Crest | Map (position of the county) |
Basic information | |
Federal state: | State of Bayern |
A precinct: | Overflanken precinct |
A county: | Bamberg county |
Latitude longitude: | 49°54'N 10°49'E |
Altitude: | 236m above see level |
An area: | 17.54 km² |
Population: | 5,996 (as of December 31, 2015) [1] |
Population density: | 342 /km² |
A zip code: | 96120 |
An area code: | 0951 |
A number plate: | BA |
Local government cord: | 09 4 71 117 |
An address of the intendance: | Schulstraße 16 96120 Bischberg |
An official web site: | www.bischberg.de |
A chief: | Johan プフィスター (Johann Pfister) |
Position in the county | |
ビシュベルク (Bischberg) is located at the join of leg Nitze River and the Main of west approximately 5km of Bamberg in municipalities (I describe it in this clause for convenience as follows with "a town") belonging to the Bamberg county of the State of Federal Republic of Germany Bayern over flanken precinct.
The name of the town comes from "Bischofsberg" (crowd of bishops). The ヴュルツブルク bishop is assumed the person who built the town at the important join with this Main and leg Nitze River.
Table of contents
ビシュベルク belongs to the western part of overflanken plan district. The nearest railroad station is located in Bamberg or ハルシュタット.
Constitution of the local government
This town consisting of five district (Ort) [2]. Of these, I list below the villages except isolated farms.
- ビシュベルク
- トロスドルフ
- トゥッチェンゲロイト
- ヴァイペルスドルフ
ビシュベルク belonged to the Bishop Bamberg headquarters territory to secularization. ビショフスベルク came to be known publicly after 1580. The important manor feudal lord had ミヒェルスベルク monastery and served as the feudal lord of the village in the 18th century. I belonged to Bayern after the master of empire convention resolution of 1803 required. In the times of the administrative reform of the Bayern kingdom, the current local government was formed by a local government law of 1818.
Going down by raft
The position of ビシュベルク facing the junction of the Main and the leg Nitze River was one of the important way stations of the going down by raft from フランケンヴァルト. ビシュベルク was placed as "the second way station" in a history of the going down by raft. In the first way station of the going down by raft from the クローナハ neighbor, シュヴュルビッツ (ミヒェラウ in over flanken), a way station of the following going down by raft were ビシュベルク. The going down by raft became extinct by the development of a road and the railroad.
Friendship town
- Montauban de Bretagne (France, Ille-et-Vilaine)
Economy and social capital
OVF (flanken riding together traffic) 601 system links プリーゼンドルフ to Bamberg federal way B26, autobahn A70, Bamberg county way BA36, a city bus 6 system.
Outside link
(each German site)
This article is taken from the Japanese Wikipedia ビシュベルク
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