2017년 3월 28일 화요일



Chiba Lotte Marines #45
宗接唯人選手 .jpg
On January 15, 2017 in LOTTE Urawa Stadium
Basic information
Hometown Shiso-shi, Hyogo
The date of birth (1994-07-06) 1994July 6(22 years old)
The weight
90 kg
Player information
Throw, turn at bat 右投右打
Position Catcher
Entering professional The 2016 draft seventh place
Annual salary 8 million yen (2017)
Career (the team being on the register roll year professional in the parenthesis)

宗接唯人 (Yui inheriting a chest and July 6, 1994 [1] -) is a baseball player of the Chiba Lotte Marines position from Hyogo (catcher). I hit the right-handed right.

Table of contents

Uniform number

  • 45 (2017 -)


Allied item

Outside link

This article is taken from the Japanese Wikipedia 宗接唯人

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