イズマイール (torpedo boat)
17th torpedo boat イズマイール 267th torpedo boat Ninth minesweeper | ||
Warship career | ||
17th torpedo boat МиноносецъNo.17 | ||
The start of work | July, 1884 ニコラーエフ naval shipyard | |
The launching | 1885 | |
The completion | 1886July 12 | |
Position | ![]() | |
イズマイール Измаилъ | ||
The changing of a name | July 29, 1886 | |
Position | ![]() | |
267th torpedo boat МиноносецъNo.267 | ||
The changing of a name | 1895April 8 | |
Position | ![]() | |
Removal from a register | 1907November 29 | |
Re-registration | 1908 | |
Ninth minesweeper ТральщикъNo.9 | ||
The changing of a name | 1909 | |
Position | ![]() | |
Removal from a register | 1913 | |
Essential points | ||
Warship class | Torpedo boat・Aviso・Minesweeper | |
Warship grade | イズマイール grade | |
Displacement | 76t | |
Full length | 38.86 m | |
Overall width | 3.53 m | |
Draft | 0.8 m / 2.18m (tailpiece) | |
Engine | 2 cylinder steam engines | One engine |
The output | 900 hp | |
Boiler | One engine | |
Screw | One engine | |
Speed | 27.6 kn | |
Flying range | 800 nm | |
Crew | Officer | Three people |
Sailor | 15 people | |
Armament | 37mm 単装砲 point kiss | 2 gates |
381mm water torpedo tube | 2 gates |
イズマイール (Russian :Измаи́лъ イズマイール) is a torpedo boat of Russian Empire (Миноносецъ). 艇名 comes from fortress which Alexander スヴォーロフ general recaptured than Ottoman Empire in bare soil war, Ukrainian city イズマイール. It was a first mass production type sailing torpedo boat constructed in Russia.
Table of contents
イズマイール started work in a naval shipyard (のちの ルッスード) of ニコラーエフ as a 17th torpedo boat (Миноно́сецъNo.17 ミナノースィェツ ノーミェル スィムナーッツァチ) in July, 1884. I was launched in 1885 and was completed on July 12, 1886 and was deployed to the Black Sea fleet of the Russian Empire Navy. The name of イズマイール was given the completion room on few July 29. 主要兵装 was the rigid torpedo tube 2 gate equipped with by a bow.
イズマイール which was a domestic first mass production type sailing torpedo boat in Russia received a Lord of sea trial elaborately. It took examination until an end of 1886 and I moved to セヴァストーポリ on April 8 in the next year and got practice and various examination use with other war vessels. イズマイール took a turn for a marine voyage with torpedo boat Pochi and drill yeah, sailing gunboat クバーネツ on April 18. イズマイール showed prominent navigation speed to other war vessels in that.
Because イズマイール showed superior performance, it was admitted into the practice mine squadron of the Mikhail ノーヴィコフ rear admiral. The ノーヴィコフ major general organized a practice mine squadron for the mine force enhancement of the Black Sea fleet which the deployment of the torpedo boat was late for in the commanders who had the experience that commanded the torpedo boat of 60 by Barthes fleet till then till then.
At the launching ceremony of Black Sea fleet first fleet ironside シノープ performed grandly on May 20, イズマイール acted as the flagship of the commemorative fleet in a warship decoration. イズマイール carried out the proof firing of the torpedo with the ocean afterwards.
When a dispute with Ottoman Empire intensified in 1887, イズマイール passed to ベリベク for laying and the patrol duty of the underwater mine with schooner ゴネーツ and went on a voyage with torpedo boat Pochi afterwards to ニコラーエフ. This became the first large-scale actual fighting duty for イズマイール. Furthermore, I guarded flagship チェスマ of the task fleet in オチャーコフ and carried out a patrol duty in ベレザーニ island of the Dnieper = Buch liman and carried out a surprise attack duty again in the night.
In 1889, イズマイール built more fuel tanks based on a further expedition plan in 艇上 and went over to Novorossiysk from セヴァストーポリ with steamship ケードロフ and torpedo boat ゲレンジーク.
In イズマイール, 艇名 was renamed on April 8, 1895 by a 267th torpedo boat (Миноно́сецъNo.267 ミナノースィェツ ノーミェル ドヴィェースチ シヂスャート スィェーミ).
The 267th torpedo boat supported the Lord of ポチョムキン = タヴリーチェスキー and, in the case of the revolt of Battleship Potemkin of 1905, raised a red flag, and, as for this small torpedo boat, it was in the place where the existence was known to at a bound in the world. The 267th torpedo boat guarded ポチョムキン and made a round trip to Constanta, フェオドーシヤ three times from Odessa. However, judging from performance of 艇, イズマイール had difficulty in navigation on further high seas. Crews finished navigating 240 浬 by oneself somehow, and they got home from Constanta to セヴァストーポリ from June 25, 1905 through 26th while lacking in a commander.
On November 29, 1907, the 267th torpedo boat was struck from the register with five consort boats (the 251st, the 254th, the 255th, the 257th, the 258th). However, I am organizing a minesweeping corps for a coming mine attack by the Black Sea fleet newly then, and the 267th torpedo boat will walk the second life in this military unit. The 267th torpedo boat organized a minesweeping corps with a 258th torpedo boat of the consort boat in 1908, and 艇名 was changed to ninth minesweeper (Тра́льщикъNo.9 トラーリシク ノーミェル ヂェーヴャチ) [1] in 1909. The ninth minesweeper engaged in minesweeping, a patrol duty and the fleet guards duty in nearshore waters and was managed until 1913. It is told another view to have been managed until 1915 or 1916. [2][3]
Allied item
- I am called ^ T-9 (Т-9 テー ヂェーヴィャチ).
- ^ Военно-МорскаяКоллекция -> Корабли/Р.М.Мельников, "Миноносцытипа"Измаил"" //Судостроение, 1981, No. 7 (Russian)
- Old torpedo boat ゲレンジーク is renamed on ^ July 21, 1915 by a ninth minesweeper, and it is natural that the late ninth minesweeper (old torpedo boat イズマイール) thinks that it was removed from a register by this time.
Outside link
- Миноносец"Измаил" (Russian)
- МиноносецNo.267 («Измаил») (Russian)
- МорведМиноносцытипа«Измаил» (Russian)
- МиноносецNo.267 (Russian)
- Эскадренныйброненосец"КнязьПотемкин-Таврический"иминоносецNo.267 (Russian)
- Интернет-клубюногоморяка (Russian)
- Военно-МорскаяКоллекция -> Корабли/Миноносцытипа"Измаил" (Russian)
- 9. Тип"Измаил"— перваяотечественнаясерия (Russian)
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