2017년 2월 25일 토요일

List of moon crater

List of moon crater

With the list of moon crater, I gather it about moon crater. These most are collision craters. International Astronomical Union manages the name of the crater and, by this list, transcribes only an approved thing formally.

Table of contents


The place name Origin Remarks
Abbe (Abbe) Ernst Abbe A German astronomer. The designer of the Abbe constant to evaluate the color dispersion of the transparent object
Abbott (Abbot) Charles Abbott An American astronomer. I successively hold a Smithsonian Institution fifth charges chairperson
Abel (Abel) Niels Abel A Norwegian mathematician. I am famous as the mathematician who died young
アベンエズラ (Abenezra) Abraham イブン Ezra  A Spanish scholar. I am famous by an explanatory note of the Bible in particular
アベッティ (Abetti) Antonio アベッティ (English version) and Giorgio アベッティ (English version) It is an Italian astronomer together. Father Antonio is celebrity by the achievements that celebrity, child Giorgio identified a solar eclipse as Siberia in Sudan in a study of the sun disk passage of the Venus
アブル ウワファ (Abul Wáfa) アブル ワファー A mathematician, an astronomer of Persia. I translate "Almagest" of Claudio's Ptolemy and am famous in what I introduced
アブルフェーダ (Abulfeda) AbAl = フィダ A scholar of existing Syria. I am known for book "history of human essentials" and am famous as a historian
Ako studio (Acosta) Christ station wagon Ako studio A Portuguese doctor. I am famous as the pioneer who studied an Asian plant
Adams (Adams) John couch Adams and Ansel Adams, Walter Sydney Adams John couch Adams is a British mathematician, astronomer. I foretell existence and a position of Neptune separately from French astronomer Yul van ルヴェリエ. Ansel Adams is an American photographer. I am in particular famous by photography of the monochrome photography of the Yosemite gorge. Walter Sydney Adams is an American astronomer. I am famous by the discovery of the white dwarf
エピヌス (Aepinus) Franz エピヌス A German astronomer, physicist, mathematician. It is done with the detector of "the fret electric effect" that the electric charge that was polarized at the surface both ends by a plus and minus when I add heat to a crystal and part of the dielectric and change temperature produces
Agatharchides (Agatharchides) Agatharchides (English version) Greek historian, geographer
アグリッパ (Agrippa) アグリッパ (astronomer)English version Greek astronomer
Air Lee (Airy) George Biddle air Lee A British astronomer. The meridian of Greenwich in today determined that it was the world common first meridian. In addition, I am known as a prophet of the isostasy theory
Aitken (Aitken) Robert Grant Aitken An American astronomer. I discover a subordinate star of the fixed star Mira. I performed the systematic investigation into double star and discovered many double stars
Aki's (Akis) The woman name of the Greek It is located in the Mt. ヴィノグラードフ
Alane (Alan) Family name of the celtic Devi (craterEnglish versionIt is located in)
Al tapir re-(Al-Bakri) Al BuckleyEnglish version A Spanish historian, geographer.
アルバテグニウス (Albategnius) Batter knee An astronomer, the mathematician who played an active part in Turkish birth, Syria. I am famous in a book "astronomy list"
Al B Rooney (Al-Biruni) アブー rye Hahn B Rooney An Uzbek scholar. I am famous by having calculated a radius of the earth with approximately 6,339.6km
Orr den (Alden) Harold Orr denEnglish version An American astronomer.
Alder (Alder) Kurt Alder
Orr drin (Aldrin) Buzz Aldrin
アレヒン (Alekhin) Nicolai アレヒン
Alexander (Alexander) The Alexandros(Tralles) third
アルフラガヌス (Alfraganus) アルフラガヌス
Al high Sam (Alhazen) イブン high Sam
Aria Kenshi's (Aliacensis) Pierre ダイイ
Al フワーリズミー (Al-Khwarizmi) フワーリズミー
Al Manon (Almanon) マアムーン
Al マッラクシ (Al-Marrakushi) Al マッラクシ
Aloha (Aloha) Aloha
アルペトラギウス (Alpetragius) アルペトラギウス
Alfons's (Alphonsus) The Alfonso tenth
ALTER (Alter) ディンズモア ALTER
アメギノ (Ameghino) フロレンティーノ アメギノ
アミーチ (Amici) Giovanni Battista アミーチ
AmmoniUsu (Ammonius) Ammonio ヘルメイウ
Amon ton (Amontons) Guillaume Amon ton
アムンセン (Amundsen) ロアール アムンセン
Anaxagoras (Anaxagoras) Anaxagoras
Hole comb Mander (Anaximander) Anaximandros
Anaximenes (Anaximenes) Anaximenes
Ann Dell (Anděl) Karel Ann Dell
Anders (Anders) William Anders
Anderson (Anderson) John August Anderson
Anderson (Andersson) Leaf L land Anderson
アンドローノフ (Andronov) Alexander アンドローノフ
アンゴ (Ango) African family name
'a (Ångström) Anders 'a
Ann (Ann) The woman name of the Hebrew
Period great (Annegrit) The woman name of German
Apollo (Apollo) Project Apollo
Apollonius (Apollonius) Apollonius
Al Kita (Archytas) Al Kita
アリダエウス (Ariadaeus) The ピリッポス third
Aristarchus (Aristarchus) Aristarchus
Aristotle (Aristoteles) Aristotle
アーノルト (Arnold) Christoph アーノルト
Artemis (Artemis) Artemis
Asada (Asada) Goryu Asada
アゾーフィー (Azophi) Abdul rough Mahon Sufi
ベーコ (Baco) Roger Bacon
Baillot (Baillaud) Benjamin Baillot
Valor (Barrow) Isaac Valor
Behr (Beer) Wilhelm Behr
Birmingham (Birmingham) John Birmingham
Bird (Byrd) Richard bird
Cassini (Cassini) Giovanni Cassini and Jack Cassini
Cauchy (Cauchy) Augustin = Louis Cauchy
Cels. (Celsius) Anders Cels.
Bicycles (Challis) James bicycles
Strange Chan (Chang Heng) Zhang Heng
C, Mayer (C. Mayer) Christian Mayer
Copernicus (Copernicus) Copernicus
Who strike (d'Arrest) Heinrich who strike
デ gas Paris (de Gasparis) Ann knee comes out; デ gas Paris
Demokritos (Democritus) Demokritos
ド jitter (de Sitter) Willem de jitter
エゲデ (Egede) Hans エゲデ
エピゲネス (Epigenes) エピゲネス
Eratosthenes (Eratosthenes) Eratosthenes
エウクテモン (Euctemon) エウクテモン
Fontenelle (Fontenelle) Bernard Fontenelle
Gagarin (Gagarin) ユーリイ Gagarin
Is rocky; (Galle) Johan Gottfried is rocky
Gaston (Gaston) French family name
Gauss (Gauss) Curl Friedrich gauss
ジョイア (Gioja) フラヴィオ ジョイア
ゴクレニウス (Goclenius) The Rudolf ゴクレニウス youth
Goldschmidt (Goldschmidt) Hellman Goldschmidt
Green (Green) George Green
Gutenberg (Gutenberg) John Gutenberg
Harbor (Haber) Fritz Haber
Fine weather (Halley) Edmond fine weather
Hatanaka (Hatanaka) Takeo Hatanaka
L meat (Hermite) Charles L meat
Hirayama (Hirayama) Seiji Hirayama and Makoto Hirayama
ハインド (Hind) John ハインド
Hook (Hooke) Robert hook
Huggins (Huggins) William Huggins
Humboldt (Humboldt) Wilhelm phone Humboldt
Ian (Ian) Family name of the Scottish
Ina (Ina) The woman name of the Latin
Ines (Innes) Robert Ines
Isabel (Isabel) The woman name of Spanish
Isis (Isis) Isis
Jose (José) Family name of Spanish
Cane (Kane) Elisha Kent Cane
Kepler (Kepler) Johannes Kepler
Raschel (Lassell) William Russell
Lovelace (Lovelace) The William Randolph Lovelace second
Luther (Luther) Roberto Luther
メドラー (Mädler) Johan Heinrich メドラー
Main (Main) Robert Maine
Maruto (Marth) Alberto Maruto
Meton (Meton) Meton
Mitchel (Mitchell) Maria Mitchel
モワニョー (Moigno) フワンソワ Napoleon Mary モワニョー
ムーシュ (Mouchez) Ernest アメデ Baru tele me ムーシュ
Murakami (Murakami) Harutaro Murakami
Murchison (Murchison) Roderick Murchison
Nagaoka (Nagaoka) Hantaro Nagaoka
Nansen (Nansen) フリチョフ Nansen
Nao knob (Naonobu) Naonobu Ajima
Cat (Necho) The cat second
Newton (Newton) Isaac Newton
Olbers (Olbers) Heinrich Olbers
オニヅカ (Onizuka) Ellison オニヅカ
Osiris (Osiris) Osiris
Pascal (Pascal) Blaise Pascal
Pasteur (Pasteur) Louis Pasteur
Peer Lee (Peary) Robert Pear Lee
Pe Tellus (Peters) Christian A F pe Tellus
Philolaos (Philolaus) Philolaos
Plaskett (Plaskett) John Stanley Plaskett
Plato (Plato) Plato
ポワンソ (Poinsot) Louis ポワンソ
ポグソン (Pogson) Norman ポグソン
Protagoras (Protagoras) Protagoras
ケトレー (Quetelet) Adolf ケトレー
Rozhdestvensky (Rozhdestvenskiy) Dormitory Rozhdestvensky
Score B (Scoresby) William score B
シャクルトン (Shackleton) Ernest シャクルトン
Sheepshanks (Sheepshanks) Ann Sheepshanks
China's (Sinas) Simon China's
Sylvester (Sylvester) James Joseph Sylvester
Timaios (Timaeus) Timaios
トルーヴェロ (Trouvelot) Etienne Leo pole トルーヴェロ
ツーチョンチー (Tsu Chung-Chi) 祖沖之
Tycho (Tycho) Tycho Brahe
Vera (Vera) The woman name of the Latin
Wang Fu (Wan-Hoo) Wang Fu
W, bond (W. Bond) William crunch bond
Xenophanes (Xenophanes) Xenophanes
Xenophon (Xenophon) Xenophon
Yamamoto (Yamamoto) Kazukiyo Yamamoto
Reed (Yoshi) Japanese family name
Young (Young) Thomas young people
Zenon (Zeno) Zenon
チャンユージェ (Zhang Yuzhe) 張鈺哲
ズプス (Zupus) Giovanni Battista ズピ
ツビッキー (Zwicky) Fritz ツビッキー

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This article is taken from the Japanese Wikipedia List of moon crater

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