2016년 8월 7일 일요일

ストレジェフ dukedom

ストレジェフ dukedom

ストレジェフ dukedom (Russianтрежевскоекняжество, Belarusian wordтрэжаўскаекняства) is share territory dukedom of Lucy who existed in the late twelfth century. The dukedom name comes from ストレジェフ of the capital, but the position is unidentified.

When Lord of Pollock ログヴォロド occupied イジャスラヴリ dukedom in 1159, in the ストレジェフ dukedom, イジャスラヴリ was formed by Lord of イジャスラヴリ フセヴォロド by having given ストレジェフ as a substitute for picking up. Judging from various aspects, フセヴォロド possessed ストレジェフ dukedom until 1162 to die. There are not the historical materials that can know the following ストレジェフ dukedom.

Lord of ストレジェフ

  • フセヴォロド グレボヴィチ (be): A child of Lord of Minsk グレプ. The reign: From 1159 to 1162.


  • Славянскаяэнциклопедия. КиевскаяРусь — Московия: в2т. /Автор-составительВ. В. Богуславский. — М.: ОЛМА-ПРЕСС, 2001. — Т. 2.

This article is taken from the Japanese Wikipedia ストレジェフ dukedom

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