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Fight of ナムソス

Fight of ナムソス

Fight of ナムソス
The Allied Forces officers who clear up the ruins after the bombing of the German military in ナムソス in April, 1940.
War: World War II
The date: From April, 1940 to the beginning of May
A place: Southern part of Norway and ナムソス
A result:Flag of Nazis Germany Victory of the German country
War power
Flag of Nazis Germany German country Norwegian flag Norway
British flag The U.K.
French flag The French Republic

Leader, commander
- British flag Adrian carton デ we art
Norwegian flag I ベルグ Getz Bros. (Ole Berg Getz) [1] [2]
French flag シルヴェストル = Gerard オデ (Sylvestre-Gérard Audet)

6,000 officers 3,500 British troops
2,500 French militaries
500 Norwegian militaries

The damage
Ignorance British troops
*19 death in battle
*Injury 42
*96 disappearance

Fight of Norway

Fight (fight of ナムソス) of ナムソス is a battle performed in Norwegian ナムソス from April, 1940 through the beginning of May. An intense fight was performed between the armed forces of U.K. France Poland and the Norwegian army and navy and Reichswehr at ナムソス and the outskirts. This fight was one of the first important events during World War II performed between the marshalcy of both U.K. France militaries and the German military.

Table of contents


When World War II broke out in September, 1939, Norway expected that I kept distance from the war that was going to swallow Europe again and took the neutral situation that succeeded in World War I. Therefore it was peaceful until Nazis Germany set an attack by the armed forces combination suddenly in April, 1940. Unlike a case during World War I, a fortress gun existed with the Norwegian navy which consisted of the main personnel required and was in condition that the military unit was mobilized partially. The Norwegian military only operated a battalion (Alta battalion (en)) where it was few as precautionary measures for the possibility that Norway invasion was performed in conjunction with war in winter performed between Finland and the Soviet Union in the northern part of Norway. The Norwegian government performed the modernization of the military busily in the late 1930s, but was still in a developing state. The influence of the wide military affairs budget reduction carried out for a policy of the pacifism from the late 1920s through the early 1930s was clear. Therefore, as of 1940, the Norwegian military was one of the armed forces of the weakest in Europe.

There were some reasons to attack Norway in Nazis Germany, and military affairs industry of iron ore はは Germany primarily to produce from the mine in Kiruna in northern Sweden needed it. A main port called ルレオ where I could carry out iron ore into by ship in Gulf of Bothnia in northern Baltic Sea only during summer existed. However, in the port, Sweden shipped most of the iron ore to the railroad by ship every year to the warm-water port that existed in Narvik far in northern Norway during several months to freeze up during the winter by transporting it. When it was usual, 80% of iron ore were exported via Narvik. The only choice between the winter was a port of the Baltic Sea which there was not of what I was snowbound to ice in the south of Stockholm, the transport by rail that had a long it to オクレースンド (Oxelosund). However, I suggested the thing that only 1 could transport of the quantity that Germany needed of only 5 minutes by the export from オクレースンド in the British information. The military industry of Germany was not able to produce a tank, a gun, a submarine and other weapons without the existence of Swedish iron exported via Narvik.

In the spring of 1940, the British admiralty investigated possibility to dispatch a British fleet to the Baltic Sea in a Catherine plan (en) to block marine transportation in the summer of Germany. However, if a marine route from Narvik is opening, this strategy might lose an effect, but the Norway attack of the Germany forces will go ahead of a British plan in the Baltic Sea.

Because the British navy was to lay an underwater mine in the Norwegian sea near the shore which a German ore carrier passed, Germany felt uneasy about it. And the British plan considerably advanced by sponsorship of Minister of the Navy Winston Churchill. However, it was Germany first to have recaptured Norway.

Counteroffensive plan of the Allied Forces

Narvik, Trondheim, Oslo, the main area including Bergen of Norway were gained control of on the first day of the attack operation start by a surprise attack, and the Norwegian forces fought in the Germany forces in the Oslo north. When I decided that I regained Trondheim to prevent that the U.K., the French prime minister and the military adviser were connected to the Norwegian military, and the Germany forces attacked the north, it was the opinion. If this succeeded, the Allied Forces could prevent most of import of German iron ore and should have been going to get an air force in northern Norway and a naval base more.

Norway did the topography which became narrow in Trondheim, and what prevented the southing of the German forces should have become easy. You had to attack it passing through Sweden that the German military detoured around this position and fought against the Norwegian military and Allied Forces.

The Lord Roger H. Keith who acted as a Diet member (en) accused that I paid out an old type battleship as needed repeatedly and took Trondheim away from the Germany forces back of the admiral of the fleet who retired at Churchill and reported when I acted as the commander of the attack strategy.

An old battleship overthrew a shore gun occupied by the German military and invaded the Trondheim fjord and performed the landing of the armed forces combination there and, by the plan, was to recapture a city recently. And it was decided to go ashore in the fjord north and south to perform 挟撃作戦 in a city. For these decision, in the Dudley pound first Minister of the Navy, the army which are the chief of staff, in the Lord Edmund Ironside, the air force, Lord Cyril Newell (en) and others will take responsibility.

However, the landing to the small point became a simple demonstration strike military ration because the British troops chief of staff lost the nerve. The Royal Air Force meant that I could not use Trondheim, and marshalcy in this way meant Luftwaffe, that you must fight against a German naval military unit equally. Churchill was disappointed at this strategy very much, but faced what the army, the upper echelon of the air force, the advisers at navy combined it and objected to. Therefore, Churchill came to have to withdraw. A stroke develops in Keith later, and this onset will participate in the people who attacked the government to end a strategy in Norway above all.

It was thought that ナムソス (there were 3,615 residents) was the position that was good theoretically to let a military unit in charge of the attack of the north side from the position and facilities go ashore. I did not freeze, and the port of ナムソス had depth from 18 to 30 feet by 770 feet of width from 320 for wood business by 1940, and the approach and the port to ナムソス were provided with three good waterfronts (one was made of stones) throughout the year. These conditions were suitable to let a military unit and supplies go ashore for Trondheim recapture while a smaller warship transported it. Besides, ナムソス existed on the branch line of the ノルトラント rail line, and a gravel path led to Trondheim of approximately 40 miles of south more.

Check operation

I sought light cruiser Sheffield, destroyer Soma re-マシオナ, Matabele, アフリディ at the Norwegian coast, and the F H peg lamb (en) colonel of light cruiser Glasgow that was active with Mohawk was ordered a small military unit consisting of the U.K. Marine Corps by ナムソス for an investigation to precede the landing on April 13, 1940 to strike it. エッド colonel leads the landing party and has begun to secure a defense position after the landing in the hill in the suburbs of the town on April 14, but will make a plane of Luftwaffe come near immediately.

The military unit which already departs, and left for Narvik will be converted to reinforce military power quickly when the first landing succeeds. There was it on carrier Empress of Australia and Polish ホロブルィ (Chrobry) in the 146th brigade.

In addition, I appointed you a commander of the northwest expeditionary force on April 14, and Adrian carton デ we art lieutenant general was appointed and went to ナムソス by short Sunderland flying boat on April 15. The デ we art received the shooting with the German military plane at the time of a water landing. Because his subordinate who went together got injured, you had to go back to the U.K., but the デ we art was the energetic, able commander who roused the military unit of subordinates by the bravery during an air strike. However, I was not able to use the plane of the Allied Forces for protection of the ナムソス sky against Luftwaffe.

Because the harbor facilities of ナムソス is insufficient, and the danger by the air raid is big, as for the strength of an army, the suggestion of the destroyer Soma re-captain that you should leave for ナムソス after moving it to the destroyer is adopted once by a carrier, and the strength of an army will be moved to the destroyer in Lillesjona of 100 miles of northern ネースナ (en) by a carrier. I sought destroyer アフリディ from a carrier on April 16 and Matabele, マシオナ, transportation work to ヌビアン were started, but received the attack with the German military plane in the middle. There was not the hit warship, but the destroyer went to ナムソス with transportation work being on the way. As for the destroyer which I put 36 officers, strength of an army 1,208 on, it was struck ナムソス and Bangsund in them デ we art as follows by the end of the same day.

I it to the landing and the south

In April, 1940 in captive, Trondheim of British troops

I managed that the デ we art took down discrete military unit and machine parts from a ship in darkness in ナムソス of 5 hours in the end of April and transported it to the hill and let you force them. The German military performed surveillance flight several times, but did not notice that the landing was performed on the previous night. There was not time to establish the headquarters for we art in ムソス and dispatched a defense corps to the south to use to occupy the village of Bangsund to the long bridge which crossed ナムソスフィヨルド more to control one of two ways which lengthened. それらがノルウェー軍のオレ・ゲッツ(Ole Getz)大佐指揮下の少数の部隊と合流した所で、彼はさらに2番目ルートである直接Bangsundの村へ向かわず、一旦、Grongへ向かうルートの南沿いの真東へ300名を送った。 そして、トロンヘイムフィヨルドの先頭にあるBreitstadfjordへ向かうためにより小さなグループはBangsundの南へ送られた。



















イギリス軍はナムソスを出入りする艦艇のために潜水艦攻撃から保護する必要性を感じていた。空軍の支援が存在しなかったため、作戦に参加していた小型艦艇、対潜スループ、対潜トロール船らは空爆に晒されており、4月30日、イギリス海軍スループ、ビターン(en)はユンカースJu87の爆撃で大損害を受け処分された。また、イギリスの対潜トロール船セント・ゴラン(St. Goran)も損傷し、乗員によって翌日沈められた。5月1日、今度は対潜トロール船、ゴール(Gaul)、アストン・ヴィラ(Aston Villa)が航空攻撃により失われた。別のトロール船アラブ(en)はセント・ゴランから乗組員を受け入れ、4月28日から5月2日までアラブは31回の空爆に耐えた。その後、この5日間の功績をたたえられ、艦長のリチャード・ビーン・スタナード(en)(イギリス海軍予備員)はヴィクトリア十字勲章を与えられた。

ノルウェー空軍は周辺に展開した部隊が存在せず、ドイツ軍に対応する唯一の空軍部隊はイギリス軍が上陸している間、存在しただけであった。短期間のパトロールは航空母艦グローリアスからいくつかの旧式複葉戦闘機グロスター グラディエーターが沖合いで行うのみであったが、彼らはドイツ軍機3機を撃墜した。グローリアスから飛び立ったグラディエーター8機はレスヤスクーグ(en)の凍ったLesjaskogsvatnet(湖)のから短距離のみ活動したが、南のナムソスを支援するにはあまりにも遠かった。













航空支援の不足は大きな不利となり、ノルウェー軍の数少ない旧式機は遠く南に配置されていた。ドイツ軍がノルウェーの飛行場を占領したため、イギリス海軍の航空機のみが連合軍の利用できた全ての航空機であった。1920年代から1930年代にかけての国防支出の圧縮により、イギリス軍が航空支援を海上輸送部隊に提供するのに十分な航空母艦を所有していないことを意味した。そして、イギリス空軍の配下にイギリス海軍航空隊を所属させたことにより、海軍が最新鋭機を得ることが優先されないことを意味した。イギリス軍はこの点で、日本より相当遅れており、グロスター グラディエーターブラックバーン スクアはドイツ軍のメッサーシュミットBf109メッサーシュミット Bf110He111には単純に性能で及ぶことがなかった。さらにフランス軍には航空母艦はベアルン1隻しか存在せず、しかもノルウェー方面に配備されていなかった。







  1. ^ Steinkjer Encyclopedia: Regiment no. 13 (ノルウェー語)
  2. ^ Norwegian army units in 1940 (英語)
  3. ^ Hegra Fortress home page (ノルウェー語)
  4. ^ Steinkjer Encyclopdia: Steinkjer during World War II (ノルウェー語)
  5. ^ Steinkjer Encyclopedia: Bombing Sunday (ノルウェー語)


  • Buckley, Christopher (1977 (first published in 1952)). Norway, The Commandos, Dieppe. Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London,. ISBN none. 
  • Churchill, Winston S. (1961). The Second World War, Volume I, The Gathering Storm. Bantam Books, New York,. ISBN none. 
  • De Wiart, Adrian Carton (1950). Happy Odyssey. Jonathan Cape, London,. ISBN none. 
  • Jackson, Robert (2001). Before the Storm, The Story of Bomber Command, 1939 to 1942. Cassell and Co., London,. ISBN none. 
  • Kersaudy, François (1987). Norway 1940. St. Martin's Press, New York. ISBN 0-312-06427-6. 
  • Poolman, Kenneth (1980). HMS Kelly. New English Library, London,. ISBN none. 
  • Terraine, John (1988). The Right of the Line. Septre, Seven Oaks, Kent,. ISBN none. 
  • unknown (1943). Norway, Vol. 2. Naval Intelligence Division, London,. ISBN none. 
  • Geirr H Haarr, The Battle for Norway -April-June 1940-, Naval Institute Press, 2010, ISBN 978-1-59114-051-1

This article is taken from the Japanese Wikipedia Fight of ナムソス

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