2016년 12월 11일 일요일

Einei (Han)

Einei (Han)

The third name of an era that Einei (えいねい) was performed in the reign of cheap emperor Liu 祜 (Riyu comes) of 後漢. From 120 years to 121 years.

contrast stockinette stitches with the Christian era, the sexagenary cycle

Einei The first year Two years
The Christian era 120 years 121 years
The sexagenary cycle 庚申 辛酉


  • 後漢書』 (Zhonghua Book Company 1974)
  • "中国歴代年号考" 李崇智 (Zhonghua Book Company 2004)

Allied item

The name of an era in front:
The Chinese name of an era
The next name of an era:
-based light
Han•The newname of an era

The name of an era of previous Han: The name of an era of Wu-di  Origin of beginning  Former Otori  The cause is flat  Current beginning  Ground clause  元康  神爵  Five Otori  Deliciousness  Yellow dragon  The first cause  永光  建昭  竟寧  Jianshi  A river is flat  Yangshuo  鴻嘉  永始  Motonobu  綏和  Jianping  Beginning of the world former commander  Jianping  Former Kotobuki  Genesis  居摂  The first beginning
The new の name of an era: The beginning founding of a country 
Sky Otori  地皇
The name of an era of 後漢: The watches of the night beginning 
The Kenbu era  Kenbu era midyear gift  永平  建初  Genna  The chapter sum  永元  Former interest  Nobuhira  永初  Genesis  Einei  -based light  Deferred light  永建  I praise a positive  Eiwa  Han is it lower  建康  永憙  Origin  The-based sum  Peace  I praise the cause  Ryougo  永寿  延熹  Yongkang  Jianning  熹平  Kowa  Nakahira  光熹  昭寧  永漢  Nakahira  It is flat for the first time  Interest is flat  建安  延康
List of Chinese names of an era: (Han•Newly 
Susumu Wei north and south morning service charges (高昌 Sui  Tang (Bohai  South Imperial mandate, edict or decree  Dali)  Five dynasties and ten kingdoms Era  Soong (Liao  Hsihsia  Money)  The cause    )  Name of an era in the Republic of China  The Gregorian calendar (the People's Republic of China)

This article is taken from the Japanese Wikipedia Einei (Han)

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