2017년 3월 9일 목요일

Hermes Kyle

Hermes Kyle

Crest Map
(position of the county)
W Hermeskeil.JPG Locator map TR in Germany.svg
Basic information
Federal state: State of Rhineland = Palatinate
A county: トリーア = Saar Buruk county
The alliance local government: Hermes Kyle
Latitude longitude: 49°39'N
An area: 30.85 km²

7,122 (as of December 31, 2015) [1]

Population density: 231 /km²
Altitude of the average: 450m above see level
A zip code: 54411
An area code: 06503
A number plate: TR, SAB
Local government cord: 07 2 35 045
The constitution of the city: 3 small blocks
An official web site: www.hermeskeil.de
A chief: Udo Moser
Position in the county
Hermeskeil in TR.svg

Hermes Kyle (Germany: Hermeskeil) is a city of the State of Federal Republic of Germany Rhineland = Palatinate トリーア = Saar Buruk county. It becomes the administrative agency location of the Hermes Kyle alliance local government (Germany: Verbandsgemeinde Hermeskeil).

It is located to feces rucksack mountainous district, southeastern approximately 25km of トリーア. The old engine garage (Bahnbetriebswerk Hermeskeil) becomes the museum of the German steam locomotive now. In Hermes Kyle plane Museum (German version), more than 100 planes are displayed and are the museum where is largest for this kind of private museum in Europe.

In 2009, a grave of Gaul of the first century is discovered in the suburbs of Hermes Kyle in A.D. [2]

Sister city


Outside link

This article is taken from the Japanese Wikipedia Hermes Kyle

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