2017년 6월 6일 화요일

Riyo Takahashi (musician)

Riyo Takahashi (musician)

Riyo Takahashi (たかはしりょう, November 1, 1985 -) is Japanese musician, composer, person of arrangement, bassist, guitarist, music producer, DJ. A member of Japanese Society for Rights of Authors, Composers and Publishers. A member of association of person of product arrangement in Japan. I am from Mie. Former Little GARDEN Little MOON bassist, ONE III NOTES producer.

Riyo Takahashi
Another name Ryo Takahashi
The birth (1985-11-01) 1985November 1(31 years old)
Hometown Japanese flag Japan, Mie
Genre J-POP
Animated cartoon song
Game music

Occupation Composer
Person of arrangement
Music producer

Charge musical instrument Base
Music sequencer

Activity period 2008
Office Al TASS, up dream
Joint worker ONE III NOTES

Table of contents



  • Kenichi Suzumura "NAKED MAN:" Composition, arrangement
  • 下野紘 "REAL" "ONE CHANCE" "Running High:" Composition, arrangement, base, guitar
  • NEWS "Romeo2015" "elegy of the love:" Arrangement, base, guitar
  • BOYS AND MEN "Deseo:" Arrangement
  • Kis-My-Ft2 "LUCKY SEVEN!:" Guitar, base
  • HY "excuse man and and I love it woman:" Arrangement
  • Cyntia "Run to the Future:" Arrangement
  • Jello "Break my heart:" Arrangement

Animated cartoon

Sound track



Magazine, media

Outside link

This article is taken from the Japanese Wikipedia Riyo Takahashi (musician)

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