2017년 6월 29일 목요일

Vesta Lee station

Vesta Lee station

The Vesta Lee station (English: Westerly station) a station [1] in United States of America Rhode Island Vesta Lee rail road avenue 14. Amtrak of the passenger rail linking the various places throughout the United States runs in it.

Vesta Lee station
Station building
Station building
The location 14 Railroad Avenue
Westerly, RI 02891
Flag of the United States of America The United States of America

Station number WLY
Home Two 2 lines
Vehicle ridership
-Statistics year -
116/day (I do not include a getting off visitor)
-2016 -
Entry of route 1 route
Position route Amtrak logo 2.svg North yeast リージョナル
Approximately 15km

Approximately 27km

Remarks [1][2]
I display a template

Table of contents


Station 1906-1912 years
Station November, 1974

Our station was built in 1912 by New Haven railroad. It is one of a few Spanish revival style stations built in the early 20th century in southern New England.

In the late 1990s, Rhode Island purchased Wes terLee station. In cooperation with town and Amtrak, I planned the complete restoration of the building which I corrected in the appearance of the 1920s and carried out Rhode Island Department of Transportation (English version) (RIDOT) and performed a medical treatment for the latest machinery such as air conditioning or the electricity. The exchange of the roof, the gypsum of the waiting room and restoration of the woodwork and cleaning and repair of the appearance were within the range of the project set aside for approximately 2 million dollars. A party was held in 1999 to celebrate the completion of this project. In 2005, the Rhode Island Department of Transportation received the subsidy of the federal government of 40,000 dollars through a transportation improvement program of the Federal Highway Administration. This fund was used for Vesta Lee of the neighborhood and administration at Kingston Station and maintenance.

The East-West routes of the Connecticut coast crossed the many rivers for railroad investors by any route and were defiant because it was necessary to consider a complicated shoreline. The New Haven and New London railroad (NH & NL) was established to build the track which linked both cities according to the name and, in 1848, was inaugurated in summer in 1852. The passenger changed to a train to New York in New Haven. In the other side of the Thames, New York Providence and Boston railroad (English version) (NYP & B) which linked the Stowe Nin ton to New London in 1852 was built. The New London and ストーニングトン train service was complicated with New Haven and New London train service and, five years later, became the New Haven New London and ストーニングトン railroad (NHNL & S). In the 19th century, most of these routes were absorbed on New Haven railroad in last 25 years. The New Haven railroad became the dominant railroad rapidly in the southern part of New England that linked New York to Boston. The New Haven railroad had route network more than 3,200 kilos by the 1920s and was estimated when I occupied 10% of passenger transportation volume of the United States. I was called "a shore line" by the route of the coast of Connecticut to distinguish it from a main line via Massachusetts Springfield.

Available pike / train

The train which stops of Amtrak according to the follows.

Boston and Washington, diurnal long-distance train north yeast リージョナル between Richmond …4.5 round-trip stop [3] a day



  1. ^ a b "Westerly, RI". Amtrak. April 9, 2017 reading.
  2. ^ "State of Rhode Island (PDF)". Amtrak (November, 2016). April 9, 2017 reading.
  3. ^ "Northeast Regional." Amtrak (January 11, 2016). April 9, 2017 reading.

Outside link

This article is taken from the Japanese Wikipedia Vesta Lee station

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