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With a fool (fool),
- A stupid thing [1].
- Being lacking in social common sense [2] [1] (use it with "specialized fool" "actor fool" "doting parents").
- Being inferior, and intelligence being stupid [2].
- Do not be clogged up [2]. A useless thing [1].
- Do not be useful [1]. Do not function [2].
I transcribe it in the kanji with a fool, 馬稼, a broken house, a person of lameness, but all are phonetic equivalents including a fool. I may transcribe it into a fool, a fool in a hiragana letter and katakana. In addition, I may be transcribed into "fool" and "β α κ α" (description of クサチュー vocabulary to use the special characters such as Greek characters for) on the Internet.
Table of contents
General statement
Stimulation may be too strong to make fun of a partner in Japanese, and to make abuse (I spoil the feelings of the partner by considering the viewpoint low the negation of the personality) when I use it at the public seat which is used most commonly [3] [3].
According to Koujien, I am considered that it is old and was the secret language of the priest [1], and probably there are the word that turned from moha (word of the meaning "ignorance") of the Sanskrit (Sanskrit) and the done opinion that [1] varies. →The # etymology
This word is used in Japanese widely, but a meaning and the nuance vary according to an area, a used place. For example, I am generally often used at mild ridicule degree in Kanto, but there is difference to be used when I curse it with the feelings that are strong in Kansai to the full. I am received by the hometown of the listener, and attention is necessary to greatly vary in (following dialect and cf. distribution situation).
"Knowledge is not enough" by the relatively frequent nuance and "consideration is insufficient" and, besides, is used by implication called "(I abuse a stereotype) lacking the degree of the understanding". But a tendency that intention and the effort that the person in question is going to understand basically are short is strong.
The usage (the strength and weakness of the meaning) with "the fool" (I lack ability to it stupid, and to understand it, and to think about) of the synonym includes the difference by the area. I tend to use "the stupidity" in a light meaning in Kanto, and "the fool" tends to be used with feelings of the considerably strong contempt for one (I may be sometimes used affectionately) of. But, in Kansai, "a fool" is used for the objection by a light nuance (whereas I may be used affectionately), and "the fool" tends to be used with the feelings of the strong swear word.
"The fool" often uses the feelings of the swear word in Kanto without putting it. Typical examples include a conversation exchanged among close relationship and lovers [note 1]. The bad point is used in relationship liking each other in addition, too. The meaning of this case does not have the meaning to curse. Like a secret language on expressing expression and "shyness" of "the close friendship" or "I love it seriously", I am used in various situation. It can become the barometer indicating the very close state [note 2].
I tell the state that has lost social common sense "to be stupid" because I get absorbed in something. This points at the state that general consideration and common-sense consideration become the disregard (disregard) because I get absorbed in something. "Doting parent" (おやばか) is that oneself pro-does not notice the stupidity though I do that is too stupid in another's eyes that a parent dote only on one's child [4]. I deeply attach only about a specific field (specific study) so as to be abnormal and have knowledge, but "a specialized fool" is an awfully than a commoner ignorant person when I relate to it any place other than the field. I lose too social common sense to get absorbed in fishing when I say, "fishing is stupid" and point to the person who gives priority to fishing over a family and work (in this meaning "a hobby" equal to the synonym).
(the person with the awareness tells that I am about to lose social common sense "not to get off with a doting parent" more or less and I forestall it about the possibility that I give you a thing and the discomfort that give another person discomfort and may be sorry)
Old days say "crassitude" to the extreme person among fools, but the person who too missed the footing for the common sense by the extremely recent youth words may say with "super fool" "hard fools".
Because "the stupidity" is speech including the implication emotional more or less, the use is often limited at the public place. For example, I may be driven into the fatal situation as a member of society when I use the same word toward the boss of the position organization. In addition, a state to curse it when stupid だ is what each other, and to grip you by quarrels without the consideration between children is often seen, but this is one case which both sides are seen like a fool in others. Furthermore, I offend the partner when I use the same word repeatedly and may become the implication to look down on a person.
When I am combined with other words, I it
Like the aforesaid, it is a fixed form having one "crassitude" (an aunt) to acquire "very much" before when I emphasize a fool. And, for another fixed form, there is "a fool" accompanied by a guy behind. In addition, called "a fool" (of the fool) is used, and there is the one, too. Furthermore, there is "a fool" by expression to identify an individual not emphasis. When I emphasize this, "a great fool" (of the fool) is employed.
A combination between the abuse word includes "a fool".
On the contrary, ironical expression includes "a slow-witted person" (こばか).
When I am treated affirmatively, I it
For example, like "empty-handed stupid Kazuyo," there is the example called the fool with such a figure which is completed with some kind of things by continuing walking without bending one way although being awkward. There is the expression such as "desire of the honesty to a fault", too. In addition, it is obedient, but may make some kind of impressions for a worthless person but the frankness because I am slow. Of kind "to be praise as for the baseball fool" in the "MAJOR" series of Takuya Manda for this example sell, and there are words, and even CM of the work by the same author is used.
There will be failure and the loss if I do not work out a complexed thought and plot in living. I can be deceived in particular. There are the words, "a honest person feels like a fool". However, it is a crime to deceive, but it is not a crime to be deceived (there are many cases). It is held in at least honest people such a fool. "Fool of Ivan" and "rain ニモマケズ" seem to be this direction.
I am similar a little, but I consider various situation and then may not go straight through justice for the judgment of adult solving things in form to comply with it. There is the example called "a fool" with a state to advance straight without a youth being able to tolerate such situation. The naivety means this in some cases. Or I point to the energy that is apt to go off accidentally of the youth, and there is the example called the fool, too. For example, what feel age, and "do not have the fool anymore" is paradoxical, but shows it.
On the other hand, when power to think about things is weak, and things are not pushed forward well, I will make various mistakes, but I care about rather the figure being various, and it will be with the refreshing occurrence in the society which reads a point, and cannot but move. 良寛 as one figure of the Zen priest is near this. The daddy of Bakabon who is a character of comics "genius Bakabon" may carry such a role.
It is said that a novel "fool" of Shusaku Endo imitates Christ.
In addition, the bigger fool may see the expression to be able to become a big shot in literature. For example, as for Ryotaro Shiba, a novel creates forefather Kuni Liu of Han in "clause feather and Kuni Liu" like that.
Example of the implication that the fool has and the situation to be used
- When I fail first of all, I abuse it.
- Stupid act and person
- The "fools!" whom "I did a stupid thing." I may be considered stupid because a mentally-disabled person has a low intelligence [5].
- Something about everything, poor person of the knowledge
- It is you fool, "was a test point zero and is stupid" which does not know "○○ either.
- The state that I cannot judge that is particular about something, and does it, and is objective, and is rational
- Doting parents.
- When I do all night sitting only in the field of a certain identification, and something about everything describes a lacking person as it
- Because "that fellow is a mathematics fool" (as for the )・" soccer fool "・" baseball fool "・" specialty fool "・" round fools who excel in a certain expertise, but other knowledge is used in the negative meaning called the state, または person remarkably ignorant, but may be used in the affirmative meaning called the person indicating the deep attachment that has only the knowledge of the mathematics abundantly, and is abnormal in the direction. There are the comics called "empty-handed stupid Kazuyo" "fishing fool diary", too.
- When I point to the useless thing
- (I cannot fix the screw even if I close a thread in a damaged state by excessive clamping torque no matter how much just to race) that "a screw is out of order." In addition, the case called "I maintain a stupid loss" becomes meaningless about "cutting a screw", but it cannot be said for a "useless" meaning to raise at all in this clause like later description unconditionally because I am to be necessary about "letting a screw go through".
- Prefix to express an uncommonly great thing
- "Naivety" "high jinks" "is in fools?." "Sell a fool" is very new "a smash hit". On the other hand, there is a description in the Kuriyama Beika HP that produces the rice confectionery called "a smash hit" when "degree that is "stupid ~" was used as a dialect called serious" for a long time in Niigata region.
There are some opinions about the etymology, but there is not the decisive thing. But the first to go out with documents is "the fool" in the peaceful note, and it is thought that it is in coming ages than it, and the use "fool" was used only as a phrase "fool" at first by a thing, and it may be said that the opinion assuming it is slightly superior.
- The opinion which assumes a historical fact of "指鹿為馬" (しかをさしてうまとなす) of Historical Memoirs the etymology
- The opinion which spreads most. 趙高 of the eunuch who showed 2s emperor, Hu hour of the Boar charges, power of Hata plotted a rebellion and worried about a move to distinguish one's friend and enemy among courtiers. He let the Imperial Court pull a deer and offered the emperor it when "a rare horse was available". "Is this not a deer?," the emperor asked it, but when 趙高 asked the courtier of right and left when "this must be a horse", the person who was afraid of him said with a horse, and the spirited person who was not afraid of him answered it with a deer. It is said that 趙高 spoiled deer and all the people who answered later. However, such as the "ka" of the deer being the Japanese reading among "fools", and not being able to read a fool with "a fool" by a Chinese sound reading; have a problem.
- Sanskrit (Sanskrit) opinion
- The opinion which I read it and control of the fool who is sound copying of moha meaning "stupidity, stupidity" in Sanskrit. 僧侶が使っていた隠語であって馬鹿という表記は後の当て字であるとする。 江戸時代の国学者天野信景が提唱した説であり、広辞苑をはじめとした主要な国語辞典で採用されている。 しかし馬鹿に「愚か」という意味が当初はなかった[要出典]ので、[要出典]疑問視する研究もある[誰?] 。
- 同じサンスクリット語のmahailaka(摩訶羅:無知)(新村出、石黒修)、あるいはmaha(摩訶:おおきい、偉大な)を語源とする説もある[要出典]。
- バングラデシュの公用語であるベンガル語でも「バカ」[要出典]という単語は日本語と同じく愚かな者を指す。ベンガル語はサンスクリットを祖語とする。
- 若者説
- 「若者(wakamono)」のw音がb音に転じて「馬鹿者」となったとする説[注 3]。民俗学者柳田國男は、広辞苑の編者・新村出が提唱したと書いているが、新村が文章として残していないため不明。新村は広辞苑でサンスクリット説を採用しているが、積極的な採用ではなかったようである。その他、楳垣実など。
- 破家説
- 禅宗の仏典などに出てくる破産するという意味の「破家」と「者」をくっつけて、「破産するほど愚かな者」というところから「馬鹿者」という言葉が生まれたとする説。東北大学の佐藤喜代治によって提唱され、日本国語大辞典で採用されている。
- 馬家説
- 中国にいた馬という姓の富裕な一族が、くだらぬことにかまけて散財し、その家が荒れ放題となったという白居易の白氏文集にある詩の一節から生まれたとする説。「馬家の者」から「馬鹿者」となったとする。『全国アホ・バカ分布考』で松本修が提唱した。
- はかなし説
- 雅語形容詞である「はかなし」の語幹が変化したという説。金田一春彦はこの説によっており、これをとる国語辞典もある。
- をこ説
- 古語で愚かなことを「をこ」といい、これがなまったとする説(アホもこれに由来するのではないかともいうが、いずれも証拠はない)(柳田國男『笑の本願』)。
- ぽけ説
- 「ぼけ(おそらく、「ほうけ(る)」「ふうけ(る)」の転訛)」がなまったとする説(小山田与清『松屋筆記』、永田直行『菊池俗言考』)。
- 「かかるところに、いかなる推参の馬鹿者にてありけん」(太平記 - 巻第十六)
- 「馬鹿 或作母嫁馬嫁破家共狼藉之義也」(文明本節用集)
- 「馬鹿 指鹿曰馬之意」(運歩色葉集)
- 「此家中には、何たる馬嫁も、むさと知行を取ぞと心得て」(甲陽軍鑑 - 品十三)
- 「女朗まじりの大桶、みるから此身は馬鹿となって」(浮世草子・好色一代男 - 五・三)
南北朝時代の太平記での「馬鹿者(バカノモノ)」の使用が初出である。 初期の頃での「馬鹿者」は文明本節用集にあるとおり「狼藉をはたらく者」で、現在の「愚か」の意味を含む言葉ではなかった[注 4]。「愚か」を指す言葉には他に古代から使われていた「烏呼者(ヲコノモノ)」があり、そちらが使用されていた。馬鹿が「愚か」の意を含むようになるのは江戸時代の好色一代男あたりからである。
大阪の朝日放送のバラエティ番組『探偵!ナイトスクープ』において「『アホ』と『バカ』の境界線はどこか」という視聴者からの依頼を元にした調査が行われた。この際に名古屋で「タワケ」が用いられていたこと、番組に秘書として出演していた長崎県出身の岡部まりが「(長崎では)『バカ』と言っていた」と発言したこと、これを見た視聴者から全国各地の「バカ」に相当する方言が寄せられたことなどから、出演者の上岡龍太郎の提案でより本格的な調査が試みられた。1991年(平成3年)、(当時の)全ての市町村の教育委員会を対象にしたこの種の表現の分布状況についての大規模なアンケート調査が行われ、その調査結果に基づいた特別番組が放映され、多数の賞を受賞したほか、日本方言研究会でも注目された。この制作過程を記した『全国アホ・バカ分布考 はるかなる言葉の旅路』(同番組プロデューサー・松本修著、ISBN 4101441219)に非常に詳しい調査結果と考察が載っている。
この番組で制作された「全国アホ・バカ分布図」によれば、「馬鹿」は近畿以西でも却って使われており、また全国各地の方言において「馬鹿」以外の表現も数多く見られる。例えば東北地方では「ホンジナシ」という言葉や、これに似た言葉が多く見られるが、「バカ」系の言葉や「タクランケ[注 5]」「ハンカクサイ」(半可臭い)という言葉も見られる。愛知県は「タワケ」が多いと言われるがこれは西部(尾張地方)で、東部(三河地方)では静岡県の一部などと共に「トロイ」「トロクサイ」が多い。三重県や岡山県には「アンゴウ」という言葉が見られる。富山県・石川県・滋賀県高島市[6]・鳥取県・島根県東部には「ダラ」、「ダラズ」という言葉が見られる。また沖縄地方では「フリムン」や「プリムヌ」という言葉が見られる(これらは一例であり、これら以外の語彙もそれぞれの地域に見られることに注意する必要がある)。「ボケ」などといったその他の言葉も含めて、同心円状に分布しており、同書ではその円の中心が長らく日本の首都であった京都であると指摘している。これは柳田國男が『蝸牛考』で考察している他の言葉の分布状況とも対応する。
中国には馬鹿(ばろく)という、鹿の一種がいる。ヨーロッパや中東のアカシカ(学名:Cervus elaphus)に近縁で、北米北部とユーラシア大陸北東部に分布するワピチ(学名:Cervus canadensis en)のうち、北東アジアに住むものであり、「馬鹿」を「マールー」と発音する。馬鹿の古い角が、脱落した後に新生する幼角を乾燥させたものは、漢方薬の鹿茸(ロクジョウ)として珍重されている
近年「バカ」という言葉がブームになっている。古典的には、このような風潮は、ホルスト・ガイヤーの『馬鹿について 人間――この愚かなるもの』がヒットした1960年代まで遡ると思われるが、とりわけ『バカの壁』の大ヒット以降、「バカ」を冠した書籍が相次ぎ発刊されている。ただし当の『バカの壁』については、著者が述べたのとは違う意味で理解され、言葉そのものが一人歩きしてしまったという点がたびたび指摘される。
リールを用いない釣竿である延べ竿を用いた釣りにおいて、特に渓流釣りでは竿の長さに対して道糸とハリスを合わせた仕掛けの全長が長くなった分を「バカを出す」という。例えば、全長3 m の竿に対し仕掛けの長さが3 m 10 cm あった場合、10 cm がバカとなる。
- 注
- ^ 特に男性が女性に[要出典]
- ^ 馬鹿の「ばっ」という言葉を用いる場合もあるがこの場合は馬鹿と言いかけそうになった場合で本当に言ってる訳ではない。[要出典]
- ^ この説を採る場合、開国当時よりの学生語の由来にドイツ語系列が多い事を根拠としている(ドイツ発音でw字母はヴ発音を表す為。この場合いわゆるクサチュー語のヴァカ時の置き換え由来の一つでもある)。事実日本語を初学するドイツ人は例外なくwの綴りをヴと読む。
- ^ 同様に原義から大きく変わった悪党とは逆の変遷をして来た事になる(こちらの原義も狼藉者の意味ではない)。
- ^ なお、同型の標準語で「たくらだ」があり、「たくらだ猫の隣歩き」という諺も存在する。
- 出典
- ^ a b c d e f 広辞苑「ばか」
- ^ a b c d 大辞泉「ばか」
- ^ a b 「新明解国語辞典 初版」
- ^ 広辞苑「親馬鹿」
- ^ たとえば『だいすき!! ゆずの子育て日記』には軽度の知的障害者が主人公として登場し、彼女が小学校時代に周りから「ばか」呼ばわりされたことが記されている。創作ではあるが、少なくとも傍証にはなるであろう。
- ^ かつては加賀藩の領地だった。
- ^ a b アナタは何人知っている? 年末・年始も引っ張りだこの"おバカ"タレント、そのブームの背景に迫る! 日経トレンディネット(2007年12月27日)2011年(平成23年)4月7日閲覧
- ^ a b おバカタレント、その真価を探る All About(2008年10月23日)2011年(平成23年)4月7日閲覧
- ^ Edward P. Stafford, Little Ship, Big War, New York: Jove, 1985, pp. 253 & 282, ISBN 0515084182, OL7656661M.
- ^ Robert C. Mikesh, "Baka", Japanese Aircraft: Code Names & Designations, Atglen PA: Schiffer, 1993, ISBN 0887404472.
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