Palace, Ochiyaya

The Shinagawa palace of the family to inherit the shogunate was put in Gotenyama facing Tokaido in the 17th century
Palace, Ochiyaya (ごてんおちゃや) is a facility installed in each place to use it when a general goes out in the suburbs of the Edo era in the Edo era. Palace, Ochiyaya is the facility which I established any place other than the inside of a castle because the general (I include an influential figure, an heir) stays days in the case of a trip and going out on a holiday in the Edo era. The thing which said that it was for staying was called Ochiyaya by the palace, the small thing. The distinction of palace, Ochiyaya is almost clear in South Kanto, but it is called "Ochiyaya palace" in Mino, Hitoshi Oomi, and distinction is vague [1].
In addition, with palace, Ochiyaya that was distributed over route and North Kanto (the sunlight area) to 駿豆以西京都 any place other than South Kanto, and a daimyo established after the fashion of the Shogunate [2].
Table of contents
- Setting
Palace, Ochiyaya is a facility installed in each place to use it when a general goes out in the suburbs of the Edo era in the Edo era. Palace, Ochiyaya is the facility which I established any place other than the inside of a castle because the general (I include an influential figure, an heir) stays days in the case of a trip and going out on a holiday in the Edo era. The thing which said that it was for staying was called Ochiyaya by the palace, the small thing. The distinction of palace, Ochiyaya is almost clear in South Kanto, but it is called "Ochiyaya palace" in Mino, Hitoshi Oomi, and distinction is vague [3].
- Purpose
If a palace, Ochiyaya setting and the use purpose are for a trip, it is classified roughly for リクリェーション. The former had the use such as visit to the capital, 駿府往復, 日光社参. It was installed along the course between the light on Edo 10 quadrillion capital interval and Edo day [4].
The latter stayed at palace, Ochiyaya days mainly in Takagari on a holiday. Most were used as a one-day rest station at the time of the house light and were located in the 15km zone from Edo-jo Castle, but Togane palace (Chiba), the north reached 忍 (Saitama) and the 50km zone and they stayed for days and, at time of Ieyasu, have carried out the east. In addition, as for Ieyasu, there were the intentions in the politics such as unofficial drawing rooms of 入物 necessary for a name in Takagari the conciliation of a walkabout, the powerful clan [5].
- Record
I can confirm the record of palace, Ochiyaya in a country illustrated map. The Edo Shogunate gave daimyos an order with the country illustrated map and it was the map every country which let you make it and called myself "Genroku era country illustrated map" with the thing which "Masayasu country illustrated map" depended on under a life of (1696) with a thing to depend on under a life of (1644) in the Masayasu first year for Genroku era nine years [6].
That I can confirm the record of palace, Ochiyaya in "Masayasu country illustrated map" a lot, but the number of the palace decreases in "Genroku era country illustrated map", and there is not a mention, or it is a palace trace [7].
- The disposal
Main reasons are how old, or they include it for palace, the Ochiyaya disposal. For example, the basics of shogunal administration of 駿府往復 being made up by the Ieyasu death, and not having needed the visit to the capital. "Takagari" not having been performed from Tsunakichi from a religious reason. With finance of the Shogunate becoming formal, and the maintenance of palace, Ochiyaya having become difficult [8]. In the background where finance of the Shogunate became formal, there is the rebuilding of Edo-jo Castle caused by the big fire of the Meiryaku era of (1657) for Meiryaku era three years and abolishes Nakahara palace, 越 ヶ valley palace with it, and Edo-jo Castle includes that I removed and rebuilt it [9].
Nobujiro Oshima needs an expense of again に a large amount of Edo-jo Castle old, and it is proved that finance of the Shogunate was formal by expenditure not having been easy for 日光社参. [10].
Palace, Ochiyaya of Kanto
Tokai route
- It is said that Yoshimune, 家斉 was used at the time of the Meiji Restoration as for the abolition a place at time of 徳川家宜 as for the Toshima county, the time by an amusement.
- Setting was abolished after Ieyasu Tokugawa entry in (1702) for Genroku era 15 years at Ebara county, the time (used after the abolition as Gotenyama). It is said that Ieyasu, house light were used for an amusement. It is recorded "a palace" with "a palace trace" to Genroku era country illustrated map in the Masayasu country illustrated map.
- (Sagami country Odawara, Genna first year (1615) abolished)
- It is said that it was in the bell ヶ forest Yawata boundary (1726) for Ebara county Iriyamazu-mura, Kyoho 11 years.
- It is said that there was it at Kanagawa hotel, the Kanbun annual time
- Sagami country Fujisawa hotel
- Hiratsuka village Funayama
Nakahara course
- Hara-mura out of the Sagami country
- With Inage territory Kosugi-mura, Inage palace, the Ochiyaya palace
Nakayama route
- With Koishikawa, the Koishikawa palace, it is 廃 (1713) for cause Tatebayashi Tsunakichi annex, Masanori three years
- Adachi county Ishitoshuku
- The Urawa hotel was Shogunate direct control territory (under an alias: an Imperial demesne). The rest house of the falconry of the Tokugawa family to inherit the shogunate was called "a palace" in an elegant name, but the Urawa palace which was an early palace was established in Tokiwamachi (former Urawa hotel Kamimachi, existing 1, Tokiwa, Urawa-ku) that was the center of the Urawa hotel at the time. This is interest りとされている of the Urawa hotel. It prospered before it as Monzen-cho of the House of 調神社 and ball storehouse. It was abolished (1611) at the time for Keicho era 16 years after Konosu palace was built at the facilities but the Konosu hotel of the neighborhood in (1593) for Bunroku two years and came to be managed afterward as a forest of the Shogunate direct management.
- Konosu palace that Ieyasu, Hidetada, General Tokugawa Sandai of the house light came to Takagari and stayed long was built in (1593) for Bunroku two years [14]. Even if the use is cut off last, and (1631) was dismantled as material for the Edo-jo Castle rebuilding for Kanei era eight years when a big fire of the Meiryaku era gets up in (1657) for Meiryaku era three years [14], this palace is said to be it even if I was demolished for deterioration in the Genroku era year [15]. Toshogu was erected afterwards by a descendant of Koike who ruled here to a palace trace [14].
Koshu course
- I am located at the Musashi country Koshu Highway Fuchu hotel and it is based and is destroyed by fire in 1646 in 1590. What was excavated in a palace of beauty spot [11] where Mount Fuji called "Gotenyama" in Honcho, Fuchu-shi was seen [12] was destroyed by fire in 1646 [13]; is a thing [14] [15]. When Ieyasu Tokugawa [16], Hidetada Tokugawa, Iemitsu Tokugawa did Takagari [17], sweetfish fishing [18], I found a break and a palace trace [19] which I stayed at [20], and the palace trace did addition designation [21] on the historic spot of the country. I was used as a tea dealer, and the way reaching the Tama River through a palace slope [22] drawing up water is called "Ochiyaya highway" even now [23].
Sunlight, Oshu course
- I said Oji-mura, the Itabashi palace
- It is said that ころ Asakusa Kannondo back was after Asakusa, the Genroku era a year
- Tree mother Terauchi, Tenna about 6 廃
- 千住勝専寺背後, Enpo era eight years (1680) abolished). Ochiyaya was established at the time of person of beginning light and was rebuilt later as a palace on the occasion of 家綱日光社参 [24].
- Adachi county June village, 寛永年間廃
- Adachi county Toneri-mura, 寛永年間廃
- 越 ヶ valley palace was a palace established by Ieyasu Tokugawa in (1604) for Keicho era nine years, but Edo-jo Castle is accompanied to be destroyed by fire, and it is dismantled by a big fire of the Meiryaku era [10]. It was abolished for Meiryaku era three years. The ruins are Gotencho, Koshigaya-shi [10]. The Ochiyaya palace which was in current Mashibayashi, Koshigaya-shi was removed and rebuilt in current Gotencho, Koshigaya-shi, and the 越 ヶ valley palace called itself "越 ヶ valley palace". This neighborhood was a meadow zone along the Motoara River and, as for Ieyasu Tokugawa and Hidetada Tokugawa, a lot of wild birds often stayed at this palace and they served as a walkabout and repeated falconry in old days. However, because Edo-jo Castle was destroyed by fire, I dismantled this palace, and it was used for the rebuilding of Edo-jo Castle, and I was moved to the Edo-jo Castle outworks of a castle from Meiryaku era January 18, 3 (March 2, 1657) by a big fire of the Meiryaku era of January 20 (March 4) [11]. The whole area was developed as a farm except a part, but the name of "the palace" remains as the place name, and, in the case of the house indication enforcement, the place name is left as "Gotencho" at the present [12].
- (Musashi country Katsushika county Kurihashi hotel)
- Imaichi palace (country Shioya-gun going out of power)
- A palace was established by (1632) for Kanei era nine years, and the Imaichi hotel was destroyed by fire in (1742) for imperial grant, Kanpo two years in (1665) for Kanbun five years. It was in the temple boundary of Nyoraiji (Jodo) [3], and the gate of honor for exclusive use of the palace was established separately from the main gate of a Buddhist temple [4]. According to "Tokugawa authentic account," the Imaichi palace was used as a resting and lodging place of 日光社参 in (1649) for (1648), go-between two years of the house rope in the go-between first year from (1628), the Kanei era period of the house light for (1622), Kanei era five years for Genna eight years of Hidetada Tokugawa [5]. I established the Imaichi palace in the Nyoraiji precincts by (1632) for Kanei era nine years. To this age, 日光社参 several times were performed on 17 anniversaries of death of Ieyasu by then, but stayed at still exclusive resting and lodging facilities はなかっため, the building of the temple days on a holiday. The Imaichi palace was used during (1628) for ー Kanbun five years for Kanei era nine years. The Shogunate performs maintenance, the repair of the palace; for Kanei era 11 years (1634), 13 years for 17 years for go-between first year (1648), two years of five times is restored. I grant a palace in Nyoraiji in (1628) for Kanbun five years. A palace was destroyed by fire for Kanpo two years, but was not rebuilt the palace. After Kanpo 2, 日光社参 two times were performed, but took a break in Nyoraiji [6].
Sunlight going out route
- (Koorigawa, Adachi Exit hotel, the Kanei era year abolished)
Mito Highway, Sakura Highway, Togane going out course
- I am destroyed by fire in (1716) in Kosuge-mura, the Kanpo first year
- Blue Tomura
- Kudzu Nishishinjuku-mura
- Shimousa country Funabashi hotel, the existing Toshogu, Funabashi trace outskirts
- Kazusa country mind hotel, the Kanei era first year abolished)
- I discard it (1624) in setting, the Kanei era first year in Kazusa country Togane, 1613. Now Chiba Prefectural Togane high school.
Komaki-shi, Aichi
- One of the palaces (villa) of the Komaki palace Owari Tokugawas. It was at the upper highway Komaki hotel.
Four teahouses which Enshu Kobori built are in Shiga.
- Minaguchicho, Koka-shi
- Nagahara, Yasu-shi
- Notogawacho, Higashi-Omi-shi
- Kashiwabara, Maibara-shi
- In the case of "history geographical consideration (the first report) ー South Kanto of the Tokugawa family to inherit the shogunate palace, it is ー" (Mr. Fumio Tada Age of Joy memory) "Komazawa geography" 14, Komazawa University, 177-197 pages, 1978 ^ Yoshikazu Nakajima.
- In the case of "history geographical consideration (the first report) ー South Kanto of the Tokugawa family to inherit the shogunate palace, it is ー" (Mr. Fumio Tada Age of Joy memory) "Komazawa geography" 14, Komazawa University, 177-197 pages, 1978 ^ Yoshikazu Nakajima.
- In the case of "history geographical consideration (the first report) ー South Kanto of the Tokugawa family to inherit the shogunate palace, it is ー" (Mr. Fumio Tada Age of Joy memory) "Komazawa geography" 14, Komazawa University, 177-197 pages, 1978 ^ Yoshikazu Nakajima.
- In the case of "history geographical consideration (the first report) ー South Kanto of the Tokugawa family to inherit the shogunate palace, it is ー" (Mr. Fumio Tada Age of Joy memory) "Komazawa geography" 14, Komazawa University, 177-197 pages, 1978 ^ Yoshikazu Nakajima.
- In the case of "history geographical consideration (the first report) ー South Kanto of the Tokugawa family to inherit the shogunate palace, it is ー" (Mr. Fumio Tada Age of Joy memory) "Komazawa geography" 14, Komazawa University, 177-197 pages, 1978 ^ Yoshikazu Nakajima.
- About ^ Shingo Nakajima, "the Genroku era country illustrated map of the Tsushima feudal clan," it is "Tsushima Historical Museum report" 25th, Tsushima Historical Museum, 2002.
- In the case of "history geographical consideration (the first report) ー South Kanto of the Tokugawa family to inherit the shogunate palace, it is ー" (Mr. Fumio Tada Age of Joy memory) "Komazawa geography" 14, Komazawa University, 177-197 pages, 1978 ^ Yoshikazu Nakajima.
- In the case of "history geographical consideration (the first report) ー South Kanto of the Tokugawa family to inherit the shogunate palace, it is ー" (Mr. Fumio Tada Age of Joy memory) "Komazawa geography" 14, Komazawa University, 177-197 pages, 1978 ^ Yoshikazu Nakajima.
- In the case of "history geographical consideration (the first report) ー South Kanto of the Tokugawa family to inherit the shogunate palace, it is ー" (Mr. Fumio Tada Age of Joy memory) "Komazawa geography" 14, Komazawa University, 177-197 pages, 1978 ^ Yoshikazu Nakajima.
- ^ Nobujiro Oshima, "日光社参," it is 日本交通史論叢所収, 1939.
- It is on the ^ Fuchu cliff line (brush)
- ^ forming anew Musashi topographical record article "is western Tohoku level ground do the southwest to a high cliff only of three length, and do it a view, and, in the bottom, country Zozumi of the said country does the this place in the ancient times in hill May of rice field or 廣 pole other place 100 steps historic site of the historic site palace trace wonder light House"
- ^ "Musashi natural beauty spot collection of pictures" "this in the first place ground palace the beginning I let the place of the Eight Provinces of Kanto give up than Toyotomi father of the Imperial adviser after the Odawara fall of a castle and do it and tell you the place of the God of Taoism sitting trick castle more, and 給 is and establishes it in Jiangcheng, and there is it, and I give the design of neighboring villages an order, and 給 is in 近国并 and does setting up of 畋猟 (Ryo who does not appear) in 砌, Fuchu, Kawagoe of the Jiangcheng repair, and a building means does an inn Fuchu Old when I get it and there are more the place of the prefecture and the command from a noble of running it to the historic site if I serve and am done 聞召 and kick it and does it to building up すべしとて, an excellent craftsperson of 近隣近里 at that time in front of father of the Imperial adviser Oshu in a downward direction ありしかば, 帰陣 on orders ありて, a non-day and does palace building up 云 of the building"
- ^ About Fuchu-shi historical story society July lecture "Fuchu palace"
- In the days of Fuchu palace and entering of ^ Ieyasu Edo
- I stay on (1610) October 16 for ^ Keicho era 15 years
- It is 2012.11.24 by falconry of ^ Ieyasu in a reproduction "Musashi Kokufu trace palace place district of Fuchu-shi"
- ^ In the case of Takagari and sweetfish fishing, Ieyasu Fuchu palace Ieyasu who met Hideyoshi stays in the Fuchu palace after the general enthronement frequently
- I was destroyed by fire by a big fire of ^ 1646
- ^ On May 14, 2010, Fuchu-shi announces that remains of an ancient structure thought to be the trace were found
- I am contained by ^ Musashi Kokufu trace
- ^ palace slope
- ^ Fuchu navigator "teahouse highway"
- It depends on ^ "forming anew Musashi country topographical record article" winding 136, 2 of the Adachi county.
Allied item
Outside link
- Ochiyaya palace - discovery! Visiting Japan castles
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