2017년 2월 19일 일요일

Toshio, woman born under the same zodiac sign as the current year

Toshio, woman born under the same zodiac sign as the current year

Age of Toshio, the woman born under the same zodiac sign as the current year
Age Calendar year
Before birthday After a birthday
011 012 013
023 024 025
035 036 037
047 048 049
059 060 061
071 072 073
083 084 085
095 096 097
107 108 109
119 120 121

Toshio, a woman born under the same zodiac sign as the current year (do man, としおんな) is the man and woman who reached the age of the twelve signs of the zodiac same as born age. For example, in the case of a man born in the Year of the Rooster, I become Toshio in the Year of the Rooster every 12 years. But 12 years later is first Toshio, woman born under the same zodiac sign as the current year without becoming Toshio, the woman born under the same zodiac sign as the current year to born age.

In other words, it is the man and woman that age becomes the multiple of 12 on the birthday of the year. Or 1 is remaining man and woman when I divide a calendar year by 12. From these, the person of (or the large sixtieth birthday) understands that it is Toshio, a woman born under the same zodiac sign as the current year by all means on the sixtieth birthday.


It is on the next day on the day on a day born by all means on the day on the birthday in the year when a person born in a multiple of 4 century becomes first Toshio, woman born under the same zodiac sign as the current year. Thus, it is 84-year-old time that it is on a day same as the day when a birthday was born in Toshio, women born under the same zodiac sign as the current year besides because it is more on the next day on a birthday of the age to become next Toshio, woman born under the same zodiac sign as the current year.

The age of the end of the century of the multiple of 4 century is a leap year, and this is because lower two columns in a century continue (multiple of 4 +1) until 71 years from the's first year in a multiple of 4 century the period when a calendar does one lap in 28 years. By the way, I am before two from the day on a day born by all means on the day of the birthday of the person who greeted the sixtieth birthday on this condition.

Manners and customs

As for the fortune, there is an opinion to be an opinion and bad luck to be good luck. For the thought of the unlucky year, a part of the age of Toshio, the woman born under the same zodiac sign as the current year becomes a middle evil and the small evil (the details vary according to a school).

On the traditional end of winter, there is the custom that Toshio, a woman born under the same zodiac sign as the current year (essentially only as for Toshio) sprinkles a bean. I am seen by the event of the Buddhist temple and Shinto shrine well now. A fifth grader (if I count it, and but 13 years old is being born between January 1 and April 1 12 years old) may be allotted by the school events.

This article is taken from the Japanese Wikipedia Toshio, woman born under the same zodiac sign as the current year

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