2017년 3월 7일 화요일

Cloud between the local fixed star

Cloud between the local fixed star

The cloud (きょくしょこうせいかんうん, Local Interstellar Cloud) between the local fixed star is the interstellar cloud which the solar system is passing (approximately 30 light-year in diameter) now (en:Interstellar cloud). I am called LIC, neighborhood space interstellar cloud, local けば (Local Fluff).

The solar system enters into the cloud between the local fixed star from 44,000 150,000 years ago, and it is supposed that I stay from another 10,000 for 20,000 years. It is approximately 6,000 K, and the temperature of this cloud is equal to surface temperature of the sun. This cloud includes 0.26 atoms per 1 cubic centimeter thinly, and it is from about 1/5 of the galactic interstellar matter, gas of approximately 2 times of the gas of the local bubble. By the way, the atmosphere of the earth in the normal condition includes 2.7*1,019 molecule per 1 cubic centimeter.

The cloud is formed in the place where the local bubble and loop first bubble contact with. The sun and some local fixed stars are incorporated in the cloud between the local fixed star. There are Centaurus alpha star, Vega, アークトゥルス, Fomalhaut on the fixed star except the well-known sun.

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  • Mark Anderson, "Don't stop till you get to the Fluff", "New Scientist" no. 2585, 6 Jan, 2007, pp. 26-30

This article is taken from the Japanese Wikipedia Cloud between the local fixed star

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