2017년 1월 16일 월요일

Sendai feudal clan vassal

Sendai feudal clan vassal

Sendai feudal clan vassal (I do not do it)

In this clause, I show the list of aristocratic families that are a chief vassal as some explanation about the vassal corps in the Edo era of Sendai feudal lord, Date (on the occasion of the Meiji Restoration, there were 4,262 family with samurai antecedents number of houses, family number of houses 3,050 that was a graduate) (only the family name adds the amount of Tomoyuki, a house, the each generation present head of a household about the above in a sword about the summoning). Refer to the clause of the fort of the Sendai feudal clan for more information about a castle, the house which each received.

Table of contents

List of aristocratic families


It is still = sect light (the third son of the village job) - Yoshimitsu - Kunimitsu Akimitsu Ishikawa - justice sect - 宗敬 - Munehiro = 宗恒 (Mutsuo of 岩出山伊達宗敏) = 村弘 (the Munehiro eldest son) - village - 村俊 - village sentence - village job - light
Mr. Shigezane Date = sect true (nine men of first feudal lord Masamune) - 宗成 - basis true = Minoru (the second son of 岩出山伊達宗敏) - 村成 - village true - village pure = village enthusiast (village pure の younger brother) = village (the village pure の eldest son) - Soga - 宗恒 - 邦実 = Kunishige (the second son of 岩出山伊達義監) - basis - 成勲 = Akio (Mutsuo of Ozu feudal lord Yasuaki Kato)
It is a baron by Hokkaido reclamation (1895) in 1892
Masakage Date - 宗利 - sect direct - sect view = village job (the second son of the 3s feudal lord rope sect.to middle Tsuyama feudal lord) = village view (the second son of the origin of Wakuya Takashi Date) - 村利 - Muragi - village good = village fortune (the second son of Muragi) - 宗衡 - 邦命 = 邦寧 (Itsuo of 宗衡)
Iwai county spring water → 1604 Iwai county one Seki → 1615 Isawa-gun west root → 1629 Isawa-gun Shiogama
Origin of - 村清 - justice basis - Kunitaka - Watari paternal blood that height of Sadamune, Date - Muneshige - sect former - Muramoto - 村定 - village = village paternal blood (younger brother of the height of village) = 村倫 (four men of 6s feudal lord Munemura) = village is the way it goes (nine men of stone Shun Kawamura)
Takashi Shiraishi direct - 宗貞 = Gorokichi Date (four men of 2 代藩主忠宗) = 宗倫 (Itsuo of 忠宗) = village direct (four men of the rope sect) = village long (the eldest son of beam Yori Kawamoto) = 村倫 (the third son of middle Tsuyama feudal lord Murayori Date) = 村勝 (Itsuo of 5s feudal lord Yoshimura.to one Seki feudal lord) = Murara (eight men of Yoshimura) - village good luck = 宗充 (four men of Murara.father of 12 代藩主斉邦) - 邦寧 - 邦教
Isawa-gun Shiogama → 1604 Teraike, Tome-gun
Masataka Date - 国隆 = rules and regulations of a religious sect (seven men of 忠宗) - 村隆 = village wish (the Takashi Misawa direct の second son) - village wealth - 村将 - 宗隆 - sect quantity = Yoshitaka (child of Watari Soga, Date) = 岩城邦規 (the third son of 亘理伊達宗恒)
Takashi Date bunch (eight men of 忠宗) - village bunch (to Sendai feudal lord) = village interest (the second son of the sect bunch) - 村茂 - village = 村烈 (child of 川崎伊達村敏) - village justice = rules and regulations of a religious sect (child of 村烈) - 宗賢 - 邦孚 - Munehiro who praises it
It is new (1659) for Manji two years. Iwai county Ohara → 1660 Miyatoko, Kurokawa-gun → 1702 Maekawa, Shibata-gun → 1722 Miyatoko, Kurokawa-gun
Authority of Muneyasu Date (four men of Masamune) - 宗敏 - 敏親 = 村泰 (four men of the origin of Wakuya Takashi Date) - 村緝 - village - 村則 - 宗秩 - 義監 - 邦直 - 篤三郎 = British (daughter of 義監)
伊達村詮 (the eldest son of middle Tsuyama feudal lord Murayori Date) = village shrewd (the second son of 岩出山伊達村泰) - village Hiro = village smart (child of Mizusawa Date Muragi) = sect sum (the third son of 岩出山伊達村則) = Kunikazu (the third son of 岩出山伊達宗秩) - 邦賢
Yoshichika Yuuki = Shirakawa justice rope (child of the Tadashi Komine name) - justice true - Munehiro (foster siblings of the rope village) - village pro-- village wide = 村祐 (child of the Miyatoko Date village interest) - village male - Soshu - Kunichika
  • Misawa (3,000 stones, Maesawa, Isawa-gun place)
Takashi Misawa direct (younger brother of rope village real mother, Hatsuko) - 村為 = village clean (the second son of middle Tsuyama feudal lord Murayori Date) = 村保 (four men of the Iwayado Date village wish) - village deferred - 宗為 - Kuniaki = Kunitame (the second son of 亘理伊達宗恒)
I am promoted (1675) for Enpo era three years. 1676 Mono-gun Ono → 1681 Maesawa, Isawa-gun
Takashi Date High School (seven men of Masamune)
  • Rock ヶ 崎伊達氏 (30,000 stones, Kurihara-gun rock ヶ 崎所.for Kanei era four years in (1627) 無嗣断絶)
Takashi Date rope (Itsuo of Masamune) = sect sincerity (Mutsuo of Masamune)
  • Yoshioka Date (30,000 stones, Kurokawa-gun Yoshioka strong position.for Kanei era 11 years in (1634 to Mr.) 無嗣断絶 )※ family, Iizaka
Munekiyo Date (the third son of Masamune)
  • Ukyo house (3,000 stones.for Kyoho 20 years in (1735) 無嗣断絶) for show
Date village style (the third son of Yoshimura)
It is intellect for interior division
Munekatsu Date (ten men of Masamune)
1644 Aisari, Isawa-gun → 1658 Iwai county one Seki → 1660 daimyo → 1671 attainting
- 建顕 = Akira Makoto (Akira Tamura very child) = 村顕 (four men of Uwajima feudal lord Muneyoshi Date) = 村隆 (Itsuo of Yoshimura) = 村資 (child of Tome Murara, Date) = 宗顕 (the second son of Sano feudal lord Masaatsu Hotta) - 邦顕 = Kuniyuki (child of 宗顕) - 通顕 = 邦栄 (seven men of Yoshimitsu Ishikawa) = 崇顕 (nine men of Yoshimitsu Ishikawa) having good Takashi Tamura (the third son of 忠宗)
1653 Kurihara-gun rock ヶ 崎 → 1660 daimyos (Iwanuma feudal clan )→ 1681 daimyo (one Seki feudal clan)
Murayori Date (the second son of the rope sect)
1695 daimyo → 1699 attainting
  • Tobetsu Date
Kuninao Date - basis law of nature - Masato
I establish a branch family from the Iwadeyama Dates. It is a baron by Hokkaido reclamation (1895) in 1892.


Height of Ayukai next - sect gain - sect - sect view - prosperity - height of gain = height of dragon (child of the Iwayado Date village wish) - prosperity - height of long - height of next - height of bunch - illustrious virtue sequel to
Shibata-gun bank → 1679 Matsuzaki, Motoyoshi-gun
Height of height of Tadashi Akiho - 定盛 - 将盛 - 利盛 - 良盛 = Mr. (child of Morino Akiho) = thriving (Matsumae wide high の child) - 賢盛 - 豊盛 - 安盛
Natori hundreder bag → 1603 Komurasaki, Katsuta-gun → 1652 Natori hundreder bag
Shibata doctrine - ministry of military affairs sect dynasty - 惣四郎宗朝 = morning will (the Satake parent direct の second son) - sect will - 宗僚 = sect law of nature (child of 真山輔義) - 朝隆 - 成義 - 意定 - close friend - 意利 - 意広
Kori, Shida-gun → 1603 Igu-gun Oyama → 1607 Isawa-gun Shiogama → 1616 Tome-gun Yoneya → 1681 Funaoka, Shibata-gun
Small Yanagawa Muneshige - sect shadow - 宗敬 - sect British = sect dragon (the second son of the Miyatoko Takashi Date bunch comes back to the parents' house) = sect long (child of the Murata religious sect) = 盛鎮 (the Yori Omachi direct の second son) = Shigeru Chumu light (child of stone Hiroshi Kawamura) = height of flat (child of 盛鎮) - height of light - 康盛 - Yasuyuki (height of Kuni Date)
Esashi Gujo mouth → 1644 Esashi county field Tesaki
  • Mr. Shionomori (238 stones, Mr. Kurihara-gun Wakayagi )※ Date branch family (small Yanagawa branch family)
Authority of Shionomori sect rope = sect direct (child of Kagemitsu Ishikawa) - sect dragon = parent direct (the second son like Takashi Ishikawa) - 清長 - parent = 直董 (four men of the Iwayado Date village wealth) = 隆良 = direct virtue
Great Jo sect direct - sect rope = 宗頼 (four men of 大條実頼) - sect excellent - Sodo - 道頼 - way job - way British - way direct = 道冾 (way British child) - morality (伊達宗亮)
Shida-gun ant ヶ bag → 1604 Kesen-gun Osabe → 1613 Iwai county Ohara → 1616 Sakamoto, Watari-gun
It is always (child in the paternal blood) - group light in = basis - 倫時 = in = paternal blood (child of 倫時) (child of 中島成康) at - appointed hour at - 源三郎重時 - tiger time at 泉田孫平次重時 - former time
Takashi Murata friend - suzerain - 宗継 - religious sect = 殖興 (child of Shigetaka Kasai) - 殖継 - 成殖 - 盛殖 - 幸殖 - 寧殖 = 教殖 (Sada Sasaki direct の child)
  • Kuroki (800 stones, Terukoshi, Kurihara-gun location)
黒木宗俊 - sect former - 宗恒 = sect sincerity (the second son of Wakuya Muneshige, Date) - 明恒 - 尚恒 - paternal blood sincerity = paternal blood British (the second son of Kawashima Yukinobu) = 義俊 (child of the paternal blood sincerity) = 玄晴 (the second son of Takeshi Ohara spring) - Narumi
Igu-gun circle forest → 1625 Moroyama, Shida-gun → 1695 Terukoshi, Kurihara-gun
= 頼在 (the eldest son of 長沼致宏) - 興頼 = 頼恭 (the second son of Ishimoda Yorio) - 義頼 - 賢頼 - 賢恭 which knows 石母田宗頼 - 定頼 - 永頼 = sect (four men of Juji Suzuki)
Tome-gun Yoneya → 1616 Isawa-gun Shiogama → 1628 Kurihara-gun rock ヶ 崎 → 1652 Kami-gun Miyazaki → 1757 Takashimizu, Kurihara-gun
  • In the shallows he (2,000 stones, Kanomata, Mono-gun place )※ Date branch family
Kageyasu Senoue = view pure (the second son of the Nakano time rope) = 宗敦 (child of 富田守継) - 寛敦 - 景敦 - view former - Kageaki - view fortune - 景韶 - view salary = view example (child of 大町盛頼)
Mt. Iwai county Surisawa → 1617 Iwai county Wakutsu → 1661 Nakatsu, Mono-gun → 1694 Kanomata, Mono-gun → 1726 Kurihara-gun Ishikoshi → 1744 Kanomata, Mono-gun
  • Nakamura (4,524 stones, Kurihara-gun rock ヶ 崎所)
All Tadashi Nitta rope - justice pro-- justice deferred - justice shadow - Shigeru Nakamura justice - justice = justice smart (child of 藤沢義清) - 景貞 - view bunch - 宣景
I change the family name (1690) from Nitta for Genroku era three years. Uda county Komagamine → 1644 Iwai county Fujisawa → 1694 Kurihara-gun rock ヶ 崎
Kagemitsu Ishikawa - 宗頼 = 宗程 (Itsuo of 茂庭良元) - sect ability = 宗頼 (the third son like the sect) - former light = 光定 (child of Mitsushige Ishikawa) - 光成 - Mitsuhiro - Mitsuyasu - 光謙
- height of head - 長盈 - head - 清長 - Nagara that it is usual that has a long = view (the second son of 天童頼次) for middle eyes Choju - head next - 長清 = long time (child of the Okamoto view interest)
Watari Shigemune = sect root (bastard of Masamune) = 宗喬 (the descendants of the eldest son of the sect root) = cause ardent (the second son of the origin of Wakuya Takashi Date) - 定根 = 倫篤 (Itsuo of 元篤) - 常篤 - 清胤 - basis paternal blood - 隆胤
1604 Takashimizu, Kurihara-gun → 1757 Kurihara-gun north
  • Mr. bush warbler swamp Yanagawa (300 stones, Kurihara-gun bush warbler swamp )※ Date branch family
Yanagawa sect former - 宗頼 - 元頼 - 永頼 = 頼直 (child of west free-for-all eyes Yukinobu) - 兼頼 - 良頼 = Katsusada (child of 兼頼) = 頼道 (Misawa village deferred の child) - Yorichika
Kagetsuna Katakura - 重長 = view long (the eldest son of Anko Matsumae) - village mayor - village rest = village sincerity (the third son of the Miyatoko Date village interest comes back to the parents' house) = 村定 (child of the view head) = 村廉 (the Matsumae wide high の second son) - village celebration - 景貞 - sect view - Kuninori - view example - Kagemitsu = Kenkichi (seven men of Yoshida feudal lord Munetaka Date) - Nobumitsu - Shigenobu
I am promoted (1651) for go-between four years. It is a baron by Hokkaido reclamation (1898) in 1898
Mr. Kurokawa season
白石宗貞 = sect sincerity (the second son of 石川宗敬) = 貞弘 (the third son of 石川宗敬)
飯坂定長 (child of 桑折重長) = sect chapter (nine men of 忠宗) = 輔俊 (the second son of Sosuke Harada)
Isawa-gun oysterbird → Maesawa, Isawa-gun
  • Fujita (Esashi county Ite.for Enpo era six years in (1678) attainting)
Munekazu Fujita = sect = sect view (child of 茂庭良元) to praise (Takashi Shiraishi direct の child)
1622 Esashi county Kataoka → 1644 Esashi county Ite
  • Mr. Kori (for the Mr. Iizaka inheritance abandoned house )※ Date branch family
桑折重長 = 宗頼 (four younger brothers of 重長.to Uwajima feudal clan senior retainer) = 定長 (a child of 重長.to Mr. Iizaka)
Esashi county Kataoka → 1618 Isawa-gun oysterbird

Associate family

Height of Morikuni Inawashiro - suzerain - height of next = height of former (four men of Tsunamoto Oniniwa) - prime of life - height of long = height of clean (child of 猪苗代盛久) = height of chapter (Takeru Watanabe direct の child) = head (child of 橋本延賢) - 盛庸 - height of line
天童頼澄 = Shigeyori (the second son of Masakage Rusu) = 頼長 (the second son of Wakuya Sadamune, Date comes back to the parents' house) = 頼次 (child of Juji Awano) - 頼真 - 成頼 = 頼清 (child of 宮内重條) - 頼根 - 倫頼 - 常頼 - 頼益 - 頼宣 - 頼永
Rifu, Miyagi-gun → Miyagi-gun Yawata
Anko Matsumae (seven men of Matsumae feudal lord Yoshihiro Matsumae) - wide country = 為広 (Itsuo of Anko) - wide male = wide high (the second son of 為広) - 脩広 = wide sense (great-grandchild of 為広) - Hirofumi - 広憲 - 広胖 - 広致
1623 Katsuta hundreder bag → 1682 Shimizusawa, Kurihara-gun → 1714 Fujita, Igu-gun → 1812 Iwai county Matsukawa
Height of height of Shigeru Hariu sincerity = Shigenobu (the descendants of the eldest son of 盛信) - 葦名盛定 - height of sincerity = height of consecutive (child of Morino Iino) - Buzen Kotobuki - 盛倫 - repair Kotobuki - height of long - height of view
I change the family name than Hariu (1676) for Enpo era four years. 1716 Gunchuushinden, Kami → 1757 Kurihara-gun Ishikoshi
High Riyu Izumi view = 定康 (the second son of 津田豊前景康) - Kaneyasu - Kaneshige - Kanemoto - 兼晃 - Kaneo - 兼規 - 兼恊 - and good - Kaneyuki
Tome-gun Kuronuma → 1703 Tome-gun Yoneya
  • Katono (800 stones, Okawaguchi, Kurihara-gun location)
Takahide Katono - 守秀 = 常秀 (child of Hidekatsu Katono) - Hidemi - 広秀 - Motohide - 亮秀 - Tokuhide = Hidenobu (child of 岩出山伊達宗秩)
  • Mr. Hodowara (329 stones, Shida-gun Niinuma)
Hodowara line wisteria = line justice (the descendants of the eldest son of line wisteria) = 行久 (the second son of Shoji Kue) - Yukihiro - 行貞 - Yukio = whereabouts (child of 行貞) = line old (the second son of 福原資貞) = 行泰 (child of whereabouts) - 行之 - lines - Gyotoku = 行武 (children of lines)
  • Fukuhara (800 stones, Takajo, Miyagi-gun)
Fortune financial funds bunch (the second son of Sukeyasu Fukuhara) - 資浄 - 資長 - 資実 - Shisei - 資煕 = 資氏 (child of the Watari Date village enthusiast) - 賀資 = 資広 (the descendants of the eldest son of 賀資)
北郷隆勝 - 隆貞 - Takatsugu
  • Kasai (a Mono-gun Iino River place.for Yasunaga two years in (1773) attainting, のち flat person)
Toshinobu Kasai = 重常 (child of Shigenobu Kasai) - Shigetoshi - 清方 - Kiyoka - 清胤
  • Motomiya (110 stones.for culture eight years in (1811) attainting)
本宮頼重 - 頼孝 - 頼寛 - 頼常 = 頼永 (the second son of 畠中以直) - 頼章 -

Whole families

  • Great Tachime (1,000 stones, Mono-gun Iino River place)
Large Takashi Tachime direct = sect sincerity (the third son of Kanekiyo Okuyama) - Shigeyori = Shigenari (the second son of the sect sincerity) - Shigenao - 成紹 = height of line (the second son of 亘理元篤) - 成篤 - 盛篤 - 清篤 = Mitsuyoshi (child of 登米伊達宗充) - 教篤
  • Kanegasaki Omachi (3,000 stones, Kanegasaki, Isawa-gun strong position)
大町元頼 - 定頼 - 永頼 - 頼直 - 章頼 - 朗頼 - 成頼 - 景頼 - 盛頼 - 殖頼
Uda county Yachigoya → 1630 Iwai county Fujisawa → 1644 Isawa-gun west root
大塚高頼 - Shigeyori - 意頼 - 時頼 - 意頼 = 幸頼 (the third son of Kiyoshi Kasai) = 長頼 (the second son of the middle eyes view head) -
Sadatsuna Ouchi - 重綱 - Yoshiharu - Yoshinao = 義繁 (the second son of 秋保利盛) - justice true - justice gate - 定知 - Dingan - 基恭
Maesawa, Isawa-gun → 1644 Tome-gun west county
  • Mr. west large Jo (569 stones, Maeyachi, Mono-gun)
West large Jo doctrine - justice rope - Yoshihisa = Shigeyoshi (child of 泉田孫平次重時) = 義諌 (child of 泉田源三郎重時) = 恒義 (child of the west large Jo definition) - Yoshiyuki - interest justice - Yoshimitsu - time fruit
Gen Obara rope - 照継 - overlapping patch = Koreyoshi (the second son of 大内重綱) - Wuqing - Takemoto - 武春 = 武親 (child of Tome Murara, Date) = Takemoto (child of 武春) - Motoharu = 武春 (child of Ouchi Dingan)
  • West great Tachime (170 stones, Iwai county long thin overgarment)
West large Shigenobu Tachime - book sincerity - sincerity's house - time sincerity - Yukinobu - Takanobu = long sincerity (the second son of the middle scale length) - Yoshinobu - friend sincerity = 近信 (child of the height of Mayor of Inawashiro) = 庸信
  • Nakajima (1,880 stones, Esashi Gujo mouth strong position) in Uekuchi
中島意成 = 常成 (the eldest son of Katono Kunari) = 宣成 (the second son of Katono Kunari) - 利成 - 宴成 - 紹成 = 以成 (the second son of 利成) - 寛意 = will job (child of 以成) = will true (child of 柴田朝隆) = will former (child of the Shigeru Shibata justice) - tortoise Goro = will - will virtue
1613 Kami-gun Onoda → 1694 Esashi Gujo mouths
Tsunekiyo Miyauchi = 定清 (the eldest son of the single Hirashige rope) = 透清 (the great Jo sect excellent の third son) = 定清 (the eldest son of 宮内重條) = direct; clean (the second son of the Miyauchi Jo interest) - 信清 - 春清 - 元清 - 盛清
加美郡四竈 → 1644 栗原郡武鑓 → 1718 Uda county Komagamine
- 宗盈 - sincerity autumn - 成康 - true sincerity - pure sincerity - 実康 - wide Saburo = Kiyonori (the Wakuya Date village usual third son) = Tsuneyasu (the second son of the Endo former life) = 信成 (child of 下郡山陳就) that 中島宗求 - 宗勝 = sect sincerity (child of 宗求) = sect is the way it goes (the second son of the Watari Takashi Date fruit)
Origin of 茂庭良元 - 定元 - family name former - Takemoto = cause light (the second son of the origin of family name) - bract former = good former (the descendants of the eldest son of the origin of bract) - Arimoto - Tokumoto = measure (the second son of Arimoto) - 敬元
Iwai county Akoogi → 1603 Matsuyama, Shida-gun
  • Lower Kinugawa Endo (640 stones, Isawa-gun undergarment river)
Shigeaki Endo - 定弘 = 定良 (the second son of Shigeaki) = 定富 (child of Shigehiro Kochi) = 定利 (the third son of the Katakura view head comes back to the parents' house) = 利方 (child of Endo Dingan) - 義於 - 盛貞 = height of good luck (child of 後藤良康) - height of order
Katsunobu Sato - true sincerity - Kiyonobu - easy sincerity - 因信 - 為信 - book sincerity - way sincerity = assistant sincerity (child of 為信) - tidings of the cherry blossoms = Mr. sincerity (child of 佐藤信庸) - 恒信
  • Hatanaka (100 stones, Miyagi-gun Nakano)
畠中清頼 - 定頼 - 清長 = 重存 (child of Keikichi Hatanaka) = 以直 (the second son of 本宮頼寛) - 安亮 - Yoshimichi = sincerity 玅 (child of Endo Yukinobu) - survival = Kazuhisa (child of Akiyuki Hatanaka)
Chikatsuna Katahira = 重綱 (the eldest son of the Nakano time rope) = Kiyoshige (the second son of 宮内定清) = Shigeharu (the second son of 瀬上宗敦) - justice religion - justice pro-- 誼斌 - pro-sentence - 教孝 = 教成 (child of the Takashi Katakura view) = 教敬 (child of Moniwa Arimoto)
Yachimori, Kami-gun → 1866 Shibata-gun Murata
  • Lower Kooriyama (450 stones, Iwakiri, Miyagi-gun)
Shimokoriyama Tomohide - Toshishige - Shigesada = 重時 (the second son of Shigenobu Hariu) - 重種 = morning direct (the second son of 飯野盛弘) = Hiroya (the second son of 太田資幹) - Seiko - widespread = Chen (Date village usual child) - 陳之 - 陳就 where it is usual
Iwai county Aikawa → 1615 Higashinarita, Kurokawa-gun → 1782 Iwakiri, Miyagi-gun
  • Mr. Numabe (1,000 stones, person from Esashi county neck strong position)
沼辺重仲 - Juji - 重長 - 武雅 - 武能 = 武伸 (child of 武雅) - 武族 - 武雅 - Takenori - 武房
  • Nakano Omachi (500 stones, Miyagi-gun Nakano)
大町義頼 - 通頼 - 良頼 - 頼利 - 頼房 - 頼長 = 頼道 (the third son of 大町章頼) -
  • Takagi (420 stones, Kofunakoshi, Mono-gun)
Takashi Takagi direct = Naokichi (the second son of 大内景弘) = direct; clean (sect direct の child) - direct; = Naoshige (Mutsuo of Yaotome Shigehisa) = 直俊 (child of 高城直候) - direct fine weather - 直定 - Hidenao - Hironao = 衡直 (child of Hidenao) - 英直 where it is usual
Iwai Orikabe, Gujo → 1636 Kofunakoshi, Mono-gun
Omatsuzawa cause true - 定実 - 頼実 - wide true = fidelity (child of the Omatsuzawa dragon fruit) - 以実 - sentence true = 定実 (child of 以実) = 良実 (child of 亘理倫篤) - 衡実
  • Mr. cherry tree eyes Ishimoda (1,000 stones, Kurihara-gun cherry tree eyes)
石母田頼章 (the third son of 石母田定頼) = 頼寿 (the second son in Tadashi Nakamura) - 愛頼 - 多頼 = 頼峰 (the second son of 石母田永頼) - 頼賢 - 頼継 - 頼至
  • Mr. slope (309 stones, Iwai county Yellow Sea)
= retention (child of the Tadashi Hiraga trunk) - original Saburo = Tokihide (child of the retention) who grows on at - sincerity - 時保 = time in the 坂重続 - Shigenobu = Nobuyuki (a child of Matsuo Shigeyasu.father of the Shigemura real mother, ethical doctrine that man's inborn nature is good House) - sincerity required (the eldest son of the slope permanent night watchman)
It is the whole family (1764) (1756) (1747) in arrival at seat → Meiwa first year for summoning → age of an emperor six years for Enkyo era four years
  • Mr. Shimoiizaka (go-between two years (1649) attainting )※ Date branch family
  • Mr. Tade (300 stones, Shimizu, Kurihara-gun.for Kanbun five years in (1665) 無嗣断絶 )※ Date branch family
Tade sect true - Takami = sect bunch (eight men of 忠宗.to Miyatoko Date) = fidelity (child of Takami)
It is changed the family name at one time by Koizumi. Shibata-gun Koizumi → 1644 Esashi Gujo mouth → 1659 Shimizu, Kurihara-gun
  • Narita (Genroku era nine years (1696) attainting)
  • Ishida (Kyoho nine years (1724) attainting, later flat person )※ Date branch family
Takashi Ishida dynasty = 與純 (the second son of 大波長成) - regular employee - Tsuneji

Dignitary of samurai class

  • Kawaguchi Endo (1,830 stones, Kurihara-gun Kawaguchi place)
Genshin Endo - Toshinobu - 斉信 - 守信 - Yoshinobu - Masanobu - cause straight - 元良 - 允信
The 但木久清 - Shigenobu - 顕高 - 顕行 - long line - light line = going straight (Wakuya Date village usual child) - course
I am promoted (1696) for Genroku era nine years.
  • Goto (2,700 stones, Fudodou, Toda-gun strong position)
Nobuyasu Goto - 近元 - 近康 - 節康 - 元康 - 寿康 - 良康 - 幸康 - 充康
I am promoted (1757) for age of an emperor seven years. Omori, Mono-gun → 1611 江刺郡三照 → 1620 Fudodou, Toda-gun
  • Yashiro (Funaoka, Shibata-gun.for Keicho era 12 years in (1607) attainting later a flat person)
Kageyori Yashiro
Natori county Iwanuma → 1602 Funaoka, Shibata-gun
Shigeru Makino relation - 茂仲
  • Harada (Funaoka, Shibata-gun.for Kanbun 11 years in (1671) attainting)
原田宗資 - Sosuke
Oshika-gun University gourd → 1615 Funaoka, Shibata-gun
  • Tomizuka (Uda county Komagamine.for Kyoho three years in (1718) attainting)
Munetsuna Tomizuka - sincerity rope - Shigenobu - 重長 - 重標
Masaka, Kurihara-gun → 1644 Uda county Komagamine
津田豊前景康 - 頼康 - 玄蕃景康 = 春康 (four men of 頼康) = 武康 (the second son of 玄蕃景康) - 広康 - 定康
The Kurihara-gun north → 1610 Sakamoto, Watari-gun → 1616 Kurihara-gun north

I wear it and a seat

  • Tadano (1,200 stones, Gunchuushinden, Kami place)
Katsuyoshi Tadano - 良純 = Yoshie (child of the Tadashi Muto bunch) = justice hard (the second son of Yoshishige Tada) = one justice (child of Yoshie) - justice fortune - line justice - reason chapter = reason pre-(child of 真山為幹) = 寛良 (child of Naoki Muto)
大條実頼 - 修理元頼 - 定頼 - 直頼 = 茂頼 (child of 定頼) = 易頼 (child of the Sato easy sincerity) - 木工元頼 - 多頼 - 度頼 - 蔭頼 -
  • Fujisawa Okuyama (1,813 stones, Iwai county Fujisawa place)
Kanekiyo Okuyama - Kaneyoshi = Shigenobu (four men of Kanekiyo) - Tsunenobu - 常尚 = 清章 = pure and restful happiness (child of the existence that Okuyama is the way it goes) - Kiyotaka - 清庸 = 清将 (child of Kiyotaka) - Kiyoshige - Kiyoharu
Natori county Iwanuma → 1636 Natori county Shimonogo → 1698 Iwai county Fujisawa
  • Onoda Okuyama (1,666 stones, Kami-gun Onoda)
Tsuneyoshi Okuyama (younger brother of Kanekiyo Okuyama) - dragon - Tsunesada - existence - 常自 = good custom (child of the existence that it is the way it goes) - 良寿 - 良有 - Tsuneo = 常明 (child of 良有) - he that it is usual that it is usual that it is usual
Shibata-gun Murata → 1660 Kurokawa-gun Imamura → 1756 Kami-gun Onoda
Shigehiro Kochi (child of Morishige Kokubun) = Shigeyasu (child of 山口重如) - Shigesada - Shigeoki - wide Kotobuki - 広充 = Hirotomi (child of wide Kotobuki) = 広保 (child of 広充) - 広賢 - wide residence
  • Miyazaki Kochi (3,283 stones, Kami-gun Miyazaki place)
Wide Yoshishige Kochi - 義如 = Yoshinori (four men of Anko Matsumae) = justice long (child of Tadashi Kochi) - 義清 - justice lap - true virtue = true way (child of Kochi Hirotomi) - honest - fruit (child of the Takashi Ishikawa light)
1644 Esashi county Kataoka → 1659 Esashi Gujo mouth → 1695 Kami-gun Miyazaki
  • Takano (1,650 stones, Katsuta-gun Hirasawa strong position)
The Mitsukane, Koya - 可兼 - Toshikane = 武兼 (child of 鈴木師久) - 倫兼 - Expo and - 知哲 - 求知 = intellect pro-- intellect Kotobuki
Shigeru Ito rope = Shigeyoshi (the second son of Mitsuyoshi Hayakawa) = 重門 (child of Shigehiro Kochi) = Shigesada (the third son of the Watari Takashi Date fruit) = Shigeyoshi (child of Shigeyori Ito) - 祐栄 - 祐寿 - 祐喜 - 祐則 - 祐英 - 祐休
Saza former rope - 元定 - 定隆 = 定條 (the eldest son of Saza Sadanobu) = justice former (the second son of Saza Sadanobu) = Kangding (child of 定條) - 定延 - 信定 - Guangyuan - 資定 - Motonori
富田氏繁 = 氏紹 (child of 宮川有定) - 紹実 - true tree = faithfulness (child of the Tomita line fruit) - 実継 - 実保 - practice - true sentence
  • Naganuma (1,500 stones, Kurihara-gun Miyazawa strong position)
Morishige Naganuma - Nobushige - 致貞 - 致信 - 致真 - 致泰 - 致辰 - 致豊 - 致中 = 致季 (child in Motoi Izumida)
  • Fuse (1,700 stones, Yanaizu, Motoyoshi-gun place)
布施如雪斎定時 - Sadanari - 清左衛門定時 - Dingan - Sadanobu = 定誠 (grandchild of Sadanobu) - 定寿 - 定胤 - Sir Sadamu - 定保 - 定徳
Ohara, Kurihara-gun tree → 1723 Yanaizu, Motoyoshi-gun
  • Kurosawa (3,300 stones, Mt. Nakatsu, Mono-gun place)
Harushige Kurosawa - Shigenari - Shigetoshi - 俊栄 = 俊昌 (child of the Shun Kurosawa fruit) = Toshihide (the third son of stone Mitsuru Kawamura) - Toshinobu = Shunei (the second son of Toshihide) - Toshiaki - 俊親 - 俊在 (eight men of Yoshimitsu Ishikawa)
  • Turf many they (1,000 stones, Yachimori, Kami-gun)
Cause - Tsunenobu = turf many eternal spring (child of big wave Motoshige) - 村如 = Yasufumi (child of 和田為起) - 信憲 = Hiro (the descendants of the eldest son of 信憲) - established rule - quality that it is usual that it is usual that Shibata is the way it goes
1684 Shibata-gun Murata → 1866 Yachimori, Kami-gun
  • Matsuoka (1,000 stones, parent in Katsuta-gun)
It is justice - good timing - 時良 - 時修 (the second son of Sadanari Katahira) at - 敬時 - time at = cheap time at - true time for Matsuoka long time
Nobuhisa Ishida = Kagehisa (the second son of 油井景成) - 良直 - view direct - cause direct - associate direct - 昌直 = 寛直 (associate direct の child) - honesty
  • Hiraga (2,000 stones, Iwai county Ohara place)
馬場親成 - 常成 - Tadashi Hiraga gate - 義清 - justice elegant = justice trunk (the justice elegant の descendants of the eldest son) - 義暢 = Masakiyo (child of the justice trunk)
I change the family name (1676) from a riding ground for Enpo era four years.
  • Furuta (800 stones, Mono-gun Kitamura)
古田良據 = 良智 (the second son of 遠藤以和) - 良林 = Riyosai (child of Yori Okochi Kotobuki) - 良恭
I am promoted (1794) for generous politics six years
It is - Nobutomo - confidence - 成保 - 成徳 - 成章 (Itsuo of Toshinobu Endo) for 松本宗成 = 信成 = Nobuyoshi (child of 天童頼次) = sincerity season
  • Wada (1,814 stones, Miyagi-gun Gamo location)
和田為頼 - bunch long = 定長 (Itsuo of 岩沼藩田村宗良) = 為明 (the eldest son of 和田為成) - 為長 - 為利 - 為賢 = 為澄 (child of the Ryo Furuta intellect) - 為孝 = 為良 (child of 大町景頼) = 為泰 (child of Miyatoko Muneyasu Date)
  • Ujiie (2,000 stones, eyes location in the Shida-gun bottom)
Kiyokatsu Ujiie - perception Court Security Office Kiyotsugu - water supply official Kiyokazu - 清也 - kitchen chief Kiyokazu - Chikuzen Kiyotsugu - 清主 = Kiyoshige (child of the origin of Moniwa bract) - Kiyoshi - 清庸
  • Toda (637 stones, Ohira, Kurokawa-gun)
戸田定隆 (child of 良覚院快真) - 隆時 - 隆応 - 隆定 - 峰隆 = 隆晨 (child of car Takatoshi) - 隆芳 - 季隆 - 隆房 - 隆清
  • Kazuhisa (377 stones, Kurihara-gun Numakura)
Soze Waku - Koreyasu - 信是 = sincerity cheap (child of Koreyasu) = white cheap (the second son of 河東田定恒) - Yasuyuki - Yasunobu -
  • Kasahara (1,113 stones, Tome-gun Ishimori place)
Takayasu Kasahara = 盛康 (the third son of 津田豊前景康) - 義康 = 実康 (the third son of 津田玄蕃景康) = 都康 (child of 義康) - 房康 - 倫康 - 英康 - Taikang
  • Nitta Omachi (600 stones, Kurihara-gun Nitta)
大町定頼 - 定久 - Sadanobu = 頼純 (the second son of 大町頼利) - Yorihiro - 頼泰 = 頼末 (child of Yorihiro) - 頼根 - 頼図 = 頼易 (child of 頼根)
  • Mayama (2,000 stones, Iwai county lower Orikabe place)
真山元輔 - Ryosuke - 輔久 - 枝輔 = 義輔 (child of 輔久) = 匡輔 (the second son of 中村義賢) - 規輔 - 倫輔
It is an arrival at seat for a flat person (1844) (1709) (1625) in demotion → Koka era first year for arrival at seat → Hoei era six years for Kanei era two years
  • Takaya (doctor .1,030 stone, Kurihara-gun flat form)
Takaya Sokei - 宗伯 - Soho - 宗活 - British state - Hidetoshi = 英顕 (child of the Takaya Soong line) - British lap - Hideyuki - British time - British chapter
Yanaizu, Motoyoshi-gun → 1722 Kurihara-gun flat form
猪苗代兼如 - 兼与 = and opinion (child of the Inawashiro original gain) - and Kotobuki = 兼郁 - 兼恵 = and friendship (the third son of the Watanabe profound piety) - 兼貞 -
  • Nishikiori (doctor .350 stone, Miyagi-gun Kamiyagari)
Nishikiori immediately rest = rest will (immediately the younger brother of the holiday) - rest hermitage - Takayoshi - 高勝 - 習高 - justice road - justice gate -
  • 良覚院 (mountaineering asceticism .300 stone)
良覚院栄真 = excellent truth (child of Takatsugu Kubota) - Sanemori - butterfly truth - immediately truth = 諄真 (the third son of 戸田隆応) - Japanese yen truth = Shin Chin (the third son of the Sadamu Fuse truth) -
  • Yamaoka (1,200 stones, Tetaru, Miyagi-gun.for Kanei era 18 years in (1641) 無嗣断絶 later a flat person)
Shigenaga Yamaoka - 長勝 = 泰長 (child, 重長外孫 of Sanshiro Suzuki)
  • Suzuki (7,300 stones, Kurihara-gun rock ヶ 崎.for Shoo era two years in (1653 for) Tamura revival an abandoned house)
Good Motonobu Suzuki - Shigenobu = sect (the third son of 忠宗.to Tamura)
Shida-gun Furukawa → 1646 Hamaichi, Mono-gun → 1652 Kurihara-gun rock ヶ 崎
  • Furuta (Mr. Kanbun first year (1661) 無嗣断絶 )※ Date branch family (small Yanagawa branch family)
Shigenao Furuta - cause direct - 共直
  • 古内造酒祐家 (無嗣断絶)
Shigenao Kochi (the eldest son of Shigehiro Kochi) - Shigeyuki
The Moniwa true cause (the third son of Tsunamoto Oniniwa) = Shigeyuki (the second son of 茂庭良元) - fruit that it is the way it goes
  • Toyama (1,500 stones, Minato, Oshika-gun location.in the Hoei era first year in (1704) attainting later a flat person)
Toyama pro-justice = 重長 (the third son of Tsuneyoshi Okuyama) - Yoshio
伊具郡平貫 → 1690 Minato, Oshika-gun
Three minutes one place house view - pro-view = former view (four men of Tsuneyoshi Okuyama) - dragon view = view gain (the third son of the dragon that Okuyama is the way it goes)
It is changed the family name at one time by Watanabe.
川島宗泰 - Jingtai - 直泰 - 信泰 = line high (child of 早川義泰) - 行察 - Yukinobu

I it in a sword

  • Kokubun (demoted than 200 stone )※ whole families
Yukinobu, Kokubu - Shigenobu - Shigemichi - 保信 = credit (the second son of the Shigeru Iida parent) - Nobuyuki -
  • Masuda (demoted than 334 stone )※ whole families
増田宗繁 - 興繁 - 直繁 = 繁良 (child of 興繁) = Shigenobu (child of the Sato easy sincerity) = 繁倫 (child of Tadashi Kochi) - 繁員 = 繁寛 (child of 繁章) - 繁康
  • Upper Kooriyama (demoted than 300 stone )※ whole families
- 守為 - 為常 = 為道 (the second son of Shigetada Yamaji) - 多聞為倫 = 為巳 (the eldest son of 上郡山為憲) = 為倫 = 為康 (Itsuo of Yasushi Fujimoto) - 千家之介為倫 = 熹為 (the second son of the Murakami profit and happiness) - 信為 where 上郡山常為 - 高為 = 重常 (child of 常為) - view is the way it goes
  • Iida (50 stones, Mr. Onagawa, Mono-gun )※ Date branch family (Kori branch family). I am demoted than the whole families
Shigechika Iida = 定親 (the eldest son of Tsuneyoshi Okuyama) - 成親 = cheap pro-(the second son of Hideyuki Katono) = interest pro-(child of 成親) - way pro-- paternal blood pro-= sincerity pro-(the second son of the Kokubu credit) -
  • Isago (demoted than 500 stones, 加美郡鳥屋崎 )※ whole families
The - law matter that = 隆常 (Itsuo of 中島貞成) - Shojou = 重常 (the third son of the origin of Wakuya Takashi Date) = 常令 - 令昌 - law cord - law that Minoru Isago is the way it goes is the way it goes
Maekawa, Shibata-gun → 1702 加美郡鳥屋崎
  • Fujisawa (405 stones, Kurihara-gun Numakura)
Yoshiharu Fujisawa (child of the Tadashi Nitta parent) - Yoshihiro - Yoshishige = Yoshitsugu (child of Yoshihiro) = justice clean (child of Yoshishige) - justice consecutive - Yoshinori - 景清 - view fortune = view wing - 幾之輔
I change the family name (1690) from Nitta for Genroku era three years.
  • Mr. Tsubonuma Yanagawa (500 stones, Natori county Tsubonuma )※ Date branch family
梁川頼長 (the second son of 梁川宗頼) - 頼次 = 頼道 (the second son of Shinji Takahashi) -
茂庭元咸 (the second son of the origin of Moniwa family name) = former dragon (the Moniwa cause light の second son) - cause elegant = 元恒 (the third son of former dragon) = former head (the third son of the origin of Moniwa bract) - 元良 - 元敏 - cardinal virtues
Shirakawa cleaning in the morning (the third son of the Shirakawa justice rope) = morning country - 直定 - 親之 - 親継 -


First seat

Okamura (Land of Happiness House), Ayukai, Akiu, Akiu, Shionomori, large Jo, Murata, Ishimoda, Ishimoda, Watari, Kamikoriyama, west great Jo, Miyauchi, Endo, Sato, Hatanaka, Shimokoriyama, Numabe, gold dust, Omachi, Takajo, Takajo, Omatsuzawa, Ishimoda, Tadaki, Kuwajima, Tamura, Nakamura, Hino, Endo, hot water eyes, Goto, Yokoo, Ono, Horikoshi, Moniwa, Akiu

The second seat

In Inawashiro, Kasai, Katono, Hodowara, money, it is ground, Okochi, Ota, Takeda, Kochi, Asai, Tanabe, Hayakawa, Kumagaya, Suzuki, Sugihara, offering to a priest, Kimura, Yamagishi, Yasuda, Ishida, Kojima, Arai in spring water, big wave, salt, white Tsu, Sanada, Kuwajima, big wave, Naganuma, Hashimoto, Aoki, Aoki, south, Kato, Tanaka, Owada, Igarashi, pine wood, big wave, Imaizumi, Oshima, north, Ueno, Numabe, Honda, Sato, Nakayama, Kowata, Yamaga


  • "伊達世臣家譜" editing: Maretsugu Tanabe
  • "伊達世臣家譜続編" editing: Maretsugu Tanabe
  • "御知行被下置御帳" (a "Sendai feudal clan vassal record" "Genroku era addendum Sendai feudal clan vassal record")


  1. 廩米 700 of direct feudatory of a shogun, Tamura who attended ^ gathering were performed intellect of for interior division by Iwanuma feudal clan, one Seki feudal lord Tamura.
  2. To ^ direct descendant descendant Mikio Date (Mikio Date) of the sandwich man

This article is taken from the Japanese Wikipedia Sendai feudal clan vassal

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