2017년 2월 25일 토요일



Wasp (non-lethal weapon). jpg
Kind Nonfatal handgun
Original development country Russian flag Russia
History of development
Development period 1997 through 1999 [1]
Weight 0.4 kg
Full length 45mm

Bullet 18*45mm
Diameter 18-caliber
Operation method Double action method
Loading method It is 4 decorative metal fittings bullets in a cartridge chamber

オサー (RussianСА, will of the hornet) is a Russian nonfatal handgun. These several kinds of guns are made and are used for a signal handgun and a photoflash bomb discharge device or a starter pistol. The system consists of the gun body (ammunition, laser pointer from two to four, electronic ignition mechanism) and various bullet seeds.

The development of オサー was carried out by G A bidet F (Г.А.Бидеев) which was an engineer, a manufacturer and a weapon designer in the 1990s [2]. These guns designed it in "Federal Center for Research and Manufacturing" (if they translate it literally a federal study production center) which was a national engine and "The Institute for Science and Research in the Applied Chemistry" (if they translate it literally Institute for applied chemistry, scientific investigation), and they were produced [1]. I can buy and sell this handgun in a private market.

Table of contents

Design details

PB-4 four of former design are break action type handguns of the barrel. I levelled the cartridge chamber molded in the letter of a figure of eight inside of the cartridge chamber block made of aluminum and I repeated these two and accommodated it. The number of the bullets is two with both cartridge chambers. It depends on gas pressure being enfeoffed in a thick cartridge (whereas bullet diameter is 15.3mm as for the outer diameter of the cartridge 18mm) that it is not necessary to establish the cartridge chamber separated for each ammunition, and a cartridge chamber does not have to be opposed to gas pressure. When 改設計 does ammunition in illegality for the purpose of the reinforcement of the power, the proper use of this gun is interfered with. The cartridge shows the function as the barrel again. There is the bullet at the deep position in the cartridge and is accelerated in the case inside. At the time of shooting, the case anterior extremity forms a line at cartridge chamber block anterior extremity and the position. There is the extract tractor with four nails in the central groove of the cartridge chamber block. As for the cartridge, it is carved Article 1 with a no bourrelet type a groove of 排莢用. The extract tractor holds a cartridge and puts a cartridge from the outside of the cartridge chamber block into the front direction. When a movement was opened up for the hand-operated loading, the cartridge is pulled out to the rear. A trigger and the trigger overpass are attached to the undersurface of the cartridge chamber block.

I join it to the hand side, and the cartridge chamber block is fixed. An aspect for the fixation, a shooting button (after having joined a cartridge chamber block, I am overwhelmed by a trigger), a hand, battery and an electronic device are incorporated in the hand side. Therefore, four sets of circular contact boards are put on the fixed aspect, and the detonator contacts with a cartridge bottom with an electric ignition type. In addition, there are four sets of contact pins in each board central part and contacts a detonator. An electronic impulse is made when I pull a trigger, and an electric ignition system sends an ignition impulse out in turn to a cartridge chamber from 1 to the fourth. In addition, I can skip the cartridge chamber where the live cartridge which caused malfunction is in to avoid misfire. As for this gun, only a single-engine shooting mode is possible. Ignition mechanism operates some of repair types of PB-4 with battery. The strong generator of kind similar to the ignition for the kitchen which I am compressed while a spring pulls a trigger with other kinds, and an electric impulse produces when I was thrown open is used.

A simple sighting device is established in the upper cartridge chamber block. A semicylindrical groove is cut for the part, and the anterior extremity of the groove becomes the white foresight part. A built-in model laser site is attached with some derivation type of PB-4. This establishes the laser irradiation window in the fixation side central part, and it is that a beam advances along the extract tractor groove of the cartridge chamber block. The laser switch made on the right side of the hand side is operated with a thumb. The laser works with battery embedding a hand. The safe switch does not exist. It is joined, and, as for this loaded gun, shooting preparations are always in a state. However, it is necessary to be charged from some repair type by battery [3].


The person that 18x45T オサー handgun bullet was fired into both sides of the head part from distance of 1m could do a cul-de-sac gunshot wound, and the bullet passed most of the brains. The victim became the vegetative state [4].

Derivation type

  • PB-4 "OSA" (ПБ-4 "ОСА") - The first form. 18x45mm ammunition, a 1999 production start [1].
  • PB-4M (ПБ-4М) - The second form. 18x45mm ammunition, a 2002 production start.
  • PB-4-1 (ПБ-4-1) - The form that incorporated a laser site. 18x45mm ammunition, a 2003 production start [1].
  • PB-4-1ML (ПБ-4-1МЛ) - The new form that incorporated a laser site. 18*45mm ammunition, a 2005 production start [5].
  • PB-4-2 (ПБ-4-2) - A new model, 18.5*55mm ammunition.
  • PB-4SP (ПБ-4СП) - "A service model," it is 18.5*60mm ammunition. The Russian Department of the Interior adopted it as the weapon which each organization (Moscow subway section, 民警 patrol corps, others) of the Russian machinery of law used in 2005 [1]; [6] [7].

Lawful act

  •   In the organization put by guard [8] [9] and the law that it was authorized that a citizen used a nonfatal weapon in Russian - Russia, and were personal again using this [10].
  •   The use of the nonfatal weapon in Kazakh - Kazakhstan is admitted by a citizen [11]; [12]. In addition, the personal guard can use this.
  •   After an exhibition of "Enforce Tac-2013" was performed in Nuremberg from German - March 7, 2013 through 8th, few オサー handguns were ordered for the Germany Police.


The "オサー" ammunition is comprised of various types of bullets. For the self-defense that these are a sound and light and give a psychological shock is planned for illumination use again.

  • 18x45T (18 X 45T) - With ammunition giving a psychological shock, a rubber bullet of 15.3mm is put in the aluminum medicine manufacture shell. The bullet of 11.6g in weight is made of rubber, but a metal bullet core is put for reinforcement [13]. As for this bullet, 120m/s, the again first vitality are 85J muzzle muzzle velocity. When this ammunition hits a sign, I cause a shock reaction.
  • 18*45 O (18*45 O) - A white photoflash bomb. The intensity of light is 105 cd.
  • 18*45 S (18 X 45С) - The signal bullet which was put in the aluminum medicine manufacture shell. Yellow is red or the emission color of the flare is green.
  • 18*45 SZ (18 X 45СЗ) - Light and sound ammunition. A special bursting charge is put in the aluminum medicine manufacture shell and utters an extreme explosion and flash of light. I produce it from 2004.
  • 18*45 I (18 X 45И) - Tear-gas bomb I use capsaicin and CN gas. I produce it from 2005 [14].
  • 18*45 Pr. (18 X 45Пр.) - The inert ammunition using the aluminum medicine manufacture shell. It is for education, training.
  • 18*45 SM (18 X 45СМ, "патронфейерверочный") - The aerial fireworks using the aluminum medicine manufacture shell.
  • 18*45 RSh (18 X 45РШ) - The ammunition which gives a psychological shock. Rubber bullets of 12g were produced from preparation, 2010. This ammunition contains the warhead of the 22mm diameter in an aluminum medicine manufacture shell. The first vitality is about 100J without the warhead being made of all rubber, and using a metal bullet core [15].
  • 18 X 45«A+A» The ammunition which gives - psychological shock. I comprise a 15.3mm rubber warhead and use a plastic medicine manufacture shell. This ammunition delivers the rubber bullet with the metal reinforcement bullet core [16]. The first vitality of the warhead is quite 91J[17].
  • 18*45 RG (18 X 45РГ) - The ammunition which gives the psychological shock that put a rubber bullet in the composite case. A metal reinforcement bullet core is in the rubber warhead of 11.6g [18].

The discharge mechanism of this pistol can produce electronic pulses to light discharge medicine by oneself.


  1. ^ a b c d eДмитрийКочетков. 10летспустя: огнестрельноебесствольноеоружиесамообороныотмечаетпервыйюбилей//«Калашников. Оружие,боеприпасы,снаряжение»,No.12, 2006. стр.28-30
  2. ^Г. Бидеев. КомплексОСА-оружиесамообороныXXIвека// "Ружьё",No.1, 2000.
  3. ^ Securityarms.com
  4. ^ http://www.kalashnikov.ru/upload/medialibrary/d9b/058_061.pdf
  5. ^Д.Л. Кочетков. ПБ-4-1МЛ: первыйвзгляд//«Калибр»,No.12, 2005
  6. ^СветланаСамоделова. "Нелетальныйпатруль. Стражейправопорядкавооружат "свирелями," it is "рулетами" и "зверобоями" //«Московскийкомсомолец», 15th January 2008
  7. ^ Полициювооружают«Осой». ВместоПМучастковым,сотрудникамППСитранспортнойполициибудутвыдаватьтравматическиепистолеты// "Известия" 27марта2012
  8. ^ "Переченьвидоввооруженияохранников... Сертифицированноевустановленномпорядкевкачествегражданскогооружия... огнестрельноебесствольноеоружиеотечественногопроизводства"
  9. ^ "ВПетербургесовершенонападениенаохранустройплощадкиМариинскоготеатра... вовремяинцидентаодинизохранниковприменилоружие – травматическийпистолетПБ-4. Однаконападавшиеотобралиоружиеискрылисьсместапреступления."
    ВПетербургесовершенонападениенаохранустройплощадкиМариинскоготеатра// "АгентствоБизнесновостей", 31 October 2008
  10. ^ "3.1.3. Огнестрельноебесствольноеоружиеотечественногопроизводстваспатронамитравматического,газовогоисветозвуковогодействия,соответствующиминормамМинистерстваздравоохраненияисоциальногоразвитияРоссийскойФедерации,втомчислеПБ-4 "Оса""
  11. ^СветланаТумакова. Самооборона… поразрешению//общественно-политическаягазета"Око"от12января2007
  12. ^ПРЕСС-РЕЛИЗосостояниипреступностисприменениемогнестрельногооружияспатронамитравматическогодействия// The Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Kazakhstan press-release
  13. ^А. Жеромский. "ОСА": испытания// "Ружьё",No.6, 1999. стр.46
  14. ^Новинкитравматическогооружия//журнал"Калибр",No.10,октябрь2005. стр.6-7
  15. ^МихаилДегтярёв. 100джоулейдля«Осы». //«Калашников. Оружие,боеприпасы,снаряжение»,No.12, 2010. стр.70-71
  16. ^Патронтравматическогодействиякалибра18х45когнестрельномуоружиюограниченногопоражения,огнестрельномубесствольномуоружиюТУ7272-003-5254-051 //сертификатсоответствияNo.РОСС.RU.SA.01B04271
  17. ^Электропатронкалибра18x45длябесствольногоогнестрельногооружиясамообороны//ООО"А+А" official site
  18. ^Бюджетныйэлектропатронкалибра18х45 //ООО"А+А" official site

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