2017년 1월 29일 일요일

Law about the punishment of 強取等 of the plane

Law about the punishment of 強取等 of the plane

Law about the punishment of 強取等 of the plane
Japan Government national emblem (follow)
Japanese laws and ordinances
Popular name, abbreviated designation Hijacking prevention law
Laws and ordinances number May 18, 1970 law 78th
Effect Existing law
Kind Special criminal law
Main contents Special law of the criminal law about the hijacking
Laws and ordinances concerned The criminal law
Text link Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications laws and ordinances data offer system
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The law (こうくうきのごうしゅとうのしょばつにかんするほうりつ, May 18, 1970 law 78th) about the punishment of 強取等 of the plane is one of the laws of Japan. A popular name, hijacking prevention law.

General statement

I take over a plane by an assault and a threat and punish acts (hijacking) to obstruct the normal navigation of the plane by a design or power. It is a special criminal law, and the constitution requirements are extremely similar to that of robbery and duties charge of interference of the criminal law.

It was established taking advantage of a よど hijacking case. It is not applied to the criminal of this law はよど case by a constitutional retroactivity punishment prohibitive regulation (Article 39 preceding paragraph) and will be called into question for capture and an overseas transportation punishment and robbery resulting in injury punishment. A first application case is an All Nippon Airways acacia service hijacking case.

The act that is punished

  • When I influence 強取 or navigation by 航空機強取等罪 (Article 1) - assault, plane navigating by threat or other methods (when I demand that I go to the destination unlike an original flight schedule). I am sentenced to penal servitude indefinite or more than seven years. The attempt is punished by punishment same as a committed crime, too.
  • When I perform 航空機強取等致死罪 (Article 2) - 航空機強取等 and let a person die. I am sentenced to the death penalty or indefinite penal servitude. Consequent felony of 航空機強取等罪.
  • When I do a preliminary for the purpose of performing 航空機強取等予備罪 (Article 3) - 航空機強取等罪 (when I purchase weaponry for hijacking and prepare). I am sentenced to penal servitude less than three years. When I turn myself in to the police before practice start, punishment may be reduced.
  • When I let you change the course of the plane in way/ones/ by plane navigation inhibition crime (Article 4) - design or power and obstruct the normal navigation of the plane. I am sentenced to penal servitude less than ten years more than one year. An express provision of the duties charge of interference.

Allied item

This article is taken from the Japanese Wikipedia Law about the punishment of 強取等 of the plane

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