2017년 2월 17일 금요일

Yoshihiro Taguchi

Yoshihiro Taguchi

Yoshihiro Taguchi
The real name Yoshihiro Taguchi
The birth 1981?? Is it a month? Day
Japanese flag Japan GifuTajimi-shi
Nationality Japanese flag Japan
Occupation Comic artist
Activity period 2010 -
Genre Gag strip
Story comics
I display a template

Yoshihiro Taguchi (たぐちよしひろ, the real name: in Yoshihiro Taguchi, 1981 -) is a Japanese comic artist. I am from Gifu.

Table of contents


A university is detonated by contact burning of Kazuhiko Shimamoto after graduation by a pen and begins to create comics in earnest.

I win Tetsuya Chiba Prize award in the 55th in 2009 [1]. I publish the third classroom serially in a morning coat in two afterwards until 2011.

List of works


Outside link

This article is taken from the Japanese Wikipedia Yoshihiro Taguchi

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