Prediction of the medium

"Prediction (みこのよげん, Old Norse: Vǫluspá, Vǫlspá[1], Vǫlospá[2], Wols par, Icelandic: Völuspá, Verus par [3]) of the medium" is the one paragraph that was best known in Edda poetry put first of "Elder Edda".
In form that ヴォルヴァ (translated as en:Völva, a medium) speaks to Odin, I talk about the arrival of the end, world reproduction from world creation. I am considered to be one of the most important documents in studying a North European myth.
A copy was quoted by "Edda of スノッリ", and, as for this poetry, the whole was left in "a manuscript of the King" and "a Hauch's balk". I consist of Chinese characters old rhyming Chinese poems with eight sentences of 63 聯 by "a manuscript of the King".
Table of contents
The correction of this knob is expected. |
As for the prediction, word りかけから to Odin begins. And ヴォルヴァ recites a story about the world creation briefly. She explains that how oneself obtained knowledge and she understands the secret of gods of the source of the omniscience of Odin and other ground gals. She discusses that it takes place in the future now and mentions the episode of much North Europe myths such as the restriction of death and Loki of Balder lightly. Finally the foreteller talks about the world end, Ragnarock and conveys that it approaches near at hand.
There is a part talked about ドヴェルグ on the way, and "ドヴェルグ table" may be called (Dvergatal) by this knob [4]. This part was usually added later; see it partially and may be omitted depending on an editor and a translator.
"The prediction of the medium" was left before "manuscript (about 1270) of the King" and writing "Hauch's balk" (about 1334) of the Hauch L lens loss. In addition, much 聯 is quoted in "Edda" (as for the oldest manuscript that is established in about 1220, and exists a thing of about 1300) by スノッリ ストゥルルソン. A turn and the total number, the content of 各聯 vary according to these documents. Besides, sequence of 聯 may be changed by an editor and the translator of coming ages.
Japanese translation
I display the documents which translate below the "prediction whole sentence of the medium" into Japanese sequentially in the publication year.
- Yukio Taniguchi reason (1973), V G ネッケル, H クーン et al. edition "collection of Edda ancient North European songs and ballads" Shinchosha, ISBN 978-4,103,137,016.
- Kenji Matsuya reason (1986) "collection of saga 〈 medieval literature 3> Tsukama bookshop 〈 Chikuma library 〉, ISBN 4-480-02077-2 of Edda Grettir."
- Kunishiro Sugawara reason (1993), Sigurdur Nordal "prediction Edda poetry revision book Tokai University publication society of the medium", ISBN 4-486-01225-9.
- Kazuhiko Ozaki (1994) 白凰社 〈 Meiji University humanities Institute library 〉, ISBN 978-4,826,200,776 that "a North European myth, underwork of the cosmology solves secret incantation" of "the prediction of the medium"
- Kunishiro Sugawara ("prediction charge of the medium"), other reason (1995), Hermann Palsson with "a scenery オージン religion of オージン which there is Edda" Tokai University publication society, ISBN 4-486-01318-2.
- Tomoaki Mizuno (2002) "North European myth fidelity company of life and the death", ISBN 4-7754-0013-4.
- Toshiaki Kobayashi, Hidekazu Kanai reason (2004), Walter Kahn then "secret North European myth adventure travelogue Tokai University publication society of Asgard", ISBN 4-486-01640-8.
- Tadao Shimomiya, Sadao Kaneko (2006) "introduction to Old Icelandic" university place abounding in books, ISBN 4-475-01872-2.
In addition, as the documents which I do not place the whole sentence in a mass, but translate a considerable quantity into,
- Kunishiro Sugawara (1984) "North Europe myth" Tokyo Shoseki, ISBN 4-487-75047-4.
But, there is it.
- It is written p.151 p.123, Peter Orton (伊藤盡訳) "foreign country myth and religion" ^ Terry Gun flannel (伊藤盡訳) "Edda poetry" (magazine, pp.145-162) (Aoto Corporation "lily cuttlefish" October, 2007 issue (Vol. 39 twelfth) pp.121-137).
- ^ lower shrine, notation of Kaneko "introduction to Old Icelandic" p.93.
- It is written p.191, indexes ^ Mariko Yonehara, Tomoko Ichii reason, H R Ellis David loss "North Europe myth" (in Aoto Corporation, 1992 ISBN 4-7917-5191-4).
- ^ Sugawara reason, norDal "prediction p.48 of the medium."
- "A collection of Edda ancient North European songs and ballads," it is ISBN 978-4-10-313701-6 for Yukio Taniguchi, Shinchosha, 1,973 years.
- "Norræn fornkvæði," it is ソーフス ブッゲ (en:Sophus Bugge), Christiania: Malling, 1867. The electronic text exists, too。
- "The Poetic Edda: Volume II is Dronke, Ursula, Oxford: Mythological Poems" Clarendon Press, 1997.
- "Völuspá," it is Eysteinn Björnsson. The electronic text exists, too。
- "Völuspá," it is Sigurdur Nordal, Reykjavík: Helgafell, 1952.
- "Edda Sæmundar Hinns Froða is The Edda Of Sæmund The Learned" (two), Benjamin Thorpe reason, London: It is 1866 Trübner & Co. The electronic text exists, too。
Allied bookm
- "Death and the revival of North European mythical world gods," it is ISBN 978-4-7917-6065-7 for accelerator Orr Rick (Kazuhiko Ozaki reason), Aoto Corporation, 2,003 years.
Allied item
- North European myth
- Words of Elder Edda - ヴァフスルーズニル
- I swindle Edda - ギュルヴィ of スノッリ
- Ragnarock
Outside link
- A Völuspá- ソーフス ブッゲ version and the explanatory note of the manuscript.
- A Völuspá- Eysteinn Björnsson version and a manuscript.
- A Völuspá- Guðni Jónsson version.
- English translation by Voluspo - Henry Adams Bellows.
- English translation by Völuspá- Henry Adams Bellows. A link is attached for the name of the character.
- The English translation by the Völuspá- Benjamin soap.
- Voluspá- Lee M. English translation by Hollander.
- The Song of the Sybil - W H Auden and P. B. English translation by Taylor.
- Faroese Post Office. Völuspá- translation, interpretation, the plate including the stamp of Faroe Islands.
This article is taken from the Japanese Wikipedia Prediction of the medium
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