2016년 9월 2일 금요일

Efficient market hypothesis

Efficient market hypothesis

A hypothesis [1] that markets are completely always effective with efficient market hypotheses (こうりつてきしじょうかせつ British: efficient-market hypothesis, EMH) in the finance economics informationally. Here; mean that the price of financial products in the money market reflects information to determine the value of the product informationally to be effective. According to efficient market hypothesis, stock tradings always trade stocks at a fair price, and it is not to be able to sell highly that investors buy stocks cheaply. Then it is impossible to get the results above the average of the market from the timing of the choice and the market of the brand [2].

There are the following things in a main hypothesis to consider a market effective.

  • A large number of investors analyze safety of the profit and always evaluate it.
  • New news always reaches the market with other news at random independently.
  • The stock prices are coordinated immediately by new news.
  • The stock prices always reflect all information.

The finance theory is subjective. In other words, finance does not have the proved law and is only the idea that is going to explain the working of the あるのは market [2].

Efficient market hypothesis has three versions called "week "・" semi-Strong "・" Strong". When the stocks and the bond, the price of business assets such as the real estate reflected all information shown by a past, I insist on the hypothesis of the week model. When information shown newly is reflected to a price instantly, I insist on the semi-Strong model hypothesis in addition to reflection of the information shown by a past. In the hypothesis of the Strong model, a claim that even the hidden insider info is reflected to a price instantly increases more. When the overconfidence to the rationality of the market caused a panic of the late 2000s, the debater who is critical in efficient market hypothesis shelters [3]; [4] [5]. It faces each other and the market effectiveness is not a thing denying uncertainness in the future, and protection debaters are always world simplification not to become the truth and declare it to be effective substantially for an investment purpose of each most individuals [6].

Table of contents

Historic background

Opinion about the origin

Efficient market hypothesis and random walk hypothesis and the Martin Gale model have close ties historically. The random characteristic modeling of the stock market price was accomplished first in 1863 by French broker Joule Raynaud. I am modelled afterwards in doctoral dissertation "The Theory ofSpeculation" (theory of the speculation) of 1900 of French mathematician Louis バシュリエ. These achievements were ignored almost until the 1950s, but this doctoral dissertation was strengthened by discrete independent findings of the 1930s. Few articles suggested that the finance chronological order in conjunction with the U.S. stock prices obeyed a random walk [8]. The study of the 30s and the 40s of Alfred cowls suggested the thing that professional investors did not achieve the results more than the market generally. This hypothesis determines importance of the business to hold profit below risk assets.

The first formulation

The efficient market hypothesis developed by the scientific concept that I studied in the doctoral dissertations which Eugene Farmer of the University of Chicago booth school of business professor published in the early 1960s. As for this, behavioral economics was received widely in the 1990s by the minority until I was promoted to the mainstream [9]. The substantial analysis finds the problems of the efficient market hypothesis continuously, and the analysis (value stock effect) that profit rises by the stocks which are low (for for cashflow or book value the price are low) of the price for achievements than I trade other stocks is found particularly continuously. [10][11] a cognitive bias causes an inefficiency, and the new theory to let investors purchase the up-and-coming person who is more expensive than an economical stock is proposed. [9]The market effectiveness becomes a target of the criticism by such an enough grounds and the observation of the continuous inefficiency, but the survey of 2000 of Beechey and others does an effective economic hypothesis with the important starting point of the discussion [12].


The efficient market hypothesis happened as a projecting theory at the mid-1960s. Pole Samuelson has begun to spread to the economist in a study of バシェリエ. The doctoral dissertation in conformity with a proof study of バシェリエ which I stated above was placed in the analogy of 1964 by the edition of pole クートナー [13]. In 1965, Eugene Farmer writes a doctoral dissertation insisting on a random walk hypothesis [14]. Furthermore, Samuelson proved that a price showed the behavior of the random walk if a market was effective [15]. This article is often quoted as documents in support of efficient market theory, and it was used as technique to conclude inevitability to be it [16], but [17], Samuelson state, it "is impossible to draw a substantial result from an axiom not to conform to proof" as warning for such a backward reasoning in that discussion sentence [18]. In 1970, Farmer announces the review about both theory and grounds of the efficient market hypothesis. This review defines three money market effectiveness (later description) of Strong model, semi-Strong model, the Strong model and I expand the theory and refine it [1].

"It is not effective in macro", and there is opposition, "it is effective to a micro" to the stock market. The supporter of this thought was Samuelson, and the efficient market hypothesis checked what one for stocks individual than the whole stock market applied to well. Recurrence and the investigation based on the distribution map strongly support a conclusion of Samuelson [19]. This result is theoretical justification of the extensive economic trend prediction that various groups including a non profit organization and the profit organization ([21] such as brokerage firm [20] or consulting company) provide.

In addition to these grounds that the British stock market is like week model efficiency, other investigations of the capital market show semi-Strong model effectiveness. According to the study of Khan, the cereals futures market follows the possession information of major investors; and indicating the semi-Strong model effectiveness (Khan, 1986). The farce of the U.K. compared the sell order of the stock prices after the management buyout statement (Firth 1976, 1979, 1980). I adjusted the farce to the level that the stock prices were right completely and instantly and concluded it when a British stock prices market had cicada Strong-shaped effectiveness. However, the ability that a market reacts to for the event announced widely such as the short-term purchase statement effectively is not the thing which necessarily proves the effectiveness of the market about other longer-term immaterial factors. David ドレマン points out the immediate reaction not a requirement of the efficiency that the long-term profit of stocks reacting to specific movement (in inspection whether or not a market is effective in the long term) is a better index; and these; instant; "was effective", and criticized the grounds by the reaction.

Theoretical background

The efficient market hypothesis demands that an agent has rational expectation than a normal effect maximization agent. In other words, (even if any individual was not so) the population that took the mean mark has expectation definitely and is that the agent updates the expectation of the group appropriately even if related information appears when. I do not demand that agent oneself is rational here. The efficient market hypothesis permits that the each person of investors reacts to information brought newly in response to a surplus too few. It is only a demand that the reaction of investors obeys a pattern of the random normal distribution that efficient market hypothesis assumes. When I considered in particular (such as a fee and the spread) buying and selling cost, as for this demand, influence of the original taste on market price is established to prevent it from being with the information that I trust it and can use to get abnormal profit. Therefore which individual or all the members may misunderstand a market, but there will be always the whole market definitely. There are generally three styles of model effectiveness, semi-Strong model effectiveness and the Strong model effectiveness in efficient market hypothesis in a week, and each supposes the working of the different market.

Week model effectiveness

It is assumed with the model effectiveness in a week by the analysis of the past price that I cannot expect a future price. I cannot earn an excessive reward using the investment strategy based on the history of the stock prices and other histories in the long term. Even if some kind of fundamental analyses might bring an excessive reward, the technique of the technical analysis does not produce excessive rewards continuously. The stock prices do not show affiliated dependence, and, in other words, there is not "the pattern" to an asset price. This suggests that it is decided by the information that a future price movement is not included in a price exclusively. Such "soft" efficient market hypothesis does not demand that a price remains in balance or the neighborhood and requires only that a market participant cannot profit from "the inefficiency" of the market systematically. However, the efficient market hypothesis expects all price movements with random (in other words, I do not have a trend) (when there is not a change of the fundamental information), but many studies show the tendency of the market where the stock market has several weeks or the trend more than it toward [22], and the study to be associated of the plus is done to more trendy strength and length [23]. Various explanation about such a price movement which is big, and is clearly non-random is announced.

The study of the price construction by the algorithm that reflected all available information of the field of information science is extensive and is studied [24]; [25].

There is technique using the quantification led as novel approach to inspect the efficient market hypothesis of the model in a week by information theory. With this directionality, the ズニーノ and others [26] found that effectiveness of the information was related with a stage of a market size and the economic development. The Bali Viyella and others [27] clarified influence to the information effectiveness of the important economic event. It is a new choice for the existing economic technique, and the methodology that ズニーノ, Bali Viyella and collaborators economy physicist suggested enables the detection of the change of the probabilistic or chaos-like dynamics which is underlying in price chronological order.

Semi-Strong model effectiveness

I suppose that and the stock prices adjust it without deflection rapidly when new information was provided with the effectiveness of the semi-Strong model and do a surplus reward by the business that therefore conformed to information when not provided. The fundamental analysis will not bring the technical analysis an excessive reward with the effectiveness of the semi-Strong model, too either. You must have adjustment to the news that was not known with appropriate size instantly by then so that semi-Strong model effectiveness is inspected. In this inspection, I will look for it and adjustment of the rise or decline of the direction after an initial change. Because we have deflection for the information interpretation of investors if such an adjustment exists, I will suggest the inefficiency.

Strong model effectiveness

With the Strong model effectiveness, the stock prices reflect all information including the public and private thing, and nobody may get the excessive reward. When I prevent private information from being made public by the legal defensive wall such as the insider trading law, the establishment of the Strong model effectiveness is impossible unless a law is ignored universally. It must exist in the impossible place investors continue for a long term, and to raise profit to inspect Strong model effectiveness. If an operational investment company outwitted a market for a long term, no argument is permitted from Strong model effectiveness. However, the "star" investors of ten numbers are born even if profit obeyed normal distribution while there is the fund manager of 100,000 numbers (so that effectiveness expects it).

Paradox of Grossman スティグリッツ

The economic theory model in the article that Sanford Grossman (English version) and Joseph Stiglitz announced in 1980 brought a new suggestion about the efficient market hypothesis of the Strong model [28]. Paradox about the market effectiveness spoken in the articles concerned is called paradox (British: Grossman-Stiglitz paradox) of Grossman スティグリッツ.

スティグリッツ considered the price of financial assets formation when a market participant had (the secrecy) personal information including the noise about the true value of financial assets with Grossman. They showed that the personal information of all market participants was reflected to the price of financial assets using a framework of the general balance called the rational expectation balance (British: rational expectation equilibrium, REE).

If there is the information that it is provided from a price to become the problem here, I am that the personal information that the market participant has does not bring useful additional information on supposing the true value of assets. Thus, supposing the true value of assets in information that the market participant does not gather information and is provided from a price becomes rational if it costs for intelligence. However, in the first place the personal information of the market participant cannot be reflected to a price if a market participant does not have personal information. Thus, balance does not exist when there is cost for intelligence. I call it paradox of Grossman スティグリッツ referring to such situation.

Because I could quote this problem about the market price that achieved the effectiveness of the Strong model not only a model formulated with Grossman by スティグリッツ, I brought big influence. The number of results (result that, in other words, the effectiveness of the Strong model is not established) that the manipulation of the price is carried out when the information of the analyst was disclosed in a proof study is how many or exists, but these information is pay information and become conformal with a result of Grossman and スティグリッツ. よってストロング型の効率性は成立していないとファーマは1991年の論文で述べている[29]。 これらの結果から定量的な手法を取る研究者の多くはウィーク型とセミストロング型の効率性の成否について焦点をあてるようになっている。


結合仮説問題(: joint hypothesis problem)とは、市場効率性の(証明や反証のような十分な)検証を絶対的に不可能とするものである。市場効率性を検証するためには、効率的な価格設定の挙動についての何らかのモデル化が必ず必要になる。そして実際の価格がモデルに従うかどうかによって効率性を検査できるわけであるが、ほぼ必ずモデルの不成立が示されてしまい、市場が効率的でないことを支持する結果を導いてしまう。結合仮説問題は、このように非効率性を示す検証結果が出てしまうのはモデルの不完全性に原因があると捉えるものである。考慮に入れることができない要素は多く存在するが、市場効率性を仮定すると、考慮できない要素もまた合理的な基盤を持つことになる。これらの考慮できない要素が何者なのかを説明する必要はなく(これは説明の間違いを証明される恐れがあるため危険な行為であるといえる)、また考慮に入れることができないようなその要因についての存在しないことの証明は不可能であり、検証が不能な市場効率性は、単に成り立っているだろうと考えれば良いのである[1]


ロバート・シラーによるプロットに基づく株価収益率を用いた20年収益の予測 (Figure 10.1,[30] source)。縦軸は「根拠なき熱狂」中で計算されたS&Pコンポジット株価示数による実際の株価収益率(インフレ調整書価格をインフレ調整所得で割ったもの)を示す。横軸は実際のS&Pコンポジット株価示数の実際の利益の年間幾何平均、再投資配当率と20年後の売りを示す。異なる20年間のデータは凡例に示す色分けで表す。ten-year returnsも参照。シラーはこのプロットが「長期投資家はみな最近のような株高時期のエクスポージャーを抑えて株安の時期に入るよう忠告されているはずで、株価が業績に対して割安な時期から1つの銘柄に資金を10年間委託した投資家は確実に良い利益をあげている」ことを示していると述べる[30]。効率的市場仮説の一般的妥当性を擁護していることで有名なバートン・マルキールは、この相関は金利差に起因していて効率的市場仮説と矛盾しないと述べている[31]






投機的な経済バブルは明白なアノマリーである。経済バブルでは、エスカレートする市場心理/根拠なき熱狂を作って基本的な価値を無視した買いに市場が頻繁に動かされる。このようなバブルの後の典型的な現象として、加熱した売りへの過剰反応が起こり、抜け目のない投資家が掘り出し物価格で株式を手に入れるのを許すことになる。ジョン・メイナード・ケインズの有名な言葉にあるように、「あなたが支払い能力を維持できる期間よりも長く市場は非合理であり続けられる」[44]ために、合理的な投資家が非合理なバブルで空売りして利益を得るのは難しい[要出典]。1987年のブラックマンデーのような唐突な市場崩壊は、効率的市場の眺望からは不可解なものであるが、ウィーク型効率的市場仮説では統計的に稀な事象として許容されている。 バートン・マルキールは、中国のような特定の新興市場が実証的に効率的ではないことを警告していて、上海や深センのような市場はアメリカの市場とは違って強い系列相関(価格トレンド)があり、非ランダムウォーク的で操作の形跡を示しているという[45]





ランダムウォークの鍵となる研究は1980年代後半にアンドリュー・ローとクレイグ・マッキンレーによりなされた。彼らは効果的にランダムウォークが全く存在していないことを効果的に論じている[49] 。この論文が学会にアクセプトされるまでには約2年を要し、1999年にそれまでの彼らの研究論文を修正した"A Non-Random Walk Down Wall St." を発表した。


心理学的なアプローチの一つの問題点としては裁定取引を通じた金融市場の価格調節機能が働かないことの最もらしい説明ができないことである。その問題点を解決するために用いられるコンセプトとして裁定の限界: Limits of arbitrage)がある。


裁定の限界についてはいくつかの理論モデルが定式化されている。最も代表的なものとして、アンドレ・シュライファーRobert Vishny英語版 の研究[51]がある。シュライファーとVishnyは当該論文中において、ヘッジファンドなどの合理的な投資家が顧客から預かっている資金についての制約のために十分な反対売買を行えないことで、ノイズトレーダーと呼ばれる非合理な投資家の売買行動が起こした価格の逸脱が継続するという理論的結果を得ている。








ウォーレン・バフェットもまた効率的経済仮説に反論していて、特に注目に値する1984年のプレゼン「The Supervisers of Graham-and-Doddsville」において、世界最高レベルの運用投資会社で働く株式投資家の圧倒的多数は、投資家の成功は運で決まるという効率的経済仮説の主張に反論していると述べた。[56] マルキール[57]は、プロのポートフォリオマネージャーの3分の2が(1996年までの)30年間にわたってS&P 500指数を越える実績を出せていない(しかも、ある年に実績が高い人とその次の年に実績が高い人の間の相関は殆どない)ことを示している。


2007~2008年の金融危機は、効率的市場仮説を新たな詮索と批判に晒すことになった[58]。マーケットストラテジストのジェレミー・グラントハムは、仮説を信じることでフィナンシャルリーダーたちに「株式バブル崩壊の危険性を長期にわたっての低い見積もり」を持たせたと主張し、この金融危機は効率的市場仮説に責任があると断言した[4] 。著名なジャーナリストのロジャー・ロウェンスタインは理論を激しく非難し、「現在の大いなる後退の良い面は、効率的市場仮説として知られる学術的なノストラムの心臓に杭を打てたことだ」と断言した。[5]元連邦準備議長のポール・ボルカーは同意して「近年の金融危機の原因の中でも合理的期待と市場効率性への正当化されない確信は明らかに」責があるとし[59] あるフィナンシャルアナリストは「2007~2009年までは、効率的経済仮説をありのままの真実として信じ込んだ狂信者でなければならなかった」と言及している[60]







  1. ^ a b c Fama, Eugene (1970). "Efficient Capital Markets: A Review of Theory and Empirical Work". Journal of Finance 25 (2): 383–417. doi:10.2307/2325486. JSTOR 2325486. 
  2. ^ a b http://www.investopedia.com/articles/basics/04/022004.asp
  3. ^ Fox, Justin (2009). Myth of the Rational Market. Harper Business. ISBN 0-06-059899-9. 
  4. ^ a b Nocera, Joe (2009年6月5日). "Poking Holes in a Theory on Markets". New York Times. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/06/06/business/06nocera.html?scp=1&sq=efficient%20market&st=cse 2009年6月8日閲覧。 
  5. ^ a b Lowenstein, Roger (2009年6月7日). "Book Review: 'The Myth of the Rational Market' by Justin Fox". Washington Post. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/06/05/AR2009060502053.html 2011年8月5日閲覧。 
  6. ^ Desai, Sameer (2011年3月27日). "Efficient Market Hypothesis". http://www.indexingblog.com/2011/03/27/efficient-market-hypothesis/ 2011年6月2日閲覧。 
  7. ^ Kirman, Alan. "Economic theory and the crisis." Voxeu. 14 November 2009.
  8. ^ See Working (1934), Cowles and Jones (1937), and Kendall (1953), and later Brealey, Dryden and Cunningham.
  9. ^ a b Fox J. (2002). Is The Market Rational? No, say the experts. But neither are you—so don't go thinking you can outsmart it. Fortune.
  10. ^ a b Empirical papers questioning EMH:
    • Francis Nicholson. Price-Earnings Ratios in Relation to Investment Results. Financial Analysts Journal. Jan/Feb 1968:105–109.
    • Sanjoy Basu. (1977). Investment Performance of Common Stocks in Relation to Their Price-Earnings Ratios: A test of the Efficient Markets Hypothesis. Journal of Finance 32:663–682.
    • Rosenberg B, Reid K, Lanstein R. (1985). Persuasive Evidence of Market Inefficiency. Journal of Portfolio Management 13:9–17.
  11. ^ a b Fama E, French K. (1992). The Cross-Section of Expected Stock Returns. Journal of Finance 47:427–465
  12. ^ Beechey M, Gruen D, Vickrey J. (2000). The Efficient Markets Hypothesis: A Survey. Reserve Bank of Australia.
  13. ^ Cootner (ed.), Paul (1964). The Random Character of StockMarket Prices. MIT Press. 
  14. ^ Fama, Eugene (1965). "The Behavior of Stock Market Prices". Journal of Business 38: 34–105. doi:10.1086/294743. 
  15. ^ Samuelson, Paul (1965). "Proof That Properly Anticipated Prices Fluctuate Randomly". Industrial Management Review 6: 41–49. 
  16. ^ Market Sense and Nonsense: How the Markets Really Work (and How They Don't) - Jack D. Schwager
  17. ^ Collin Read. The Efficient Market Hypothesists: Bachelier, Samuelson, Fama, Ross, Tobin, and Shiller. http://books.google.com/books?id=mbpUKryi9vcC&pg=PA85&lpg=PA85#v=onepage&q&f=false. 
  18. ^ "The efficient market hypothesis: problems with interpretations of empirical tests". Template:Cite webの呼び出しエラー:引数 accessdate は必須です。
  19. ^ Jung, Jeeman; Shiller, Robert (2005). "Samuelson's Dictum And The Stock Market". Economic Inquiry 43 (2): 221–228. doi:10.1093/ei/cbi015. 
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  25. ^ Nisan, Roughgarden, Tardos, Vazirani (2007). Algorithmic Game Theory. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-87282-0. 
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  29. ^ Fama, Eugene F. (1991), "Efficient capital markets: II", The Journal of Finance 46 (5): 1575-1617, doi:10.1111/j.1540-6261.1991.tb04636.x, JSTOR 2328565, http://jstor.org/stable/2328565 
  30. ^ a b Shiller, Robert (2005). Irrational Exuberance (2d ed.). Princeton University Press. ISBN 0-691-12335-7. 
  31. ^ Burton G. Malkiel (2006). A Random Walk Down Wall Street. ISBN 0-393-32535-0. p.254.
  32. ^ http://www.businessinsider.com/warren-buffett-on-efficient-market-hypothesis-2010-12
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