2016년 12월 11일 일요일

Piping hare

Piping hare

Piping hare [1]
The habitation generation: The Miocene-This world, 16.4–0 Ma
Ochotona princeps.jpg
American piping hare (Ochotona princeps)
: Animal kingdom Animalia
The gate : Chordate gate Chordata
Amon : Vertebrate Amon Vertebrata
Rope : Mammalia Mammalia
Eyes : Rabbit eyes Lagomorpha
Course : Piping hare department Ochotonidae
(Thomas, 1897)
The genus : The piping hare genus
Ochotona (Link, 1795)
Japanese name
Piping hare

Cf. text

The generic name of the animal that the piping hares (piping hare, 鳴兔, piping hare, 啼兔 British: Pika, rock rabbit, whistling hare) are classified in rabbit eyes (重歯目) piping hare department Ochotonidae. The thing performing the existing life is the 1 department 1 genus, and only piping hare genus Ochotona is vested in the course. I have been considered to be 14 kinds for a long time, but, by the later study, increase to 30 kinds. Seemingly the auricle is a figure such as the hamsters small generally (the narrow sense), but is a close species of rabbits. According to the name, it calls by a high-pitched caution sound well.

Ochotona of the generic name comes from ogotona of Mongolian or ochodona. In addition, it is originally right to read with /pika/ (atomic bomb) because Pika of the fame comes from piika of the Tunguz, but is /'paɪ from the spelling·It is often read with ka/ (pica).

In Japan, subspecies of the Kita piping hare (O. hyperborea, Northern Pika), エゾナキウサギ O. h. yesoensis have habitation in Hokkaido.

Table of contents

Habitation place

The piping hare is distributed over the land of some chilly climates of Asia, North America and the Eastern Europe. Many kinds have habitation in the rocky place of the frequent mountainous district of the crack becoming the hideout, but there is the kind to dig the den simple by oneself, and the thing with the inside has habitation for the step that I opened. Yuki oscine often makes a nest with Eurasian Yamaji in the den of the piping hare, and both coexist in the same den [2].

According to the place where Donald Grayson of the archeologist warns by an article of Journal of Biogeography January, 2006, the altitude of the habitation area of the American piping hare is rising by activity of the human and a global climate change, and it is said that in this way this population may reach the extinction. Grayson investigated habitation level of the local piping hare which passed in the past 40000 years to the Rocky Mountains from the Sierra Nevada. It is earlier than this, and an article to lead a similar conclusion is placed in the Journal of Mammalogy.


The piping hare has at a glance short limbs and a round ear, a short tail in the small animals such as the hamster. Different, but the size is approximately 18-20cm in length, Japanese blue magpie a little less than 2cm, 75-290 g in weight by a kind. I eat these feces at first to do green soft feces, and to take in nourishment more after having eaten bait like the rabbits of the narrow sense. I do solid tubby feces afterwards.

The piping hare is grass food, and 採食 does various plants. By a habitation place, I eat grass and sedges, a twig, moss, the lichen of the shrub mainly. There is the thing nourishing it by coprophagy depending on an area. The piping hare has incisor, but I lack in cuspid, and, like other animals of rabbit eyes, there are fewer molar numbers than the rabbits of the narrow sense again. The dental formula becomes (incisor, cuspid, premolar, molar).

The piping hare living in a rock place lays only the child to five in once, but the kind to dig the den tends to lay children more than this, and the frequency of the breeding is higher, too. Probably, as for this difference, it seems with the thing by a latter habitation place being able to utilize richer resources. The gestational period around 25-30 days [2].


The day is usually more active, and the piping hare has habitation in diurnality or dusk characteristics in the area of high altitudes. It is time before it is winter that I show the highest activity. Because the piping hare does not hibernate, I need the hay which I made as the warm bed between the winter and food by oneself. The piping hare attracts fresh grass and I pile them up and make a mountain and do it to hay. When grass drains dry, I carry it in a den and store it. The action to snatch the hay which other individuals made is not rare. The fight as a result of such action will give gaining the third party's profit to the predator of the neighborhood such as a ferret and Raptores.

The Eurasian piping hare generally lives on a family unit, and each individual shares watch with collection of bait. At least several kinds of those are なわばりをもつ. On the other hand, the North American piping hare (O. princeps and O. collaris) is a singularity and lives alone except the breeding season.


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  1. ^ a b Hoffmann, Robert S.; Andrew T. Smith (in November 16 2005). in Wilson, D. E., and Reeder, D. M. (eds): Mammal Species of the World, 3rd edition, Johns Hopkins University Press, 185-193. ISBN 0-801-88221-4.
  2. ^ a b Kawamichi, Takeo (1984). Macdonald, D.. ed. The Encyclopedia of Mammals. New York: Facts on File. pp. 726-727. ISBN 0-87196-871-1. 


Outside link

  • The Trek of the Pika "A story complete with sounds of pika calls" 2002-10-30
  • [1] "A radio feature on how Pikas in the Rockies are coping with climate change. "2007-07-31

This article is taken from the Japanese Wikipedia Piping hare

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