2016년 7월 29일 금요일



Studio album of JUN SKY WALKER(S)
Release 2012April 25
Genre Lock
Time 55 minutes 01 seconds
Label IVY Records
Chart best order
JUN SKY WALKER(S) chronological table
Single of "LOST&FOUND" collecting
  1. Youth
    Release: 2008September 10
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LOST&FOUND (lost and F yes a doh) is an original album of 11 items of JUN SKY WALKER(S). On April 25, 2012, I was released. The sales agency is IVY Records.

Table of contents


  • The catch phrase "is full of Jun ska, rock." .
  • After re-organization, it became approximately 16 years since the last release with the first original album really from previous work "EXIT".
  • As for the Teraoka reason, the theme of this product, "the rock band is the best!" [1].
  • In the official site, the special site of the album was established. Kazuhisa Sakurai of self-sleeve notes [1] and Mr. Children of this product by Teraoka, JUN SKY WALKER(S) including Chiaki of the talent and the blurb [2] by the celebrity with the relationship were placed.
  • I make Suzuki Daichi Hideyuki an arranger and arrange it jointly in #2,9,10. In addition, the credit of words, the composition is unified all in "J(S)W" other than #8.
  • Recording of "LOST&FOUND" is likely, and Music Video of "NO FUTURE" records the first limited edition DVD.
  • In the last of the booklet, the message to Jun ska fan is placed.

Collecting music

  1. Qualification - Rock' n Roll License ... of the lock
    Teraoka reason, a lock liberation declaration song of the positive Jun ska "that the heart of the lock will give life" to.
    I tell that I wanted to reproduce a shock and sound when I listened to tape of the Jun ska for the first time for school days in this "qualification of the lock" [1].
    The arrangement seemed to be carried out for the image that Jun ska did at a stadium. Teraoka states, "I thought that there is the allowable power of the stadium class some other time." about the guitar sound of the forest [1].
  3. Rat race - success in life frenzied uproar music ...
    In the live introduction, it becomes annual to cry with "ジュンタ". This goes to watch a live of AC/DC in members; at introduction "here it seemed to be with an opportunity "Angus to have told "ジュンタ!" that was, it should be" in place of" (guitarist of AC/DC) [1]. In addition, Kobayashi is in charge of the lines just before the rust.
  4. WAGON
    On a tour at the time of the re-organization of 2008, it becomes the motif to have rotated only in four members [1].
    Though is Teraoka reason, a negative title name; the most positive contents. Among albums so-called only music [1] that "is Jun ska-like."
    Music Video was produced and was recorded in the first board DVD of this product.
  6. Lock festival
    Teraoka reason, "the music that is the beat that it is like pistols." Even recording having been carried out to the first piece. In addition, I state that Kobayashi likes this music most [1].
  7. Dependence BABY
    If a punk band does Teraoka reason, American pop music. という image. [1].
  8. Youth (Album Mix)
    In the single of 12 items, it is the first single person after re-organization. It is reprinted and states that I performed it without hearing a version daringly in 2008 [1].
  9. Time capsule
    A ballad to see it in Teraoka reason, a love song, and to get for the wind that is not so. The Jun ska of the complete revival wants to give that both lock and ballad evolve, too. I speak と. In addition, the song case seemed to take time with this album most [1].
  10. Symphony
    TSUTAYA rental-only single. Because it is the stage of the demonstration at first, and Teraoka did not still have many familiarity feelings as the Jun ska, I thought whether you come from candidate album, but state that I investigate the directionality that "is familiar with Jun ska" and completed it so that Miyata continues saying saying "this music is good most", and it is pushed from behind by the words. In addition, Miyata told you "to make the this single" [1].
  11. Rock'n roll ☆ music
    After the 20th anniversary of 2008, I performed a session on the basis of guitars only in forest and Teraoka and I cut and brought it down and, from the enormous sessions, was built up [1].
  • All songs songwriting (except #8), arrangement (except #2,9,10): J(S)W
  • Songwriting (#8): Teraoka call person
  • Arrangement (#2,9,10): Suzuki Daichi Hideyuki & J(S)W

Participation musician


Allied item

Outside link

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