2016년 7월 30일 토요일

The Hatsunes left good luck

The Hatsunes left good luck

The Hatsunes left good luck
The date of birth 1974November 26(41 years old)
Hometown Japanese flag JapanTokyoSetagaya-ku
Teacher The Hatsunes left bridge
Assumption of the family name 1. The Hatsunes left good luck (2004 -)
Musical accompaniment on a stage さっちゃん
Activity period 2004 -
Activity contents Comic story teller
Position Association of rakugo
Official site Authorized homepage
Receiving a prize career
2014 age second うらわ rakugo championship championship

A comic story teller from Setagaya-ku, Tokyo having good the Hatsunes left (はつねやさきち, November 26, 1974 [1] -). Two eyes of the association of rakugo position. The musical accompaniment on a stage "さっちゃん." The crest "a plum."

Table of contents


Appearance program


  1. Extra number east and west variety hall entertainment family name model p84 for ^ Tokyo tile


Outside link

This article is taken from the Japanese Wikipedia The Hatsunes left good luck

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