2017년 2월 14일 화요일

Aberystwyth Cliff railroad

Aberystwyth Cliff railroad

Aberystwyth cliff railroad
Aberystwyth Cliff Railway
Rheilffordd y Graig

Railway on Constitution hill 1.JPG
Basic information
Country British flag The U.K.
The location Welsh flag WalesケレディジョンAberystwyth
Kind Cable car
The opening of business 1896August 1
Operator コンスティテューション leech limitedEnglish version
Detailed information
Total extension distance 237m
The number of the stations 2 stations
Gauge of a track 1,435mm
I display a template

The Aberystwyth Cliff railroad (Aberystwyth Cliff てつどう British: Aberystwyth Cliff Railway, Welsh: Rheilffordd y Graig) is cable railway in ウェールズケレディジョンアベリストウィス.

Our railroad becoming extension 237m on August 1, 1896 starts a business. This train service was the longest cable railway in Britain Islands until cairngorm mountain-climbing railway (English version) (Cairngorm Mountain Railway) started a business in 2001 [1].

Table of contents


This train service is a part of コンスティテューション leech (English version) (Constitution Hill) developed in the hill of the same name which is built by Aberystwyth インプルーブメント company (Aberystwyth Improvement Company) [2] in Victorian Age, and it is the form of the early stage of theme park. The コンスティテューション leech became an arcade and a restaurant, this train service and the hilltop from camera オブスクラ and the park in the foot of the hill. As for the コンスティテューション leech, it is done a design and a taskmaster by George Croydon marks (English version) (George Croydon Marks), and, as for him, it is to Representative Labor Party later, and he designs (Royal Pier) at the same time new pavilion for royal peers (English version) [3].

As some コンスティテューション Hill, Croydon marks design the sidewalk which they meandered through for a substitute root in the development. 12,000 tons of rocks were dug to put our railroad with intermediate part by low orbit so that the sidewalk could pass over this train service in a pedestrian bridge.


Originally it is traveled by a water balance system, and this train service is electrified in 1921. The railroad of the standard gauge climbs 430 feet (130m) in 778 feet (237m) in a steep grade from 1/2 (50%). There is the vehicle which made a pair which 30 people can take each [2], and this train service is accompanied by a name of "road ゲライント" (Lord Geraint) and "road marks" (Lord Marks).

Appearance in music and the literature

This train service appears in a work of Malcolm price (English version) (Malcolm Pryce).


  1. ^ Riley, Andrew; Blackwood, Lorna (November 30, 2007). " Focus on... Aberystwyth ". London: The Times. http://property.timesonline.co.uk/tol/life_and_style/property/article2966552.ece June 4, 2010 reading. 
  2. ^ a b "Aberystwyth Cliff Railway". engineering-timelines.com. June 4, 2010 reading.
  3. ^ "Aberystwyth Royal Pier". visitaberystwyth.com. May 31, 2010 reading.

Allied item

Outside link

Coordinate: 52°25'23" N 4°05'02" W / 52.42300 degrees N 4.08379 degrees W / 52.42300, -4.08379

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