2017년 3월 9일 목요일

NATO maintenance maintenance supply engine

NATO maintenance maintenance supply engine

Coordinate: 49°38'27" N 5°59'12" E / 49.640833 degrees N 5.986667 degrees E / 49.640833, the 5.986667 North Atlantic Treaty Organization maintenance maintenance supply medium (きたたいせいようじょうやくきこうほしゅせいびほきゅうかんりきかん, English: NATO Maintenance and Supply Agency, French: Agence OTAN d'entretien et d'approvisionnement, abbreviated to NAMSA) are to help spare parts and the maintenance maintenance duties of the weapon system which is common with the weapon which a plural number country holds particularly in an organization helping the general procurement in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization member nation.

The headquarters is located to diligent (fr:Mamer) wall Ron (fr:Capellen) of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. The site occupies southern most of dull Osamu Ron (route d'Arlon) running through wall Ron. During the Cold War, a different management unit was maintained by French Republic Paris and Republic of Italy terLunt.


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This article is taken from the Japanese Wikipedia NATO maintenance maintenance supply engine

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