2017년 3월 9일 목요일



Country Italian national flag Italy
State Regione-Emilia-Romagna-Stemma.svg Emilia-Romagna
Prefecture Blank.png Modena
CAP (zip code) 41059
Area code 059
ISTAT cord 036047
Identification cord M183
Separation village Ciano, Missano, Montalbano, Montecorone, Montetortore, Montombraro, Rosola
It is adjacency co-Mu Castile die Arno (BO), Castello D セッラヴァッレ (BO), グイーリア, mon thesis, パヴッロ flannel フリニャーノ, サヴィーニョ (BO), ヴェルガート (BO)
Official site Link
Population 4,873 [1] people (2012-01-01)
Population density 70.5 Person /km2
Name of inhabitants zocchesi
Patron saint Sacro Cuore
Coordinate 44°20'43" N 10°59'34" E / 44.34528 degrees N 10.99278 degrees E / 44.34528, a 10.99278 coordinate: 44°20'43" N 10°59'34" E / 44.34528 degrees N 10.99278 degrees E / 44.34528, 10.99278
Altitude It is m 758 (200-915) [2]
Area 69.11 [3] km2
Position (Italy) of ゾッカ
Position of ゾッカ
Domain of コムーネ in the Modena prefecture
Domain of コムーネ in the Modena prefecture

Flag of Italy.svg Portal Italy
I display a template

ゾッカ (Italian: Zocca) the basic local government (コムーネ ). of approximately 4,900 population in the Republic of Italy Emilia-Romagna Modena prefecture


Outside link

This article is taken from the Japanese Wikipedia ゾッカ

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