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Charles Saunders

Charles Saunders

Sir Charles Saunders
Sir Charles Saunders
Richard Brompton - Portrait of Admiral Sir Charles Saunders - WGA03238.jpg
The birth 1715
Death 1775December 7
Position organization Naval Ensign of the United Kingdom.svgThe British navy
Military career 1727-1775
The last rank Admiral
I display a template

Sir Charles Saunders (Sir Charles Saunders, about 1713 -1775 year) is a British naval officer. I give the name by the capture of Quebec and become bus 勲章受勲, a knight in 1761. In addition, from 1754, I acted as a member of the Diet of the ヘドン election of Yorkshire at the House of common people [1].

Table of contents


I am until war for seven years by navy enlistment

George Anson

The age does not become clear, but is said to have been born in Somersetshire. In 1727, a relative becomes a protector and enters the British navy and goes together for world circumnavigation of flagship センチュリオン of admiral George Anson as a first lieutenant in 1739. In 1749, it was half pay with war end and decided to hold the posts of an officer and politics. After being called アドミラルボロー (navy electoral district), and having acted as the term of office as a member of the Diet of the electoral district of Plymouth that was rotten borough again, I moved to ヘドン of the State of Yorkshire and continued that member of the Diet for life. In 1752, I returned to naval active play and acted as a naval controller in treasurer, 1755 of the Greenwich Hospital in 1754 [2].

Fight of Louis Bour

War broke out for seven years, and Saunders was appointed the major general of the blue fleet in January, 1756 and went to Gibraltar for the assistance of the Edward hawk which led Mediterranean Sea fleet. I got a duty by the straits fleet of the suburbs of Brest afterwards. In 1757, the Marine Corps and a serious consideration plan of the game with France in the colony were printed out by the prime minister assumption of office of William Pitt. In the U.K. which won in fight (1758) of Louis Bour who took place in Canada in 1758, the way to Quebec attack via the St. Lawrence opened [2].

Quebec capture

James wolf

In 1759, I was right promoted in a blue fleet and went to Canada in flagship Neptune (English version) on February 13. Philip デュエル (English version) of the major general who wintered elsewhere in Nova Scotia, Charles Hormuz (English version) of the major general increased the James wolf which was a commander of the army in the same way [2].

The departure from a port of デュエル from tension fax was late, and it was June, and it was after that the main fleet went to Quebec [2]. The fleet was comprised of 49 warships, and the breakdown hit [3] with 20 ship of the line, 50 gate warships two, frigate 13, small war vessel 14, and 22 picked up cannons more than 50 and 13,500 soldiers. In addition, a mackinaw to use for military and naval forces combination operation was loaded onto 119 carriers. There was more total number of people of the fleet than population of Quebec [4]. Saunders divided a fleet into three squads and let frigate lead each and soaked surveying ship and 曳鯨船 [2].

Figure of the Saint Peter (Saint Pierre) lake and St. Lawrence at the time of 1781

The navigation of the St. Lawrence was full of difficulty. A proper chart was never made and was said to be it because the ship of the scale that was higher than frigate went along here safely if worthless. Saunders let you investigate the river where drift ice was left upstream on a boat in padrones who went together. Because a French military excluded a buoy and a beacon from the river and the reinforcement of the fort was accomplished at the dike, and I was watched by the French military without pausing, night mainly, the work was performed. I observed the position of the boat after making a round trip to the river many times, and putting appropriate distance, and having sounded it out and considered a flow and the tide and recorded the depth of the water along a form. Patience and a technique were necessary for an investigation [4].

On June 20, I advocated the signal which went up the St. Lawrence on a carrier, and, one week later, the fleet of Saunders charged to Quebec [2].

James Cook

On June 27, Saunders supported the Orleans Island landing of the wolf. It hung over the navy after all, and Robert Moncton (English version) of the brigadier general, James Malaysia and George タウンシェンド (English version) and talks by Saunders leaned in the subordinates of the wolf at the end of August whether the Quebec capture went well. By a general wolf, I will meet a French military afterwards on the plateau Abraham plain of the suburbs of Quebec. Because I went up the St. Lawrence by ship in an army of that purpose on the fight previous night, and it was said to locate it on the plateau that went up the cliff which was steepness [4], it was "the strategy that should be criticized and was really very appropriate, and was commanded well" if I borrowed expression of Saunders [2]. Actually, the landing operation of this time is said to be world's first full-scale military and naval forces for two uses operation [3].

The combination operation was continued even after a battle was over, and the French station military unit of Quebec surrendered at last on September 18 [2].

The improvement of the navigation and surveying technology contributed to the success of this strategy, too [2]. James Cook of the youth linked the name as a chief navigator of warship Pembroke (English version) to this fleet, too. Cook won fame by an investigation into St. Lawrence and made use of knowledge of astronomy and the mathematics and produced a chart. Saunders got the nihil obstat of this chart later from the Department of the Navy [4].

Position (from the right top on the fourth in Candlemass Island, the bottom Montague Island) of the Saunders Island

Saunders returned home before St. Lawrence freezing once after being engaged in the handling of trivial routine duties and, after the Quebec capture, came back to Quebec again in spring of the next year [2].

After 1760

After the Quebec capture, Saunders returned to a duty of the Mediterranean Sea and captured many ships including the treasures ship and blew up assets. After having acted as a Minister of the Navy, it was done 叙爵 in 1761 by a knight and made an effort for protection of the Newfoundland fishery as one member of the Diet afterwards. And, in October, 1762, I was promoted to the vice-admiralty of the white fleet [2].

1775December 7LondonThe で death. I was buried near the cemetery of the wolf of Westminster Abbey. Horrace Walpole describes it as "a person most valuable in quietness" about Saunders [4].

I discovered an island of 5.5 miles in total length (8.9km) of the bow shape between an island and Montague Island of the south Sandwich Islands in a Candlemass, and James Cook going on a voyage in same 1775 named Saunders island after this admiral [5].


This article is taken from the Japanese Wikipedia Charles Saunders

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