2017년 2월 12일 일요일



スノフスク (Russianновск, church Slavicновскъ) is a city of the チェルニゴフ dukedom which existed along スノフ river (デスナ river branch) over the tenth to the thirteenth century. I am destroyed by Lucy invasion in Mongolia, and the ruins of a castle remain in セドニウ of the Ukraine チェルニーヒウ state now.

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According to the archeological investigation, the existence of the village of ロムヌィ ボルシチェヴォ culture (ru) ahead of an appearance of スノフスク is suggested in the ground. The village is located in the southern part of existing セドニウ at approximately 0.4 hectares. Probably the village is one of the villages which went out of fashion in the tenth century of the セヴェリャーネ group [1].

Kiev Lucy period

M.スノフスク varies with instructions of チェルニゴフ and リューベチ to a branch castle having デティネツ at the beginning of the eleventh century, and, according to コトリャル (ru), it is said to the city of the German unit that I accomplished development more in the 20-30 generation of the eleventh century. In addition, that, according to A. ナソノフ (ru), Omoto was the base of the チェルニゴフ dukedom town made by instructions of スタロドゥーブ and Novgorod セヴェルスキー (ヴォロスチ (ru)) and three villages where it was [2].

The first reference in historical materials named スノフスク is written down about the fight with Lord of チェルニゴフ Sviatoslav and the ポロヴェツ group in the スノフスク neighborhood in a clause of 1068 of "the genesis chronicle". A clause of 1149 of "Kiev chronicle (ru)" has the reference about the スノフスク トィシャチ corps belonging to the チェルニゴフ dukedom (トィシャチ: in the Middle Ages armed people [3] of Lucy). In addition, it is mentioned a clause of 1234 of "Galich ヴォルィーニ chronicle (ru)" as one of the city of the チェルニゴフ dukedom occupied by Prince Galich ダニール and Lord of オーヴルチ Vladimir [1].

In the neighborhood of existing セドニウ, the cemetery of 9-11 centuries consisting of Kurgan more than 300 is discovered and hangs it in the early 20th century from the end of 19th century, and D. サモクヴァソフ (ru) and N. Brandenburg (ru) investigate it [1].

At the end of 1230s, Lucy invasion in Mongolia was carried out, and スノフスク of the チェルニゴフ dukedom territory, ホロボル (ru), オルゴシチ (ru) were completely destroyed [4].

History of the following ground

There is the thing which I recollected when スノフスク was a little over 50 townships admitted into Grand Duchy of Muscovy in 1503 by the Lithuanian grand duke country in the historical materials of the charge account in 1527. It was recognized that スノフスク village (cello (ru)) was the クニャギニノ village which became extinct in the 17th century. For following 1618-1620 years when the チェルニゴフ whole area became the Poland Republic of Lithuania territory, the スノフスク village area is reorganized to セドニウ Omura (スロボダ), and it is really in the center of the セドニウ マグナート パツ [note 1] town (ヴォロスチ (ru)) to possess from 1626. It is mentioned as Omura (メステチコ (ru)) of a little over 80 houses in 1638.


Explanatory note

  1. ^ "パツ" is Russian: It depends on transcription of Пац.


  1. ^ a b cВерменичЯ. В.,БортманД. Я. Седнів//ЕнциклопедіяісторіїУкраїни. У10т. /РедколВ. А. Смолійтаін. ІнститутісторіїУкраїниНАНУкраїни.. — Київ: Науковадумка, 2012. — Т. 9. Прил-С.. — С. 504-506.
  2. ^КотлярН. Ф. ТерриториальноеразвитиеЧернигово-Северскойземливдомонгольскоевремя. СозданиеиразвитиеЧерниговскогокняжества//ДревняяРусь. Вопросымедиевистики: научныйжурнал. — ИнститутславяноведенияРАН, 2012. — В. 5 (52),март. — С. 5-16.
  3. ^ Sadayoshi Igeta "コンサイス dew sum dictionary" p1147
  4. ^СоловьевА. В. Автор«Задонщины» иегополитическиеидеи//Трудыотделадревнерусскойлитературы. — М.,Л.: Изд-воАНСССР,, 1958. — Т. XIV. — С. 184.


This article is taken from the Japanese Wikipedia スノフスク

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