2017년 2월 16일 목요일

Hidenobu Sakai

Hidenobu Sakai

Hidenobu Sakai
Basic information
Popular name PRINCE OF DEVIL
Prince devil
Rank Lightweight class
Nationality Japanese flag Japan
Birthday (1973-02-28) 1973February 28(43 years old)
Hometown Japanese flag Japan
Height 170㎝
The weight 63 kilos
Style American style
Professional kick boxing war record
The number of the total games 17
Victory 14 wins
KO victory 13KO
Defeat Three defeats
I display a template

Hidenobu Sakai (さかいひでのぶ, 1973 (1973) February 28 -) is a Japanese kickboxer. REXJAPAN position. The heretic who turns to the back in Norgard in pantaloons with an American style (martial arts), and attacks it, and does tapir sky kick, and fights with a tricky style. The origin of the popular name is Naseem Hamed of the boxing.


  • I make my debut as a professional by federation of all-Japan kick boxing (AJKF) performance (1997) on April 29 in 1997, and it is won by KO by 3R straight right by Takahiro Maehara.
  • On May 24, 1998, I appear with an American style (the martial arts became the most に fashion that Benny Urquidez visited Japan in August, 1977, and played a game) in pantaloons, and it is won by 2RKO by Takashi Nihei.
  • On January 28, 2000, I enter it with a former WBC of the boxing, looks and costume same as Naseem Hamed of the WBO featherweight division king by 5R promotion jump-off with Hiroyasu Hakozaki and I rotate it once and enter the ring at the rope. When take down with upper loosening in 1R, the sky, decide the Jean Ping backspin kick of the shock on face when stand up, and become a ranking from a debut in five five wins 5kO; is acquisition in the rookie of the year title in this year.
  • I lose in サッダム ギャットヨンユット on December 22, 2000, and seven KO records that continued from a debut break off in seven wins 7KO.
  • I served the chairperson of Rex Japan as a successor of Takahiro Shimizu of the teacher after a win on a decision to Tomohiro Shimano by a return war (2001) on June 17 in 2001. The all-Japan lightweight class first place.
  • I returned to a swing in nice middle (kick boxing anti-aging fight 40 years or older) (2013) for 12 years on February 10 in 2013 and, on win on a decision March 20, did an appearance, a rope 1 round in pantaloons for one of professional return active play formally in TRIBELATE and showed movement like ring in Naseem Hamed and won by KO by 2R back blow to ENTRANCE Shozo.
  • 2014 (2014) February 23 the father fight (won in judgment 2-1 for boxing anti-aging fight to be carried out regardless of professional, flax 30 years or older, and OFB supermarket welter-weight division king acquired it.
  • I won by KO by the punch of the 1R2 degree (2014) in TRIBELATE on August 2 in 2014 and got a senior league supermarket welter-weight division king.
  • I win by TKO by referee stop in the place where I face nature "ミステリオ" 0 in TRIBELATE on October 26 and took the down by a punch in 3R. Members of TEAM ☆ LEGEND (the seconde that the former kick boxing kings gathered for) of the second went on the ring after a game and praised victory.
  • I win a welter-weight division throne jump-off by the father fight (boxing anti-aging fight) (2015) on November 15 in 2015 and I get a welter-weight division king and become two classes of kings. ・ I perform TAKEDA and a welter-weight division throne jump-off in TRIBELATE voI.49 on November 23, the same year, and I take 2R3 degree down and win by KO and get a welter-weight division king, and it is to two classes of kings.
  • On May 21, 2016, I performed a welter-weight division title match with Takuya Kimura in TRIBELATE voI.50 and I took 3 degrees down in 2R and succeeded in throne defense by TKO victory. Yuma Asami of the sexy actress served to a round girl.               
  • On July 31, 2016, I face Shota Haruyama of the former Class A boxer in OFB supermarket welter-weight division title match and lose by a judgment.
  • On November 6, 2016, I won by 2RKO in OFB R40 supermarket welter-weight division title match and succeeded in throne defense.


  • I am introduced at a corner of Kenji Otsuki in SRS - Fuji TV


  • It is a - tenth all-Japan new karate championship (1999) on May 5 for 1,999 years

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