2017년 6월 25일 일요일

Yoshito Ota

Yoshito Ota

Yoshito Ota (おおたよしと, 1906 (1906) -1987 age (1987) February 26) is a person of kendo of Japan. The grade is nine steps of Masters of Kendo. 雖井蛙流平法第 15s head family.


I am from Tottori. I learn 雖井蛙流 from former Tottori feudal clan clansman Hidehiko Matsuda.

Enter the physical education society exercises school (existing Nippon College of Health and Physical Education) in Japan; is training by kendo. Even Institute of ascetic practices (Sasaburo Takano dojo studio) trained itself.

After graduation, I acted as Tottori first Junior High School (existing Tottori west Senior High School) teacher and told Yukie Yamane 雖井蛙流.

I successively hold federation of Tottori kendo's vice-chairperson, Tottori Police honor instructor, Tottori University instructor, a member of federation of all-Japan kendo deliberation.

勲五等双光旭日章を receipt of a decoration.


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