2017년 2월 21일 화요일

Takuya Nishimura (motorboat race player)

Takuya Nishimura (motorboat race player)

Takuya Nishimura
Basic information
Nationality Japanese flag Japan
Hometown Osaka
The date of birth (1986-12-01) 1986December 1(30 years old)
Height 164cm
Blood type Type A
Motorboat race player information
Position Osaka Branch
Registration number 4397
The registration period 98 quarters
The player results
Debut day 2006May 22
Main acquisition title
I display a template

The motorboat race player that Takuya Nishimura (I do irregularity Takuya, December 1, 1986 -) is from Osaka. Registration number 4397. 164cm tall. Blood type type A. 98 quarters. Osaka Branch position. There are Matsumoto Akie and others for Hirayama Tomoka, Yu Matsuda season in the same period.


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Outside link

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