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拓跋沙漠汗 (Go pronunciation: たくばつしゃまくがん, Han pronunciation: たくばつさばくかん, a 拼 sound: Tuòbáshāmòhán / shāmòhàn?in -277 year) is the Crown Prince of 鮮卑族拓跋部. A child of 拓跋力微 which is an adult (a sea bream pitches a camp: the tribe head). Brothers need 拓跋悉鹿, 拓跋綽, 拓跋禄官. A child needs 拓跋猗 㐌, 拓跋猗盧, 拓跋弗. I often acted as 遣使 to Wei and 西晋. I praised a great achievement saying that 拓跋珪 built north Wei and was made giving a post-humous honorific title with the sentence emperor.
Table of contents
(261 years), 拓跋力微 which decided to link the sum parent to Wei let the desert sweat of the child proceed to Wei for God former emperor 42 years. The desert sweat remained as the Crown Prince in the capital and served to 拓跋部 and a harmony among Wei parent.
When (267 years), the desert sweat returned from 晋 for God former emperor 48 years, I performed commerce with 晋 closely.
(275 years), the desert sweat take a turn for 晋 again in God former emperor 56, but are to return to the country in the winter of the year. Wu-di of 晋 spent brocade, 罽 (Kei: woolen stuff), a picture (silk floss), 彩, cotton, the silk many things which became 牛車百乗 for desert sweat. However, it was said that 衛 瓘 of 征北将軍 became the anxiety later and reported it to the Throne to keep desert sweat in the capital and let you keep desert sweat. The butler of the country and outside adult come to receive a bribe of 皆衛 瓘 in here.
When (277 years), desert sweat returned home in God former emperor 58, I let power of father was delight slightly and meet it. I said, "I will catch that bird" to see the bird that desert sweat flew in the sky and I played it and transferred go-stone shooting with a bow and shot down a bird wonderfully on this occasion. They played it in 鮮卑族 at the time, and the technique of the bow did not come, and all adults were surprised. When adults return earlier; power slightly of "my child heard it saying how was the result that was in 晋". Then adults said, "it is a sign that that ability and skill pulled a bow in an emergency as for the Crown Prince in the sky and dropped a flying bird, and this got 異法怪術 of 晋人 and disturbed a country, and to hurt its people" and suspected desert sweat of the rebellion. The sweat is in 晋 for a long time a desert, and, meanwhile, brothers receive power slight の favor every day; power slightly older than 100 years old is old, and is right; when adults were power slight の lives, feigned it, and killed desert sweat saying, "could not accept the person because could not judge it, should right remove this". It is said that I regretted this very slightly power afterwards.
As for the height, 8 shakus, majestic figure were splendid, and the figure was handsome.
Imperial mausoleum
- Princess
- Mr. seal
- Mr. orchid (south Hsiung-Nu native place)
- Child
- 拓跋猗 㐌…The eldest child of Mr. seal
- 拓跋猗盧…Tsugiko of Mr. seal
- 拓跋藍…The eldest child of Mr. orchid dies already.
- 拓跋弗…Tsugiko of Mr. orchid
This article is taken from the Japanese Wikipedia 拓跋沙漠汗
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