2017년 2월 20일 월요일



The hermit who appears for the God mysterious novel "seal God commentary" that 懼留孫 (くりゅうそん) was established to Chinese Akiyo. One of 崑崙十二大師.

A 夾竜山, fleeting cloud antral sinus prefecture. An immediate pupil of 元始天尊. I do 入釈成仏 later and become custody grandchild France. It is said that seven stars which take 碧冠 with the Jonathan apple according to the poetry of the originals, and bind it together with a silk obi in 翡翠袍, and defeat two equally powerful people in a hand, and cut a ghost take shining 太阿剣.

I visited west Funato with other brothers pupils by a fight of 十絶陣 and supported 姜子牙. I catch 趙江 alive in 梱仙縄 and break 地烈陣 on this occasion.

I descended a mountain when I knew that a soil line grandchild of the pupil was seduced to a Prince monkey leopard, and the quotient forces increased it and changed the earth into steel using art of 指地成鋼 and arrested a soil line grandchild afterwards (the soil line grandchild can go ahead through the basement, but motions are not produced because I cannot go into the steel when the soil is changed to the steel when I am in the underground). But I suggested it to 姜子牙 because a soil line grandchild saw through that there were 鄧嬋玉 and the relationship of the filler foot (I get married) then to invite 嬋玉 to a lap without executing him.

I received an order of 元始天尊 and ambushed a Prince monkey leopard and when 姜子牙 caught the surprise attack of the Prince monkey leopard, I arrested him and took you under 元始天尊. In addition, when a soil line grandchild was going to be executed in 余元, I descend a mountain and arrest 余元 by help, the later fight. I fought against the tortoise soul Holy Mother with the Battle of 万仙陣.

Because return of the future was asked in 東征前 by a soil line grandchild, 懼留孫 gave , but the soil line grandchild was killed in a fierce animal cliff by 張奎 without understanding a meaning. I send 指地成鋼符 to blockade letter and him who wrote a trap to defeat 後張奎 to 姜子牙 and support it.

This article is taken from the Japanese Wikipedia 懼留孫

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