2016년 8월 8일 월요일

Eiwa (Hata)

Eiwa (Hata)

The name of an era that Eiwa (I obtain it, and it is said) was used in the reign of 君主姚泓 of 後秦 for 16 five-forked prayer staffs era. From February, 416 to August, 417.

contrast stockinette stitches with the Christian era, the sexagenary cycle


  • "中国歴代年号考" 李崇智 (Zhonghua Book Company 2004)

Allied item

  • Eiwa (vagueness evasion)

The name of an era in front:
The Chinese name of an era
The next name of an era:
The name of an era of the Susumu Wei north and south morning

The name of an era of three countries
Wei Yellow is naive  太和  Guardian deity of the east in the shape of a dragon  A view is naive  Masatomo  Yoshihei  Shogen  Deliciousness  Origin of view  咸熙
蜀漢 章武 
-based interest  延熙  景耀  Flame interest
Kure 黄武 
Yellow dragon  Fine rice plant  Red bird  太元  God Otori  -based interest  Five Otori  Taihei  永安  Former interest  Deliciousness  Treasure tripod  建衡  Chinese phoenix  天冊  天璽  Sky period
The name of an era of
西晋 泰始 

Xianning  Taikang  太熙  永熙  永平  元康  Yongkang  Einei  太安  永安  The Kenbu era  永安  Ryougo  光熙  Yongjia  -based interest
東晋 The Kenbu era 
Daxing  永昌  太寧  咸和  咸康  The-based cause  Eiwa  Enjoying peace  隆和  Xingning  太和  咸安  寧康  太元  隆安  Former interest  隆安  大亨  Former interest  永始  天康  義熙  元熙
The name of an era of five-forked prayer staff 16 countries
前趙 元熙 

永鳳  河瑞  Light interest  Yoshihei  The-based cause  麟嘉  漢昌  Light is naive
成漢 建初 
-based interest  晏平  玉衡  玉恒  Han interest  太和  嘉寧
Previous cool air -based interest 
Peace  -based interest  Enjoying peace
後趙 太和 
Jianping  延熙  The Kenbu era  太寧  Guardian deity of the east in the shape of a dragon  Einei
冉魏 Ryougo
Previous swallow 元璽 

Light Kotobuki  建熙
Former Hata 皇始 
Shouguang  Ryougo  Deliciousness  The-based cause  太安  Beginning of the world  Deferred; is naive
後秦 White sparrow 
建初  皇初  弘始  Eiwa
後燕 Origin of swallow 
-based interest  Yongkang  Jianping  Changle  The light beginning  Jianshi
翟 Wei -based light 
West swallow Swallow interest 
The watches of the night beginning  Shohei  建明  Jianping  The Kenbu era  Middle interest
West Hata -based justice 
Beginning of the world  The watches of the night beginning  Yongkang  建弘  永弘
後涼 太安 
麟嘉  Tappi  承康  Xianning  God tripod
South cool air Beginning of the world 
The-based sum  弘昌  Yoshihei
South swallow A swallow is flat 
Jianping  太上
West cool air Kanoko 
建初  Jiaxing  永建
In the summer 龍昇 
I run Otori  昌武  Truth interest  承光  勝光
North swallow Masatomo 
Taihei  太興
North cool air Sacred jewels 
天璽  永安  玄始  承玄  Yoshikazu  The Showa era
The founding of a country
The name of an era of the north and south morning
Soong 永初 

Kagehera  I praise the cause  孝建  Daimei  永光  The view sum  泰始  泰予  元徽  Noriaki
The-based cause 
永明  Takamasa  Deferred interest  The Kenbu era  永泰  永元  Middle interest

Beam 天監  Normal  Odori  Middle Odori  Datong  Middle Datong  太清  Daiho  The Tensho era  Beginning of the world  承聖< Forming naturally  紹泰  Taihei  Heavenly revelation
後梁 大定  The Tenpo era  Wide luck

Chen Eitei  I praise the sky  天康  Light size  太建  The highest virtue  禎明
North Wei Up country 
皇始  Sky interest  Divine gift  Ryougo  Mizuho God  泰常  Beginning light  God 䴥  The deferred sum  太延  Taihei truth you  Shohei  Pax  Interest is it lower  Interest light  太安  Peace  Tenan  皇興  Deferred interest  承明  太和  Kageaki  Masatomo  永平  Ensho  熙平  The Jinki era  Masamitsu  Takamasa  武泰  -based justice  永安  建明  普泰  Middle interest  太昌  Ryougo  永熙
East Wei The Tenbyo era 
Former elephant  Kowa  武定
West Wei Imperial line
Northern Ch'i The Tenpo era 

乾明  皇建  太寧  河清  天統  Wuping  隆化  徳昌  承光  Wuping
Northern Chou 武成 
Retention  Tenna  Kentoku  Nobumasa  Completion  Taizo  大定
柔然 Yongkang 
Taihei  太安  The beginning is flat  Jianchang

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