2017년 3월 10일 금요일

Sei Kashima trunk

Sei Kashima trunk

The Sei Kashima trunk (island Masami comes unknown the straight year of a person's death) is a samurai from early in the Kamakura era from last years of Heian era. The third son of the Shigeru Kashima trunk of Hitachi Heike clan. The popular name is Saburo.

After death of father, the feudal tenure was divided by six sons, but 政幹 which gave its self-introduction of "Kashima" same as father is treated as a real child, and father is considered to have inherited a position of Gunshi of Kangoori, Kashima of the Kashima major shrine considered to have taken you [1].

Although it was considered that it was a flat lady of the house like other Hitachi Heike clan at first, 政幹 threw it on the Yoritomo Minamoto side in a revolt (competition between two teams battle) of the Jisho era, the Juei era at early time before and after the Satake conquest, and I was appointed than Yoritomo Minamoto on (April 27, 1181) on March 12 in the Yowa era first year by 鹿島社惣追捕使 ("Agatsuma mirror"). 鹿島社惣追捕使 is named 鹿島社惣大行事 in history and is a job left prosecution of Jinryo of the Kashima major shrine to. It is thought that I had relations with Yoritomo to be opposed with the Yoshihiro Shida, Kazusa wide Yoshihiro Shida and whereabouts view trunk and others who competition-related, showed a manner of anti-Yoritomo if it is usual which is 鹿島社惣検校, whereabouts view trunk and the influential person of the outskirts area ruling over Namegata-gun in cousins of 政幹 over Kashima-gun [1]. In addition, sect trunk, 弘幹兄弟 which is a son of 政幹 participates in the Yoritomo forces with a retainer with other Bando Heike clan, and it is said that I was killed in action by a fight of Yashima, and 林頼幹 equal to the younger brother of 政幹 is given an important post by Yoritomo, too, and a cortege does it for a visit to the capital of Yoritomo Minamoto of (1190) with 政幹 in the Kenkyu era first year [2].

When suit over the post of great Shinto priest of the Kashima major shrine was brought in in (1216) for Kenpo four years by the regency family, testimony is started with a letter by a lord of a manor and a protection person of Kashima, but it is thought that this is Sei Kashima trunk and Tomoshige Oda (the Hitachi protection), and it is known for the suit that is similar in the times of Iezane Konoe who took the position of the regent and the chief adviser to the Emperor after a revolt of Shokyu afterwards that "地頭政幹" started with a similar letter [3]; collect it, and is considered to have been in good health until the time of the revolt of Shokyu even if there is few it [4].


  1. ^ a b Ryo Shimizu "one consideration about 常陸国鹿島社惣追捕使職補任 of the Yowa era first year" (the first to go out: in "history of Kanto area study" 2 (2000) / 所収: in Osamu Takahashi "study Vol. 16 Hitachi Heike clan (戒光祥出版, 2015 of compilation the series, the Middle Ages Kanto samurai") ISBN 978-4 - 86,403-167-7)
  2. Is ^; Ryo Shimizu of "the Yowa era first year, according to one consideration about 常陸国鹿島社惣追捕使職補任," 神谷戸保幹 equal to the older brother is written down in 政幹 with "rebel against the Imperial government トナリテ 被誅" done ("Hitachi master genealogy") in the second sons of 成幹 and is estimated when 保幹 fought against the 政幹 and others Genji side as the Heike side, and the Kashima whole families point out that agreed actions were not produced. In addition, as for the spring water, an intention to restrain the power extension of the Sei Kashima trunk introduces the opinion which there was to the important post of 林頼幹 by Yoritomo pointed out from 阿部能久, but 頼幹 moves a base of the activity to Kyoto later, and Maekawa Tatsunori "samurais of Hitachi's best shrine, Kashima Corporation" do the situation of big Kyoto to affect in the trend of the Kashima major shrine when they played a role to tell older brother, 政幹.
  3. ^ "regency Prime Minister (Kanetsune Konoe) housekeeping place following sentences "Kashima major shrine document" 125 (unknown a date) in the Ninji era first year in 12 in time belonging to"
  4. It is / 所収 ^ Maekawa Tatsunori "Hitachi's best shrine, samurais of Kashima Corporation" (the first to go out: in Osamu Takahashi edition "the Middle Ages of the real image samurai group" Takashi study, 2010): Osamu Takahashi compilation "the series, the Middle Ages study Vol. 16 Hitachi Heike clan of the Kanto samurai" (戒光祥出版, 2015) ISBN 978-4 - 86,403-167-7)


  • Minoru Noguchi "Seriola aureovittata trunk" ("peaceful history of the period encyclopedia" (Kadokawa Shoten, 1994) ISBN 978-4-04-031700-7)

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