2017년 3월 10일 금요일



Cityscape of スネジンスク
Cityscape of スネジンスク
City flag of スネジンスク Municipal emblem of スネジンスク
City flag Municipal emblem
Coordinate : 56°05'00" N 60°44'00" E / 56.08333 degrees N 60.73333 degrees E / 56.08333, 60.73333
The history
Establishment 1957
Country Russian flag Russia
 Federal district Urals Federal District
 Jurisdiction Chelyabinsk
 City スネジンスク
The mayor Anatoly チモチェンコフ (АнатолийТимошенков)[1]
  City limits 373.7 km2
Altitude 270 m
Population (as of January 1, 2011)
  City limits 50,619 [2] people
Equal time obi Ekaterinburg time (UTC +5)
Zip code 456770
Area code + 7 35146
Number plate 74, 174
An official web site: Official site (Russian)

スネジンスク (Russianнежинск) is a closedown city located in the northern part of Russian Federation Chelyabinsk. On May 23, 1957, it is established as 2 refuse re-(Касли-2). It was renamed to 50, Chelyabinsk (Челябинск-50) in 1959 and was renamed to 70, Chelyabinsk (Челябинск-70) more in 1967. I changed the name to current スネジンスク in 1993.

Russian Federation nuclear center

All the Baba - ヒン memory Russian technical physics laboratory affiliated with the Russian atomic energy-related national enterprise loss atom, another name Russian Federation nucleus center (Russian version) are put. [3]I keep it with the development of the nuclear weapon at the research institute, and I am appointed in the closedown city by a loss atom.


  1. Official site - mayor - チモチェンコフ Anatoly ニコラエヴィチ (ОфициальныйсайтглавыгородаСнежинск-Главагорода-ТимошенковАнатолийНиколаевич) (Russian) of the Mayor of ^ スネジンスク
  2. Official site (ГородСнежинск-ОфициальныйсайторгановместногосамоуправлениягородаСнежинск) (Russian) of the ^ スネジンスク city - スネジンスク city local government
  3. ^ Russian Federation nuclear center – VNIITF (Russian Federal Nuclear Center – VNIITF) (English)

This article is taken from the Japanese Wikipedia スネジンスク

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