フルペリェ = コジナ
| ||
Area: | 192,2km² | |
The mayor: | Albert Pečar | |
Population - Man - Woman | 4.038 people 2.013 people 2.025 people | |
The average age: | 38,51 year | |
A house area: - The number of the households: - The number of the families: | Person from 37,17m²/ 1.435 1.162 | |
A worker: - An unemployed person: | 1.906 people 278 people | |
Average monthly salary (August, 2003): - In total: - Net: | 231.951SIT 148.445SIT | |
The university number of students: | 142 people | |
Than Republic of Slovenia Statistics Bureau, a national census of 2002 (except the item of the * mark) |
フルペリェ = コジナ (Hrpelje-Kozina, Italian: Erpelle-Cosina) is a city of Slovenia.
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