2017년 1월 30일 월요일

Gabriel de cru

Gabriel de cru

Gabriel De Clieu.jpg

The Gabriel = Matthew Francois de cru (French: in Gabriel-Mathieu Francois D'ceus de Clieu, 1687 on Dieppe - November 29, 1774 Paris) French naval officer, Governor of Guadeloupe foreign countries (from 1737 to 1753) [1], the ポワンタピートル founder [2]. Seine-Maritime Dieppe native place [3]. A person of sun Louis decoration (English version) グランクロワ bestowal of an order.

The ド cru suggests the coffee cultivation in the French colony of the western hemisphere in the 1720s and is known by having made an effort for cultivation.

Table of contents


I entered the French navy and was embedded with succession war in Spain. I advanced to ギャルド デ la マリヌ (English version) in le アーヴル in 1702 15 years later and I moved to Rochefort more in the next year and received officer education until 1705, and it was a second lieutenant. In 1718, 受勲 does sun Louis decoration Chevallier [4].

I became Captain of Marine Corps in 1720 and started for my new post from Nantes to Martinique in 1723. It is the staff officer of the Mary ガラント island in 1725 [4] and acts as Governor of Guadeloupe foreign countries from 1737 through 1753. I am promoted to a colonel in 1746 of the meantime, and 受勲 does sun Louis decoration コマンドゥール in 1750 [4]. I leave Guadeloupe on August 12, 1752 (Lafond acts for the governor) and, on [1], September 1, 1753, am transferred to le アーヴル [4]. I acted as a commander in pole = Louis in 1756. I leave an achievement on commanding a floating battery by le アーヴル surprise attack by the British navy of 1759, and defending it. Rejected in Paris in sun Louis decoration グランクロワ on 受勲, November 29 for 1,774 years [5].

Coffee introduction to Martinique

The story of the coffee introduction of the ド cru depends on autobiography Année littéraire of the ド cru of 1774. During temporary homecoming from garrison town Martinique, I schemed to cultivate the young plant (descendant of the tree which I imported formerly from ホラント in the 1710s) of the coffee tree of the Paris botanical garden in Martinique, and I took it secretly, and was brought up on a ship and took it to go in Martinique in 1720. I am assumed the origin of the coffee tree that this tree is cultivated a lot now in South America. [6] . According to the description of the cru, the water was distributed at a voyage, and it is said that I gave a young plant part. It is a fact, and possibly be heated, and it might really give you water of the distribution that cru purchases a young plant as for the recent history, and [7] introduced into Martinique that this story is a famous story to come up in history of coffee by all means, but points out that the coffee tree already existed in the western hemisphere from it past. In other words, coffee was introduced into Netherlands territory Suriname in French possession sun = ドマング, 1718 in 1715 [8]; [9].


The descendant living in hometown Dieppe of the ド cru works at a museum in commemoration of achievements of the ド cru [10].


  1. ^ a b Auguste Lacour (1855). Histoire de la Guadeloupe: 1635à1789. 1. Guadeloupe Basse-TerreIt is p. 243-251. https://books.google.co.jp/books?id=Cch7AAAAMAAJ. 
  2. ^ Guibert, loc.cit.
  3. ^ Michel Claude Guibert, Mémoires pour serviràl'histoire de la ville de Dieppe, Dieppe, 1878 full text at Google Books, p. It is full text at Google Books, p. 388, William Harrison Ukers, All about coffee, 1922 8, referencing Michaud's Biographie Universelle, gives the more specific Angléqueville-sur-Saane, Seine-Inférieure (modern Seine-Maritime), perhaps Anglesqueville-la-Bras-Long or Anglesqueville-l'Esneval, both near the valley of the Saâne
  4. ^ a b c d Alexandre Mazas (1860). Histoire de l'ordre royal et Militaire de Saint-Louis depuis son institution en 1693 jusqu'en 1830. 2. Paris: Firmin Didot frères, fils et Cie. p. 123. https://books.google.co.jp/books?id=6JRPAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA123. 
  5. ^ fr:Louis du Bois. "Notice sur le chevalier de Clieu, et bibliographie du café". April 23, 2016 reading.
  6. ^ Lacour, p. 235f. Lacour quotes dispatches mentioning de Clieu's "soins...pour la culture du caféet pour sa distribution dans la colonie", but not its introduction.
  7. ^ Henri Welter, Essai sur l'histoire du café, Paris, 1868 full text at Google Books, p. 20.
  8. ^ Antony Wild, Coffee: A Dark History, ISBN 0-393-06071-3, p. 124.
  9. The thing saying that the Netherlands young plant is originally from Suriname exists in the ^ documents: Jean Benoît DésiréCochet, Galerie dieppoise: notices biographiques sur les hommes célèbres ou utiles, 1862, p. 178. full text at Google Books
  10. ^ [9-Stewart Lee Allen, The Devil's Cup, New York: Ballantine, 1999, 158.]

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