chooses".

I announce a lot of works which I did mainly on chamber music, vocal music until now. In a masterpiece "bulldogless mosquito" (Tokyo mixed voices chorus commission) for "H2O" (Venice Biennale commission), "one of a thing frill" "あらべすく" ("meeting commission making new しいうたを"), mixed chorus and a piano.

I was in charge of arrangement of part set piece "letter" (words, composition Angela Aki) of the degree NHK whole country school eisteddfod junior high school (2008) in 2008, and the popularity rose at a stretch. The degree was in charge of arrangement of part set piece "YELL" (words, composition Yoshiki Mizuno (Ikimono-gakari)) of the junior high school (2009) in 2009, the following day, too.

By the piano performance, it is the ninth Japan chamber music contest first place by the costarring with the viola for 1,999 years. I support many contest prize winners by accompaniment. I performed an all songs premiere recital including one's own premiere in "the meeting new work concert series of oto" in 2003. There are many accompaniment including JT art hall "afternoon concert" and the appearance to NHK "FM recital" and activity by the chamber music.

I formed "orchestra anima" led by an alumnus during attendance at school by the conduct, and it is made a its guest appearance by a Japanese contemporary music association ensemble "ad hook". In addition, first public exhibition all songs play "the music of fireworks", and Akira Miyoshi deals with a lot of premiere of the work of the Japanese composer including a piano performance.

A present, 桐朋女子高等学校音楽科教諭 and Toho Gakuen School of Music music department part-time teacher.

Main work

I dealt with the arrangement of the part set piece of the NHK whole country school eisteddfod junior high school.

  • The 75th (2008): Letter (words, composition: Angela Aki) 
  • The 76th (2009): Both YELL (words, composition: Yoshiki Mizuno (Ikimono-gakari)) publishes three copies of woman's voices, two of three copies of mixed voices
    • "Letter" (four copies of mixed voices version) "YELL" (four copies of mixed voices version) (record it in a collection of 2014 / NEW Tokyo mixed voices chorus favorite song music "letter")
  • "Four images by the poetry of Michizo Tachihara" for a female chorus and a piano
  • Mixed chorus and "bulldogless mosquito" (2007) for pianos
  • No accompaniment mixed voices madrigal "tribute to あらべすく - poet Tamekane Kyougoku ~"
  • Mixed chorus and "etude (2014) by the poetry of Kamenosuke Ogata" for pianos

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