2017년 3월 8일 수요일

Central police station (Hokkaido)

Central police station (Hokkaido)

Asahikage.svg Sapporo, Hokkaido area center police station Japanese Map symbol (Police station). svg
The metropolis and districts Police The Hokkaido Police
Jurisdiction Chuo-ku, Sapporo-shi
The number of the sections 14
The number of the police boxes 10 + Guard police box 1
The location 060-0001
Kita-1-jo, Chuo-ku, Sapporo-shi west 5-4
Position 43°03'N 43.8 seconds
A 141°20'E 58.3 seconds
coordinate: 43°03'N 43.8 seconds 141°20'E 58.3 seconds
Outside link Sapporo, Hokkaido area center police station
I display a template

One of the police stations of the Sapporo area where the Hokkaido Police have jurisdiction over the central police station (ちゅうおうけいさつしょ). A lead police station in Hokkaido.

Table of contents



  • The head (senior superintendent of police)
  • The vice-head (police superintendent)
  • Police affairs official
    • Police affairs section
    • Custody management section
  • Accountant
    • The Budget and Accounts Division
  • Life security official
    • Life security Lesson 1, life security Lesson 2
  • Area official
    • Local section
  • Field with eulalias growing special investigation corps
    • Special investigation first group, special investigation second group, special investigation third group
  • Detective official
    • Detective Lesson 1, detective Lesson 2, detective Lesson 3, organized crime measures section, drug firearms measures section 
  • Traffic official
    • Traffic Lesson 1, traffic Lesson 2
  • Guard official

Police box, guard police box

※() The は location

  • Field with eulalias growing police box (south 3, 4-jonishi) - police box director is a police superintendent. I set up the field with eulalias growing special investigation corps field headquarters in a police box.
  • Toyohira Bridge police box (south Article 5 east 4)
  • Odori police box (Odori west 1)
  • Sapporo station square police box (north 4, 5-jonishi)
  • Kita-1-johigashi police box (Kita-1-jo east 7)
  • Naebo station square police box (Kita-3-jo east 13)
  • Minami-3-jo police box (south 7, 3-jonishi)
  • Kita-1-jonishi police box (Kita-1-jo west 15)
  • Soen west police box (north 19, 4-jonishi)
  • Going out police box (south 14, 3-jonishi)
  • I deal with the guard of the Kita-3-jo guard police box (north 12, 2-jonishi) - living-in-Sapporo Republic of Korea consulate general.



  • The existing Government building built it in (1998) in 1998. It is the building which left the feature of the former Government building built in (1934) in 1934, and I am chosen by "Sapporo, oldness and 100 selections of culture" [1].
  • The driving test section center excellence driver license update center is on the Government building the first floor.
  • I unified each section to plan a functional enhancement from 2010 and assigned a police superintendent to a section manager and located a unification official of the police inspector in the bottom.
  • I renamed a unification official of each section to a deputy manager from 2012.
  • I reorganized the post of the post of police superintendent from 2013 and put post of curators grade such as a police affairs official, an accountant, the area official newly (as for the police affairs official, the area official holds the posts and the section manager at area in police affairs section managers each, and the accountant is accompanied by the post of police superintendent grade Police staff) and reorganized each section and allotted a police inspector for the section manager post.


  1. ^ "old center police station" (PDF). A promenade of the history. Chuo-ku, Sapporo-shi. June 28, 2016 reading.

Outside link

This article is taken from the Japanese Wikipedia Central police station (Hokkaido)

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